
Should Bloggers Only Focus on Low-competition Keywords?

Should Bloggers Only Focus on Low-competition Keywords
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Most of the new bloggers tend to focus a lot on finding the low-competition keywords in blogging, and they believe that’s the only key to success in blogging. Sure, a low-competition keyword is necessary to gain momentum in SEO, but that doesn’t guarantee a lot of success.

SEO experts and experienced bloggers keep preaching about the low-competition keywords to the beginners, and it has become a stereotype that finding the low-competition keywords is the only way out. However, it’s like putting out the first piece of the puzzle and hoping that it’d complete the puzzle.

I don’t argue on the importance of the low-competition keywords; they matter a lot in the SEO growth of your site. It’s true that SEO experts and digital market professionals keep an eye on the keywords for gaining traffic and generate leads. My point is that there are some other factors too that matter in the SEO campaign’s success.

You’re about to learn:

So without any further ado, let’s dive deep into the cream of this article.

Here are four essentials to understand while focusing on the keywords:

Right Keywords Matter

Your chosen keyword may not do any good if it is not the right keyword. You might think, what’s the right keyword? There is no perfect answer to this question, but if you focus on a keyword and it works out quite well, then it would be the right keyword for you.

The reason why the “right keyword” matters is that the low-competition of a keyword won’t make a difference if the keyword has a few dozen monthly searches with no sizeable audience. The right keywords are the keywords that are relevant to your industry and bring results in spite of a low number of monthly searches.

SEMRush tool is actually a blessing for me when it comes to finding low competition keywords.

The myth of low-competition is screwing a lot of new marketers because they think the low-competitive keyword is the only criterion to follow. Thus, they ignore the total number of searches, conversion analysis, and leads the quality of those low-competition keywords and waste their time targeting those keywords. So prefer the right keywords that are not just low in competition, but they have a reasonable amount of quality searches every month.

ROI of the Organic Traffic

Have you seen some websites that have regular traffic from search engines but they don’t have a solid monetization strategy? They remain to fail to create a product, service, or offer that could help them get their investment back.

Organic traffic is not a free traffic source. It does seem pretty much free because we don’t spend direct money on getting organic traffic. The point is that organic traffic requires a lot of work to be done that makes a website capable of getting organic traffic. For example, there is a web hosting fee, maintenance fee, content expense, social media management fee, and online advertising management fee. So you pay the price when you are trying to get or already getting organic traffic from search engines.

If the website owner doesn’t come up with a monetization plan, then the owner is not getting a return-on-investment from the organic traffic. Try to educate yourself on keywords selection so that your ROI of the organic traffic becomes better.

Staying in the Niche

Focusing on the low-competition keyword often leads to targeting keywords that push you out of the niche. For example, if you find a keyword that has low competition and the opportunities are there to dominate the SERP, but it is not directly related to your niche. So you end up targeting and ranking for that keyword.

The point is that no matter how much traffic you could get based on that type of ranking if it is not the right keyword to target, it won’t convert your visitors into customers. The reason is the lack of relevance; the audience you’re reaching out through a different keyword targeting won’t be interested in your niche content or an affiliate product. It’s similar to offering cat owners the dog food through a cats-related blog.

Best Blogging Tip : Your best chance to make money through keywords targeting is associated with staying in your niche and choosing keywords that fall in your blogging niche.

Profitable Offering

Sometimes, you stumble upon a great keyword that has everything you are looking for. For example, it has low-competition, a good number of monthly searches, and relevancy to your niche, but the keyword doesn’t have any profitable offering linked to it. Meaning, it’s hard to sell or offer something profitable through that keyword.

The ultimate goal is not to target the audience and getting the traffic, but instead, it’s to convert the visitors into leads or paying customers. If you’re offering a product that gives you one or two cents each download or purchase, then it won’t make a huge difference. Similarly, if an alternative offering whether it’s a download or purchase could give you $5 to $10 per transaction, then it’s way better than the first one.

So you must analyze the offering too. If you can’t figure out the profitable offering with your selected keywords, you may want to look out further into keywords and find alternatives that have great offerings associated with them.

Using SEMRush to find low competition keywords.

SEMRush can be a blessing to find low competition keywords for your website, if used rightly.

SEMRush has a Keyword Magic tool where you enter a term from your initial list of search terms and click Search. Now the question is where to find those keywords where you are initially ranking? The answer simply lies in Google Webmaster Tool.

IMG Credits : SEMRush

What’s the takeaway?

The takeaway is that keywords are important, which is why I’m writing a different article on this topic. You’d often find experts writing about keywords research, but nobody talks about “right keywords” so I thought I should take this responsibility and tell people about it.

This may not be the most attractive blog post you’d see on my blog, but it’s extremely important from an SEO perspective to understand that every low-competition is not made for targeting.

Do you agree with my thesis on the right keywords vs. Low-competition keywords?

Let me know in the comments area.

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