
5 Quick Tips to be AWESOME at Fiverr as a Seller

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Fiverr is probably the best place for Freelancers who just stepped in the world of Freelancing and even I have been suggesting Fiverr as a great place for newbies to start their freelancing career. Last year, I was nothing more than a blogger, I had a blog running up and I was struggling to achieve my goals.

But, then I saw many friends who started working at Fiverr and they were getting good results. I had no idea about freelancing. I just had some basic Photoshop knowledge. So I thought I should give it a try and then I created an account on Fiverr.  Shortly after doing some quick research in my niche, I Published my gig: my first gig was on ‘logo design’ niche, meanwhile I was exploring Fiverr, learning and observing popular & new gigs. So After one and a half month that 45 days of consistent wait! I Finally got two orders in a day. It was unbelievable because I had lost hope, but yet I was very happy too. I delivered my work and got good feedback too. After that, I started working seriously there. Fiverr turned me into a Freelancer and brought me an income fortune!

Just to let you know that Fiverr had been the main source from where I earned enough money to buy custom domains for my blogs.

Hope you’ll be doing great as a Seller on Fiverr. In this article, I will be sharing the Quick tips to be AWESOME at Fiverr as a seller.

Quick Tips To Be An Awesome Seller on Fiverr

1. Treat your Buyers as your friends

Ali has been focusing a lot on generating relationships with buyers, like wise, I also suggest that Buyers can be transformed into clients (regular buyers) easily at Fiverr. Talk with them as friends. Start your conversion with ‘Hi’ and end with ‘thanks’. Once the buyer gets inspired by your friendliness, he’ll always consider you first. one of my friends from the USA was not getting new buyers but was making 3 digits income monthly. When I asked How is that possible?

He said it’s all about making good connection with buyers. My old buyers hire me as I am nice to them. In fact, I treat all my buyers (either new OR old) as my friends. Just Impress them with your kindness.

2. Deliver the best Service that you can

That’s more important. Whenever a new buyer orders your gig, start a conversation and ask him/her deeply about the work. When you’ll learn what exactly he/she needs, you can provide the best service.

A simple tip to provide best services is to be highly proficient in your field. Never stop learning. Keep learning new stuff about your field. There will be a time when you’ll be an expert in your field. Once you became an expert in your field, you can satisfy new buyers by providing the best services, you’re able to.

Remember, being average or good is not an option, you do not have a second option except being an excellent! so alway give your best shot.

3. Offer Free gifts to your buyers to make them love you!

Hehe, That’s really great way to turn your buyers into clients. Offer them free gifts. Like Buy One = Get one free.

While I was selling Photoshop designing services at Fiverr, I tried offering free source files. All the buyers were happy. I got some TIPs too by offering free source files. 😉

The Simple rule is to always over deliver, or better give more to your clients than what they are expecting and they will return you the favor some way! (Think Big!)

4. Make your own Value

On Fiverr, you need to make your own value yourself. Charge all your buyers the same amount that would be enough to meet your needs. If you provide the best service then you can charge as much as you can.

Your main aim should be:

Once you’re able to accomplish these, you’re going in the right direction, remember the sky is the limit. 😉

Do you want to learn How to Start Freelancing? checkout my detailed guide where i have explained step by step procedure on how you can start your freelancing career.

5. Be Active

Freelancing work is totally different from office work. In the office, you work for some particular hours while in freelancing, you have to work whenever someone hires you. So, freelancing is a full-time job, but it has its own advantages too.

On Fiverr, you must stay active so that whenever the buyer contacts you, you can reply immediately. Remember that replying earlier is always going to give you a competitive edge on other seller’s in your field. Every buyer wants to get his/her work done quicker because everyone knows that time is money! So, when you stay active, not only you get more orders, but Fiverr also give your gig’s priority in search tab. A friend of mine (part of my Fiverr friends) told me that the sellers that stay active get more sales and I can’t disagree with him. 🙂

Even I have practically observed this thing. Last year, I sold whiteboard animation videos services. After about half month, a buyer ordered my gig and I delivered his project (video) within an hour. He was very happy & he promised to work with me again. After that, he became my regular buyer. The Bitter half ended & Better half started, see how timing factor is giving me a competitive advantage, not only in making my client happy but also helping me in building relationships.

This was all because of being active, having good communication skills and replying quicker. 🙂

Top Fiverr Resources

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