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How to Choose Your Field to MAKE MONEY ONLINE

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Are you wondering how to make money online?

This article is not going to tell you ways to make money online?

However, you can check out these articles for that.

But the whole point of this article is to help you understand the importance of choosing your field to work online.

A lot of people just start off working on something they hear about or see others doing it.

What I want to emphasize on in this article is that:

Ways to Find Your Niche to Start Earning Online

So if you are someone who wants to make money online, but haven’t figured out where to begin from, then keep reading this article.

Here are a few things you must consider before choosing your field to make money online:

Figuring out the skill or a passion

Don’t neglect the power of using your skill or passion to make money online. However, there are two hurdles in using your skill or passion for some people. First being the identification of their passion, which means a lot of people don’t figure out what their passion is. Perhaps, they don’t pay close attention to this. Secondly, they copy others while selecting the field just because it’s working for others. Instead of copying others in the field selection, they must ask themselves what they want to do or what makes them happy.

Once you take the initial step right, things would unfold better in the future. On the contrary, if you make a mistake at choosing your field, you’d end up frustrated and bored.

Self-awareness on being self-employed or job seeker

It’s extremely important to be self-aware about what nature of work you like to do. There are two types of people in the world; either they are meant to be self-employed or they are job seekers. You must first understand what you want to do. Being a job seeker doesn’t mean you’re lesser than someone who is self-employed. Similarly, being self-employed doesn’t mean you can’t get a job. It’s simply a matter of choice and self-awareness. The more self-aware you are, the better you’re equipped to progress in your career.

So you must consider brainstorming on this self-aware thing before starting anything you’re going to do online whether it’s freelancing, blogging, or looking out for a job.

Happiness matters in your work

One of the major keys to success in the field of working online is happiness. In fact, it’s the key to winning at everything — if you are not happy about anything you are trying to do, you’d be able to continue it longer. Therefore, it’s important to analyze whether or not whatever you have chosen to do is making you happy. If it’s making you happy, then you won’t mind working 8 to 12 hours a day. Plus, you won’t hate Mondays. Have you not heard people hating Mondays because they have to go back to their boring jobs? This is why happiness matters in your work.

For instance, I love digital marketing, and that’s how I have been able to build this blog and my personal brand around digital marketing. Not only I host webinars and courses, but I also get invited to speak at the events. I have been able to do this because this digital marketing thing makes me happy.

Equipping yourself with new related skills

You should never relax when it comes to working online. New people are coming in every day. So you must be better equipped to compete with an ever-growing pool of people on the market. One of the best ways to stay ahead of others is continuously learning new (related) skills. What I mean by new related skills is that you must add new things to your professional arsenal. For instance, if you’re a freelance website designer who could make websites in HTML only, then you must try to learn PHP — once you finish learning a new website language, you’d be able to cater more clients and projects.

This method applies to every field on the internet. You could always look out for the certifications, courses, and tests that add new skills to your profile. Once you start doing that, you might be able to expand your business span in the future.


Making money online is a popular phrase nowadays. People think either it’s something fake online or you have to be a software programmer or a specialist to make money online. It’s true to some extent that you must be good at something to make money online, but it’s doesn’t mean only a few can do this.

In fact, anyone who wants to do it, or I must say committed to doing it, can actually do it.

I guarantee you that if you pay close attention to the points I mentioned, you’d be able to get closer to your success in making money online. I have the first-hand experience of making money from my blog as well as through other opportunities that would not have been possible without my personal brand on the internet.

So don’t just choose a field to make money online because a friend of yours chose that — he or she might be good at it or passionate about it. You must figure out what you’re good at or passionate about, then use that to build a business.

What are you going to take away from this article?

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