Social media is today’s hottest topic. From TV channels to the cinema, plumber to head of the state, high school grads to grandparents, everyone pretty much knows about the social media. And why wouldn’t they be? It’s everywhere. In fact, My Social Media Success Guide have been a top viewed posts for many months.
In fact, businesses are pretty much concerned about social media. The key to success on social media is better engagement and delivery of a useful message. It takes years and years to understand this small statement.
Today, I decided to write something on getting website visitors from social media.
How to Get More Visitors from Social Media
- Why Generating Traffic from Social Media is Important?
- Benefits of Getting Traffic From Social Media
- 5 Ways To Get More Visitors From Social Media
- Conclusion and Ending
Why Generating Traffic From Social Media Is Important?
Benefits of Getting Traffic From Social Media
I’m here to share a few secrets of getting visitors from social media. It’s not bad at all to get visitors from social media and there are many benefits to it because you can’t ignore the visitors that arrive on your blog through social media. The reasons are mentioned below:
- It accounts for 31% of your web traffic.
- They might know you
- They could be interested in your content
- They could be converted to subscribers
- They can relate themselves to you
- They might be looking for the solution (that you may have)
So, there are a number of reasons why you shouldn’t be ignoring the social media visitors, which is why I decided to write this article. Take a look:
5 Ways To Get More Visitors From Social Media
Use Interesting Titles that Intrigue
Social media is all about interesting things. Do you know fun and entertaining content does well than educational content on social media? This article shows that funny content is quite important for millennials and males.
Intriguing titles do not mean that they have to be funny or something that doesn’t make sense at all. These titles must be telling a story but the factor of fun, humor, or excitement must be more than an average educational content.
This video on Facebook is the best example of creating interesting titles. Patrick Bed-David is a financial consultant and entrepreneurial speaker. His career certainly took a curve after his video went viral on Facebook. What would you do if your video gets more than 27 million views?
Casey Neistat explained the art of making viral videos but he still thinks it’s a bit uncontrollable or unknown to what it takes to make a viral video. All being said, what you can try is coming up with as much factual and helpful content as you can with a best vlogging camera.
Create Irresistible Images
If you want people to click on your blog posts, then add up attractive, beautiful, and engaging images. The pictures or images communicate with the audience and help bring the eyeballs on the content. You have probably heard that ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’. That’s true, actually.
Stock images aren’t easy to buy. But there are always some options around. Try Pixabay or Unsplash.
Images are a must-have entity in your content. Not only do they work for readers engagement, but they also help in your content SEO. If you have a little bit experience in SEO or Blogging, you perhaps know the importance of images.
If you want to create your own images, try Canva.
People are likely to get attracted to the images because photos and images speak up with their silent colorful language. If you don’t agree, just compare two equally well-written articles on your blog, one with amazing images and the other one without a single image.
Write a short write-up while Sharing
People don’t really like when you keep on sharing your blog post links. At some point, they start assuming such sharing as spam. You don’t want people to unfollow you Twitter or Facebook. What you need to do is find a way of making people engaged with your sharing rather than unfollowing you.
This is something that can help you in this matter.
What if I tell you a solution that will help you simultaneously in sharing your content and also engaging the audience together?
Just write a brief intro about the content you’re sharing. Write that why people should read this piece. Tell them what they can find out from that. In this way, not only do people learn something about your content, but they also start believing that their time won’t be wasted.
I haven’t seen Darren Rowse sharing any blog post without adding a short write-up about that blog post. Because it helps the readers in finding out about the content.
Who doesn’t know Tony Robbins?
What I like about his Facebook sharing is that he always tries to explain what he is sharing with the audience. And that is we need to start doing it. Sharing your content in the Facebook groups and Google+ communities would not cut it.
Share Others’ Content
Now many of you would think why sharing others content would bring us visitors from social media. The mantra of social media is based on helping and communicating with others. If you’re being rude and not helping others, don’t expect others to talk to you or help you.
And, for God’s sake, don’t consider HELPING here as a job or financial assistance.
HELPING (here) refers to communicating, talking, and discussing.
Let’s take an example, if you have 1000 Facebook friends and 1000 Twitter followers, that means your social media reach is to maximum 2000 people which would be far less than it is on the paper, obviously, but assuming that’s true. What if you have three other friends that create content, and all of them have a total reach of 1000 people (Facebook + Twitter), and you occasionally share their content on your profiles just to provide your followers a different taste, plus, for sharing some great content.
Imagine, what if they share some of your best content with their (1000+1000+1000) 3000 friends on social media?
What you get in this way is a pure bonus!
You didn’t pay a penny for that sharing or advertising, you get it as a VALUE and CARE. They valued you, they cared about you, that’s why they shared.
Produce Real-life Problem Solving Content
Your content should be original, so does it problem-solving ability. If the content does solve problems, it’s likely to be shared and bookmarked by the audience, whereas if it’s a fluff like the noise out there, then we may have a problem.
We’re talking here about getting visitors from social media sites.
The content has to be spot on, and if it’s not, people might go otherwise.
When I wrote an article on acquiring more customers in 2024, my readers loved it because I covered a topic every businessperson and business owner wants to read.
In fact, freelancers loved this article more than any other. Because I guided them to get started with their freelancing career and even more, my guide on how to start your digital marketing campaign has got the highest shares so far!
So you can see whenever you publish a problem-solving content, it always gets attention and people come to read it. Not only do they read it, but they also try to leave their feedback which is quite important for your content creation strategy.
Getting a few visitors from Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter and LinkedIn is not going to cut it.
It’s true that it will bump up your site statistics for a moment. You might get better if you keep on getting visitors from different sources. But the point is, how you try to keep those social media visitors coming to your blog.
There has to be a way of keeping the traffic floating in.
The secret here is that you keep creating high-quality and effective content, plus, build a strong relationship with others on social media. In this way, you will see other bloggers and experts checking your blog posts.
How would you use social media after reading this article?