Google Ads Account Suspensions 2024 | How to Fix and Recover a Google Ads Suspended Account

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Google has eventually became a very strict platform now a days to advertise. (Thanks to scammers, policy violators and other reasons.). Google Ads now a days uses multiple algorithms, scan checks along with their Quality Score and policies to analyse the health of an account to decide on wether to suspend the Google ads account or continue running.

What is Google Ads Account Suspension?

Google Ads account suspension is when Google limits or completely halts your access to your ad account. This suspension effectively pauses all your ad campaigns until specific issues are resolved. The reasons for suspension can vary widely, including:

  • Misleading or false advertising
  • The promotion of prohibited products or services
  • Issues with payment methods, such as declines or outstanding balances

To prevent this from happening, it’s essential to adhere to Google’s policies and keep your payment information current. Timely bill payments are also crucial to maintaining uninterrupted access to your account.

How to Recover Google Ads Suspended Account 2024 – Fix & Unsuspend

We all know and understand that being, Google the top company in Online Advertising & Digital Marketing is determined to give users a great experience either by organic results or by Paid.

The company uses various algorithm based ranking factors along with Quality Score and a Top Compliance team which uses advanced crawling technology to detect policy violations. Accounts then are sent to staff for a manual review. Most of your issues can be solved if you remain patient, complies with the Google team and do the changes as requested on your account.

This article will highlight the following things, In case if you plan to get your G Ads Account Un-suspended on your own.

  • Why Google Adwords Suspend their Advertiser’s Account?
  • What are the common notices Google Adwords Send you for Account Suspension?
  • Investigation and Determining the reason for your Account Suspension.
  • How to Fix the Google Ads Violations & Suspension?
  • How to Submit for an appeal and get your Adwords Account Back?
  • Detailed Guide on How to Re-activate your Google Adwords Suspended Account?

So let’s start

Why Google Ads Adwords Suspend Accounts?


It is very important to know that why Google Ads suspend your accounts. You need to understand how does Google works and why they suspend accounts.

Let’s discuss the common reasons, on Why is my Google AdWords Ads account are suspended?

Not Compliance with Policies

Your website is not following Google Ads Policies.(It can be copyrighted content, gambling content, pornography, under-construction content, misleading content or anything which is not being allowed on Google.)

Malicious Ads

Your account has malicious ads, sites, or apps

Poor Content

Your advertising strategy is based on traffic generation and you are not committed to provide a good user experience. (Poor content.)

Ads are Misleading

Your ads are misleading and you are advertising wrong about your business/service or website. (For example, you are saying that you provide Free Web Hosting but you are secretly charging $100 for it (or) For more information, please have a look at False Advertising.

Using Multiple Google Ads Account

You are using multiple Google Adwords Account for Same Business or You are using same billing details for multiple Adwords Accounts. Another option can be that Your account is closely related to an ‘already suspended account’

Trademark Issues

Having trademark issues.

Unwanted Software

Misrepresentation Content

Google allegedly thinks that your Ads and your website content do not reflect each other.


You are doing cloaking. (Where a different website is shown to Google Editorial team and a user see’s a different website.) (Previously it was one of the main reason now it comes under Misrepresentation Category)

Prohibited content

Restricted content and features

Editorial and technical:

Competitors Reporting You

Other Common Google Suspension Issues

  • Your website is selling illegal services.
  • Repeat Policy Violations. (One of the major issues people face!!!).
  • The Display URL and Destination URL in Ads is Different. [Violation of Google Ad Policies]
  • Unauthorized Access.
  • Sharing your Account with others.
  • Your website do not have a privacy policy and terms of service. (This is not always necessary but having it is always a good idea.)

A part from the above mentioned reasons, there are times when your Adwords Account is mistakenly being suspended by the Google Adwords team, the above mentioned issues are some of the main reasons why most of the time your Account is suspended, however in reality, the case may vary.

For more information on what Adwords say, Please have a look on Adwords Policies regarding suspended Accounts.

What happens when Google suspends your Ads account?

Its a very unfortunate event when you are running Your online advertising operations and you suddenly see an email from Google that your Google Ads account is suspended. You cannot even run ads, not even you are able to pay your pending dues. However you are left with either to close your account permanently and get additional balance back or appeal your account to get it recovered (which is very hard now a days with Google automatic rejections) Which is why i have created this detailed Tutorial on recovery of Google Ads Account. The suspension of policy violation may also effect your Google Merchant Center operations as well however other Google properties such as Gmail, Youtube etc remains unaffected.

Common Google Ads Suspension Reasons

account suspended
  • Your Google AdWords account has been suspended for violation of Google’s Advertising Policies in this or a related account.
  • The Google Ads account has been permanently suspended for repeated violation of AdWords or Landing Page and Site policies in this or a related account.
  • Your Google AdWords account has been suspended because your billing information in this or a related account could not be verified. Learn more
  • Your Google AdWords account has been temporarily suspended due to suspected unauthorized access attempts.
  • Your Google Ads Suspended For Circumventing Systems
  • Your website is hacked. Your ads, website, landing page, or app has malware, unacceptable content, deceptive content, or redirects, which is harmful to visitors.
  • Unathorized Access on Your Google Ads
  • Google Ads Payment Profile Cannot Be Verified.
  • Your Google Ads is Suspended Due to Misrepresentation or Prohibited practices.
  • Your account has unpaid balance

Find the reason/Investigation on why your Google Adwords Ads Account is Suspended


Now the first thing you need to do to reactivate your AdWords account is to find out the reason, why Adwords have suspended your account, because that is the first thing you need to do to get your Account back.

Google Ads Suspended for Suspicious Payment

Your Google AdWords account has been suspended for violation of Google’s Advertising Policies in this or a related account.

Your Google Ads Account has been suspended for suspicious payments.

If you have got this suspension message, it means your Account has been suspended for one of the following reasons;

  • You had a previously Banned Account.
  • You are using black-listed keywords such as Tobacco, Cigarrettes, Casino, Porn.
  • Un-allowed redirects and cloaking, you show something different to Google Spiders/Crawlers and different to the audience who are landing through clicking on your ad.
  • Repeated Disapproved Ads are also one of the primary reasons why your account is being suspended, note that Adwords suspend your Account after an ad is disapproved, but they suspend when you do it excessively.
  • Sudden Budget Increase is harmful for Adwords Account and can put your account in Adwords radar which may lead to the account suspension.
  • If you have tried using an already suspended domain or website, then thats the reason for your account suspension.

Google Adwords Suspended for Repeated Violation :

Google Ads account has been permanently suspended for repeated violation of Google Ads or Landing Page and Site policies in this or a related account.

There are many reasons if this message was displayed along with your Google Adwords Account suspension, however I’m summarizing few of them.

  • Your landing page is violating the Google TOS (Terms of Service)
  • You are sending traffic directly to Affiliate Offers. (Google does not allow that, Google wants you to have a landing page on your own. You can only send direct traffic to that offer if you are the owner of that website otherwise you need a landing page.
  • You are trying to advertise or promote restricted products or services such as Tobacco, Cigarrettes, Casino, Porn.

Google Ads Billing Could Not be Verified

Google Ads Suspended For Circumventing Systems

The Circumventing Systems policy has been updated to clarify that using click trackers to redirect users to malicious sites is an example of cloaking and is not allowed

This is a very hard suspension and takes multiple tries and changes to get it back and running. Malicious sites is one example, other examples may include Engaging in practices that circumvent or interfere with Google’s advertising systems and Google is very cautious and concerned to such issues.

Google Ads Suspended My Account For No Reason

If you believe that your Google Ad account has been suspended for no reason and looking for a way to get it restored, up and running then I can help.

Google AdWords account has been suspended because your billing information in this or a related account could not be verified. Learn more

I often see, when people looking for their query on : Adwords account suspended billing information.

Then let me tell, Such type of Account suspensions occurs when you enter fake billing information, typically done using virtual credit card and entering random names and profiles, Google is smart enough to detect that.

Unauthorised Attempt

Your Google AdWords account has been temporarily suspended due to suspected unauthorised access attempts.

This usually happens when you try to log into your account using public proxies, random VPN, RDP or from a remote location from where Adwords didn’t expect you to login. I do travel a lot and it’s never been an issue for me while logging in from another country but remote locations, VPN, RDP and Public proxies are different things.

Unfair Advantage Policy

Your Google Ads account has violated the Unfair advantage policy.

This is a new kind of error when Google updated their policy and they states this when people have similar or diversify content and they are promoting it through single or multiple accounts over adwords. ‘We don’t allow advertisers to promote the same or similar content from multiple accounts on the same or similar queries’.

The above solutions fairly answer the main question ‘Why would an Google account be suspended? & What does it mean when your account has been suspended?’

Google Ads Account Suspended for Payment and Billing Issues

Abuse of Promo Codes

If you have made an habit of using promo codes to run online ads, then let me tell you that using multiple promo codes is not allowed. Your Google Ads account will eventually be suspended.


Another case where one of a client came was due to Google suspended his account due to a chargeback done by the credit card company of the client. Google has termed that we will not reactive or reinstate the account until and unless the dues are cleared.

Profile cannot be verified

If your account is suspended for profile cannot be verified again then you cannot run ads on Google.

Egregious Violation

A major breach of rules and regulations set by Google. This kind of suspension is applied when there is more then one reason your website is in violation of.

These kind of suspensions requires can be suspended without prior notice and requires extensive review of Ad policies, website and TOS to get restored.

Advertiser verification

Now a days another new reason which is why you cannot run Google ads is that your account needs advertiser verification. If you do not have advertiser verification done yet on your account your Google ads account will eventually be suspended. However Google will give you a certain time and multiple warnings to fill it before holding/pausing your Google Ads account.

How do I UnSuspend/Recover my Google Ads account?

Once you have find the reason, such as why your Google Ads account was being suspended, let’s move on to the next step, where we will be finding different solutions to get the account re-instated.

Fix your Suspended Site :

If your website is being suspended from Google Ads, then Adwords have written a strategy on how to fix your suspended site and how to re-submit for a review. Click here for more details on that.

Fix the Disapproved Ads :

If your ads are being disapproved, please checkout the Adwords Policies on ‘How to Fix Disapproved Ads’ to get it corrected.

Asking Google For Policy Questions :

If you are still confused and have doubts and want Adwords to answer your questions on ‘Ads’ or ‘Policy’, Please ask them here.

Any other reason :

Checkout the above reasons to see why your Adwords Account was in suspension mode, once you get a clear idea on what is the main reason behind your account suspension, you can then move on to the next step.

As a rule, Please do not submit your ads for review until you’re sure that the violations are fixed. If you are still having a trouble in finding the exact reason, it’s always better to hire a Professional.

Note down Points :

Once you figure out, what was wrong with your Google Ads Account, please write down everything, what was wrong and what steps you have taken to correct. For instance, if you have a website which violates Ad policies and then what steps you have taken to correct it. Further on, If your account was being used from a remote place (un-authorized access) what was the reason? and a clear strategy on you will not do it again.

Contacting Google Adwords Ads Team :

Your next strategy should be to reach Google Adwords Team, there are multiple ways for this. One way is to file an appeal regarding Adwords Account Suspension and the other best way is to call them. Personally, I always prefer to call them, since I’m a part of a Google Partner Company and we have a personal rep, If you are confused here on how to go ahead or have some reservations or hesitations, You can always ask your Adwords Account Manager to do these things, in case if you want me to do it for you, you can hire me for this.

Professional Approach

The strategy here is to be that you need to be a professional and want to give an impression that you are very serious regarding your Business and it’s relation with Google Adwords so that Google team can understand your situation.

Explaining Google

The next thing to keep in mind is that, you need to inform them on what kind of policies you violated and how you rectified them. (Please be descriptive as much as possible, You want Google to know that you are keen to maintain a healthy relation with them.)

Ask them too for any other changes which are need to be done and how you can stay safe from these suspension notices. (Even if you know all these, it’s still better to ask them.)


Patience is the key here, as you need to be patient so you can be taken care properly. Please keep in mind that the review and the whole process can take anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks, and you may need to call multiple times to get your issue resolved. (Depending upon the situation). A part from Adwords Management, I also provide services to get your account restored, so you can reach me for that too.

How to Prevent Suspension?

The best way to prevent account suspension is to ensure that your ads comply with Google’s policies and guidelines. This means thoroughly reading and understanding their policies before creating any ads. It’s also essential to keep your payment information up to date and to pay your bills on time.

If your account is suspended, it’s important to take action immediately. Review Google’s policies and guidelines and make the necessary changes to your ad campaigns. 

Some recent CASE Studies where I was able to Un-Suspend few Google Ads accounts successfully :

Here is the look for recent case studies where I was able to successfully unsuspend adwords account :

adwords suspension case6
adwords suspension case6
adwords suspension case6
adwords suspension case6
adwords suspension case6
adwords suspension case6

Hire US To Get The Job Done for Google Adwords Restoration:

At the moment, I charge $250 per Google Ads Case Suspension. In case you are interested in re instating your Google Ads account, please fill the form below and let’s get in touch. Keep in mind that I also offer Google Ads Management and Maintenance too.

We have so far developed 170 points checklist to determine on your website/google ads account which has caused the issue.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message (Also mention your Skype ID/Whatsapp/Telegram)

    Buy A New Google Ads Account from Google Partner Agency

    In case if you are looking to buy a new Google Ads Account from our Google Partner Agency MCC, it will cost you $249 and if it doesn’t violate any adwords policies and follow the instructions provided, it will also have 10 days replacement warranty. Please make sure that our accounts are always better than normal accounts since we are a Google Partner Company and we have a premium support.

      Your Name (required)

      Your Email (required)


      Your Message (Also mention your Skype ID/Whatsapp/Telegram)

      Please note that you have to follow our instructions to stay safe.

      Google Adwords and SEO Management :

      If you are looking me to assist with your existing or new adwords campaigns or u need to improve your organic rankings, I can assist  you as well in it.

      Reach me at Skype : Click Here

      Frequently Asked Question on Google Ads Restoration | Suspension and Fixing the Google Ads Violation

      Why is Identity Verification Crucial for Google Ads Account Holders?

      Identity verification is a key component for anyone managing a Google Ads account. It plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity of the advertising ecosystem.

      Ensuring Authenticity

      Firstly, identity verification confirms that advertisers are exactly who they claim to be. This helps to eliminate bogus accounts and ensures that ads are coming from trustworthy sources.

      Preventing Fraudulent Activities

      By verifying identities, Google can better protect its users from fraudulent activities. Scammers and malicious entities are less likely to infiltrate the platform, creating a safer environment for both advertisers and consumers.

      Consequences of Non-Verification

      Failure to verify your identity could lead to the suspension of your Google Ads account. This step is non-negotiable if you wish to continue advertising without interruptions.

      How to Stay Compliant

      To avoid these risks, it’s essential to complete the identity verification process accurately. Providing correct and precise information will ensure your account remains in good standing.

      Thus, identity verification is not just a formality; it’s a critical step for maintaining transparency and security within Google Ads.

      What does misrepresentation of a business mean in the context of Google Ads?

      Misrepresentation in the context of Google Ads refers to providing false or misleading information about your business, products, or services. This can take several forms, such as:

      • False Claims: Making exaggerated or untrue statements about what your products can do.
      • Fake Reviews: Using fabricated customer reviews to boost your credibility.
      • Fictitious Business Names: Registering under a name that isn’t your actual business name.

      To prevent your account from being suspended, ensure all your business information is accurate and truthful. Avoid manipulating customer perception with dishonest tactics. This not only keeps your Google Ads account in good standing but also builds trust with your audience.

      How can misleading or inaccurate claims about products or services lead to account suspension?

      The text you provided does not contain any entities that match the specified categories {“Person”, “Organization”, “Address”, “Phone”, “Email”, “Location”, “Website”}. Therefore, no tagging is necessary.

      Here is the text verbatim:

      Making misleading or inaccurate claims about your products or services can result in the suspension of your account. Why? Because such claims violate platform policies designed to ensure honesty and transparency. Here’s how it works:

      1. Misleading Claims: When you exaggerate the benefits or features of your product, you deceive consumers. This can lead to distrust and damage the platform’s reputation, prompting strict action to maintain integrity.
      2. Inaccurate Information: If the details you provide about your services are incorrect or not up-to-date, users are misled. This can result in a poor user experience and could lead to suspensions to protect other users from potential scams or fraud.

      To avoid these pitfalls, it’s crucial to thoroughly read and understand the platform’s policies before creating ads. Ensure that both your advertisements and your website fully comply with these guidelines. By doing so, you can maintain a trustworthy presence and avoid account suspension.

      What does it mean when your account has been suspended?

      It means you can no longer participate in Google Ads program to display your ads on Google Search engine and their partner websites.

      How Soon Your Google Ads account can be restored?

      We do various tests and checks to ensure compliance first, once it’s done, we can get it restored within 2-3 weeks.

      Can I create a new Google Ads account after suspension?

      Google strictly prohibits anyone to create a new account when one of their Google Ads account is already suspended. Creating a new account can also permanently block your website or your payment profile to even work with Google Ads again.

      What is your Success Rate on Fixing Google Ads?

      We have a 95% success rate and in other cases we also provide an Account from Google Partner MCC which makes success rate to 100%

      What Payment Methods you accept?

      We accept Crypto, Payoneer, Wise, Paypal, Credit Cards and Upwork as well.

      What happens if you don’t pay Google ads?

      If you don’t pay your remaining balance in your Google adwords account, your account will be suspended and ads wont run any more unfortunately and you will be terminated from Google for further participation in their ad network program.

      Do you provide new Google Ads account after suspension?

      Yes we do provide Google Ads Account after suspension as a replacement.

      I cannot create Google Ads Account because they get suspended immediately?

      Whenever your main account get’s suspended, any of the new account you will create will be suspended automatically as well.

      Missing Website Information can also be a reason?

      Yes, if your website doesnt have complete information such as about us, contact us, terms of service and privacy police page. Chances are that sooner or looter Your account will have a notification for untrustworthy.

      How do I reactivate my suspended Google ad account?

      If you want to reactive your Google Ads suspended contact, please reach out to me and my team will help you to get it restored, back and running at Economical price.

      Resources on Google Adwords Suspension:

      Do checkout the below resources, for sure it will be a great help for you to read.

      Also Read Related to Google Ads Suspensions and Termination:

      Although I know you came here via Google ads account suspended suspicious payments. But Please make sure to have a look on these articles too, they are going to be a great resource for you.

      Caution :

      Please note that, the above methods ‘Does not’ always work, however it is seemed to be effective for majority of times, and the steps laid above are all what you need for Google Ads account restoration however if you are looking for a professional help from a Google Partner Company representative, then don’t hesitate to contact me.

      What happens if you don’t pay Google ads?

      If you don’t pay your bills then you get cut off, this is the same for Google or any other service provider in life.

      Why is Google suspending accounts?

      Over the years, Google has developed an advanced Algorithm based system which is based on several rules and regulations, which if violated results into a Suspension on Google Ads account. You don’t have to worry as long as you are following guidelines. However if you feel that Google has mistakenly suspended your account, we are here to help you.

      How long does Google account suspension last?

      There are several set of rules, policies and guidelines which you have to follow for compliance to work with Google Ads. We have defined a 170 step checklist after solving 100’s of Cases which will check your website and Google ads account for possible issues, which after solving we can get the Google Ads account unsuspended or restored.

      Conclusion on Google Ads Suspension :

      What’s your take on the article? Did you like this article on how to reactivate your google ads suspended account?

      You know there are various occasions when i had to do around 20 tries or even for a successful recovery of an account but the moment of happiness was due to me and my team, I was able to restore his big business on Google..

      What points regarding Google Adwords Ads Suspension I missed? Anything you want me to add in it? What strategies working for you to get your Google Ads Account? Will you follow this guide? Make sure to comment.

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      About the Author: Ali Raza

      An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.


      1. Hi Ali Raza
        Thanks for sharing it with us. It is much informative and got too things from your article.

      2. You mentioned that login via random vpn results in acc. suspention, does that make legitimate VPNs save for login

      3. Hi Ali

        I already contacted you through your contact form. Please help me in activating my adwords account.

      4. Hi Ali, my adword been suspended due to “Suspicious Payment” this issue, can i please advice me some of tips or reason to let me know why this happen in my Adword long term account and Adword new account also. Thanks!

        P/S: This both account been used same credit card.
        Thanks again and hope can have some answer from you.

      5. Hey Ali, thanks for the great post.

        However several times you mention that we can call Google if our account gets suspended.

        I am not a Google partner and so when I call them, the phone automatically gets disconnected after I am told that my account has been suspended.

        Could you please update that part for us regular folks who just manage our own accounts and thus don’t have access to any personal Google reps?

      6. Hi Ali,My account is suspended for “suspicious payments” we tried to fix it by make a new payment method but the issue is I can’t pay my outstanding balance because the make payment button in billing is grayed out ! i called multiple times to Google but I find it very frustrating that I cant speak to a person to get this resolved it just seems to be an infinite loop that’s getting me no where.
        i hope you can help me


      7. Hello Brother I am facing a strange issue with my adwords account my account was working very well but suddenly it goes under review again I was getting calls and queries but suddenly everything stopped by google I really don’t know what happens to my account it’s created in Ireland and I was operating the Campgain from Pakistan is this the reason or there is some other issue please help me out one more thing it’s a new account new domain and everything is new approved by google yesterday but now it’s still under review again I really need to know what is going on Thanks Jazakallah

      8. Hello, my merchant center account go suspended on Monday , I’m getting the email that says

        ur Merchant Center account has been suspended, and your products no longer appear on Google Shopping. Note that a suspension notification is also displayed in your Merchant Center account. In addition, related Merchant Center accounts may also get suspended.

        — Policy violations to fix

        Your Merchant Center account (Spw Industrial, ID: 105557499) is in violation of the following policies:


        The online shopping experience offered through your website was considered unsatisfactory for Google Shopping users at this time. In determining whether a merchant or site is untrustworthy we may review information from multiple sources including your website, product listings, accounts and 3rd-party sources. Due to the sensitive nature of the review we are unable to provide further details. Finally, we encourage you to build a track record of good customer service.

        I called and emailed but keep getting the same email

        Can you help me with this?

      9. Adwords suspended my account for “suspicious payments”, Haven’t received any answer from google yet and i really need to overcome this problem in order to run my campaign. Any suggestions?

      10. Absolutely amazing post! Really like your take on this – fortunately my account has never been suspended since using Adwords in the last 5 years however I hear of other accounts that get suspended and businesses suffer big time! I had a query – are accounts who spend large amounts on Adwords (e.g. 60k dollars per month plus) less likely to be suspended than accounts with little ad spend? Also how many times does an ad have to be dissaproved be considered repeated too much to warrant a suspension, and is it ok if you fix these disapproved ads straight away?
        Best wishes!!

        1. Hello Nabil,

          Yes, accounts with big spend are less likely to be suspended. The number of time an ad needs to be disapproved for an account to get suspended varies on various factors such as, account age, domain, account spend, niche and target market.

      11. Thanks for such a relevant information. As a Digital Marketer, your above-mentioned blog would help me lot as I myself was facing the same problem of account suspension now and then. Thanks for the information, I will keep it in mind affirmatively.

      12. Hi Ali,

        My Adwords account got suspended due to suspicious payment activity, how can I get it unsuspended?

        Please help.

      13. Hell Ali Raza,

        I have this small education consulting and help business. I recently started Adwords two weeks ago, none of my ads were disapproved, everything was working and suddenly Google has suspended my account for “circumventing the system”. This is really stressful as this is quite a lucrative outlet and I want to avail this.

        I am not sure what to do, many of my competitors are running their campaigns, some of them even provide academic papers which is totally prohibited but their accounts are running fine.

        Can you come back to me? So we can discuss if you can help me?


        1. I’m facing same error in adwords, Google support have no idea about “circumventing ”

          Can you please help me out, how can i re-activate my account

      14. I am a Digital Marketing trainer and have just shared this article with my students in today’s class on Google Adwords (now Google ads). It helped me and will definitely help my students too!!

        Thank You for Sharing!!

      15. Hi Ali Bhai,
        Fantastic article. Learned a lot as my account is in suspension now. I have sent you a message via contact me form.

        Is there any other way to reach you to discuss my options please?


      16. Hi there Ali. I have gone ahead and sent you an email. Thank you for your time. Looking forward to your response.

      17. Hi Ali,

        My Adwords account got suspended due to suspicious payment activity, how can I get it unsuspended?

        Please help.

      18. Hi Ali
        My account shows misrepresentation and i’m trying to figure out and i’m not able to find a single err out of my account do help help in Re activating my Google ads account , I also have Emailed you .

        Anees Zaid

      19. Hi Ali,
        I run a shopify store and for some reason my adwords account got suspended saying it violated the circumventing policy, my google merchant account also got suspended.
        I need to discuss this in detail on email actually, if there’s anyway you could help me please let me know. I have received a mail for google saying my account cannot be reinstated.

      20. My Adwords account got suspended due to suspicious payment activity, how can I get it unsuspended?

        Please help.

      21. My google adword getting suspended Error showing “Google ads account suspended because we’ve identified suspicious behaviour in the payment acitivity”

        I made 3 campaign with new RDP and new cards. Billing address same as on cards.

        Can you pls help in this regard.

        My email :

      22. Hi Ali, my Adwords been suspended due to “Suspicious Payment” this issue, can i please advice me some of tips or reason to let me know why this happen in my Adwords long term account and Adwords new account also. And please share
        Please provide any additional information that you feel will help us review your account. * this part of appeal format. Thanks!

        P/S: This both account been used same credit card.

      23. Hi Ali, well my account got suspended for circumventing system violation. i filled the appeal for and after 3 days i got a this message below; but still my account still shows suspended. i want to know if i have to give them time so that it will be reflected in their system that they have unsuspended my account?
        This is the second message i got from them;
        Dear advertiser,

        Good news!

        I’m happy to let you know that our specialist team has re-reviewed your account and you can now use it to advertise.

        Please note that ads may still be disapproved if they do not comply with our policies. You can review our advertising policies on our Help Center.

        We appreciate your patience during this review and apologize for any disruption it might have caused.


        We periodically review accounts to ensure that all ads meet our advertising policies, to verify billing information, and to maintain account security. Per our Terms and Conditions (, accounts can undergo review at any time.
        For security reasons, we’re unable to share further information regarding the review process, but we thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
        If your ad seems to not be running, try using Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool. This tool can help diagnose why your ads aren’t appearing. You can find details at
        If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us through our support center ( We look forward to providing you with the most effective advertising available.


        The Google Ads Team

        Google Inc. | The Google Ads Team |Google Marketing Solutions |

          1. Sir Ali Raza
            My adword account is suspended due to suspicious payment

            Kindly tell me how can I fix this problem
            Regards: Muhammad Nauman

      24. Hi Ali,

        My Adwords account got suspended due to suspicious payment activity, how can I get it unsuspended? I have put my payment information on several accounts, is that the reason? What can I do about it? Thank you for your help

      25. Since one month i am getting my adword account suspended whether i put campaign or not. The reason for suspension is “Suspicious Payment” activity.

        Please share reality of it

      26. Hello,

        I’ve filled the form because I’ve been suspended for “suspicious payments”. Can you help us?

      27. Hi Ali. I have reached out through the form above. Looking to resolve issue ASAP. Please advise.

      28. Hi,
        I would like to get my payment back for one of my suspended google ads account. I cancelled the account few months before. I already filled up the form of google. But, no status from google.

        Can you help me to solve this issue?

      29. Hello Ali, My adwords account is suspended – Your account violated the Circumventing systems policy. Please help me

      30. Hello Ali, I’m experiencing the same issue, got this notification on dashboard: Your account is suspended – We’ve detected suspicious payments in your account.

      31. My account kis suspended can you guide how it will be unsuspended
        reason for suspend “Your account is suspended – Your account violated the Circumventing systems policy”

      32. Your account is suspended – Your account violated the Misrepresentation policy. after filling form Dear advertiser,
        Thanks for your continued patience during this process. We’ve confirmed that your account is in violation of our Google Ads policies. Since this decision is final, the account will not be reinstated. Please avoid creating additional Google Ads accounts, as they will be subjected to the same suspension.

        Our support team will not be able to give you any more specifics on the suspension.

        We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.



      33. Hi there,
        I’m always getting a suspension due to suspicious payments, tried many things, still unable to fix this. Can you advise me please.

      34. Hello! Is it real? Does google ads track your attempts to create new account and block them?? Even if it’s for another purpose?


      35. Hi Ali,

        I have completed filling the form. Kindly check through the same. My adwords account is suspended due to suspicious payment activity and looking for your help in same regards.

        I have attached skype ID for your quick reference. Let me know if you can help me better.


      36. Hi there,
        I’m always getting a suspension due to suspicious payments, I’ve did everything but my 2 accounts are suspended due to this same reason. Can you guide me please.

      37. Hi Ali.

        My account got suspended due to Circumventing Systems Policy Violation. It was a 5 month old account and I was getting good sales through it now the account is at standstill I also tried to submit an appeal but it was rejected. I am feeling helpless

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