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A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Extra Money as a Blogger

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Have you ever thought how bloggers make extra money online? You probably know about the PPC ads and Affiliate marketing guide.

You know it. Congratulations.

But it’s not the point.

The point is: what’s next?

Earn Extra income on Internet without any investment or paying anything.

And it’s possible.

NOW you look interested in this…

This is going to be a crazy blog post. I’m telling you.

I know you’re good at affiliate marketing and you’ve worked your way up to making some good money.


Earn Part Time Income by As a Blogger

What if I tell you that you might be leaving some extra cash on the table?

You’ve built a blog that has grown to a platform for a specific kind of people to come over and learn something new every now and then.

You deserve to cash in those opportunities.

Key Tactics to Make Extra Money as a Blogger

In this blog post, I’m going to lift the veil and show you a few possibilities that might be new for you or you might have heard about them but you never took action. Do you know why? Because we’re social animals. We need others’ approval at times. We’re genuinely interested in looking at what the next person is up to.


The reason is YOU DESERVE THIS!

I don’t care what your dad’s friend say about your blogging career.

You work hard on your blog. That’s what matters to me.

Being a digital marketing professional, I’m sharing these tips with you along with a LESSON that: KEEP HELPING OTHERS.

But before that, let me say this:

The purpose of this blog post is just to help out. The blogosphere is an ever evolving space whether it is SEO, blogging tips, or money making ideas. The suggestions/ideas/recommendations being shared in this blog post could be wrong or outdated at some point in the future. You’re more than welcome to disagree with this.

So, without any further due, grab your coffee and enjoy the rest of the post…

Step by Step Guide to Making Extra Money as a Blogger

If you start a blog today, your first question will be how to make extra money through it? So let’s checkout different ways to do it.

Step #1: Find Your Thing

You must begin with finding out WHO you are and WHAT you want. This does get so much difficult for many people who stay there for a long and unable to move their feet because they don’t figure out where to go in terms of following their passion.

So find your thing.

You probably know a lot of things about your blogging niche and that’s a great news.

Use that AWARENESS to leverage in finding what you can offer more.

At this point, you just have to look at the possibilities or have to decide in which direction you need to go. If you’re a passionate believer in niche blogging, you would probably stick to your niche and try to find something that could help people while staying in that niche.

For instance, BloggingPro has a paid job board. The blog publishes high-quality content for bloggers and helps them understand blogging and how to succeed as a blogger. Alongside their blog, they also have a paid job board that brings companies and bloggers onboard.

So identifying your strong area and sticking to it will help you build authority in your space.

Step #2: Choose the Strategy

At step 2, you go deep down and finally make a move.

At this point, you make up your mind and actually come forward with a decision on what to do to make some extra money as a blogger. The options are limitless. If newbie bloggers think that they don’t have many options to monetize their blog to make extra money, they’re just underestimating the power of a blog.

And, honestly, their opinions are about to change. Forever.

Picking up the strategy isn’t actually picking up the monetization method to make some extra stack of cash. In fact, it’s the model that you’re going to follow and do your stuff to make that happen.

For instance, there could be a lot of options that you can choose from but here are four that you might be interested in:

Selling your service is one of the strategies that you can adopt. What service you’re going to pick is your actual monetization method. Everybody has a different talent. So no one can convince the other person to do something specific and make money off of it.

The simplest solution to that is:


Once you figure that out, do some business-wrapping around that to package it properly.

For instance, if you’re a female beauty enthusiast and you just love hair coloring. Maybe, that’s your thing.

It could be your best service to offer. You can offer that service. Use your blog to write about it. Use Instagram to share the sample work. Keep doing it.

Robbie Richards does this thing amazingly. He sells his SEO service through his blog.

Nobody knows what you are good at but you!

YOU can find out.

It’s just YOU.

Find. Sell.

This is going to be the next level blog monetization.

Have you ever seen bloggers that don’t run PPC and Affiliate ads but still make money?

Meaning, a lot of money…

You might notice they often publish sponsored posts and it’s mentioned at the top or bottom of the blog post that it’s a sponsored post.

Jeff Bullas is an experienced blogger. You might read a sponsored blog post on his blog. Check this blog post, for example, you’ll find the sponsorship mention at the end of the post.

So, what’s stopping you?

You’re here to make extra money on your blog.

You love making great content. Reach out to the relevant brands and offer them sponsored posts on your blog. You have to keep on trying to get the right hook. You may send emails to 52 brands and one of them agree to work with you.

That’s not even bad.

In fact, it’s great. If you pull this off right,  you’ll have an example work to share with other companies. Like a portfolio.

One of the most emerging online fields is online education. You might have heard about online consultancy, online courses, and paid e-books. There is another team player in the same arena. It’s online tutoring.

It works really simple as it seems. There are online tutors who teach online and make money off of their teaching. Everybody knows about the Udemy. It’s a specific online courses portal. It does connect students and instructors.

You might have heard about my trainings such as my PPC Course and SEO Course too. And let me tell you, I’m making good money through it as well, so you can consider my blog example for this purposes.

Guest posting is genuinely a relationship building and face marketing strategy on the internet. The core purpose of the guest posting is to bring value to someone else’s audience and earn some face recognition in return.

As a blogger, you can work with brands side by side and help them reach the new eyeballs through guest posting. It depends on the blog owner that how much attribution he or she allows to the guest poster. Because at the end of the day, when the readers like the guest post, the next thing they do is check the author bio to find out more. That’s the point where you cash in a little bit of value out of your hard word. You often find content creators that work in the companies as the full-time employees and guest post on authority blogs.

Step #3: Execute the Plan

By this point, you’ve already figured out what to do, meaning, you might have chosen the strategy you’re going to pick, and furthermore, you’ll be eying the prospective clients to talk to.

So, the next up is the execution of the strategy.

Execution is everything.

Be advised, if in case, the strategy doesn’t work for you, you can obviously try out another one. This shouldn’t give you a perception of frequently changing up the monetization plans in order to make some extra bucks from your blog, which is why blogging experts emphasize a lot on A/B testing on the blogs and websites.

Persistence does help in making extra money.

One of the reasons why being persistent helps in making extra money is that if you stick to a certain strategy and it gets along with the blog progress and you get a chance to create strategy-driven content to help out your readers as well as monetize your blog.

If you keep on switching the strategies, you might end up getting nothing.

There are two key elements of executing the strategy:


It begins with trying out a few to analyze which one works best for you. It doesn’t mean you have to test a dozen strategies to find the best one. Stick to those which are closest to your niche. Don’t switch over to the new strategies every now and then.


If a monetization plan is working for a competitor’s blog, it’s not necessary that it would also work for yours. If you are being consistent with your monetization plan, you’re giving a signal that it’s worth it.

Recommended Readings :

Your Part

I tried to showcase a system for bloggers to understand their niche, identify the opportunities, and cash in some strategies that could help them make some extra money from their blogs.

You’ve seen that it’s a step by step process.

Besides this, make sure that your main monetization plan doesn’t get disturbed with this.

Everything that I have explained here is just to help you out in making some extra money as a blogger.

Of course, extra money making methods aren’t limited to these few.

There could be so many of more ways out there and you might stumble upon better than these ones along the way.

But remember, you’ll get there if you KEEP MOVING!!!

So the question of the day is:

What would you do to make some extra money on your blog?

Share your valuable opinion in the comments section, it might help many other bloggers and they might start following you because of this…

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