For those who don’t know, PPC Stands for Pay Per Click Advertising Campaign (Also known as Paid Advertising) is an online marketing and advertising technique where an advertiser have to pay a certain amount of cost per click when a visitor clicks on his/her advertisement regardless of how much impressions his/her ads receive.
Make a Successful PPC Campaign
PPC is usually different from SEO, because SEO is the procedure of ranking your website naturally in search engines using an algorithm predefined by Google and other Search Engines while PPC is usually a paid way to show your ads on different keywords. While SEO takes time in ranking your website but PPC is a quicker way to show up your ads, but then you have to pay a certain amount every time a person clicks on your ad, so you need to be a little cautious with PPC on what you are showing and where you are showing.
There are different ways on how the ads are being displayed to the user, depending upon the network type and programs do they offer. (We will discuss it later)
Why Read about PPC Campaign Article :
- What is PPC (Pay Per Click)?
- A Look on Famous PPC Brands
- Basic Elements of PPC Campaign :
- 8 Steps that Make a Successful PPC Ad Campaign
- 3 Critical PPC Mistakes That Can Kill Your Campaign!
- Hire Us
- Conclusion
A successful pay-per-click or PPC campaign is a proposition of aligning the best strategies to pull off a profitable advertising drill based on the per-click billing system. PPC is an online advertising model which allows publishers to use the ad network to display advertisement on pay per click basis.
The rational approach to PPC advertising considers a plan, a better one.
It isn’t that easy to trigger the success of a PPC Campaign which is why world’s best SEO Experts, Adwords Consultants, and Online Advertising Gurus preach about the best practices as well as A/B testing.
A/B Testing
A/B testing is an analysis system to differentiate the two cases that go through the same procedure and show up their individual results e. g. a website designer gets to design two website layouts for a company, and the company runs both layouts for the equal period of time to analyze which converts better, and ultimately finds one of them converting well.
In Online Advertising arena, there are certain elements required to see the drastic results—And, of course, to dominate the competition.
Ever wonder why some companies keep on using the online advertisements?
Have you seen that few brands come with a new ad design every month?
It’s all because these companies want to continue the impact they have started using the online advertising—they want to keep the momentum building, they continue to come with ad campaigns again and again to ensure that they come with better results with every campaign.
Bing Ads and Google Adwords Certified Professional, Hayley Coutinho, explained the mistakes that most advertisers make, and it’s extremely necessary to understand that what leads you to the wrong path and what makes your PPC advertising campaign successful.
Famous PPC Brands :
Let’s have a look on some of the famous PPC & Paid Advertising Programs available in the market.
- Google Adwords
- Bing
- Facebook Ads
- Instagram Ads
- Pinterest ads
Obviously, Adwords, Facebook and Bing takes the lead as top 3 programs but you should never ignore the other options because as a marketer, everything is an opportunity, isn’t it?
In order to make any PPC campaign successful, one has to understand and clarify the following elements:
Basic Elements of PPC Campaign :
Goal definition
What’s your goal? You know, defining your goals is really really important and people underestimate this.. it’s because of there short term approach. Out of the 100’s of companies i have worked with, I have always suggested and emphasized on creating a strategy, goal and probably linking it with your offline marketing strategy to get the maximum output because If a brand knows the intent of its PPC advertising, then it would make a difference, besides that, the common perception of an ad campaign would be to reach out to the new audience and gain more customers… but, it tickles a question in the mind about the coherence of ad design with the purpose.
So Identify your main purpose behind running the PPC Campaign. For Instance, you can run a PPC Campaign for :
- Generating More Sales
- Building Traffic to your Blog/Website.
- Increasing more Email Signups (depends upon your landing page, are you offering any incentive to the user for signup?)
- Building Awareness Brand or doing TOM (Top of the mind)
- Brand Reputation
- Introducing New Deals/Discounts
- Announcing new segment or product.
- Re-marketing
- and the list goes on…
What I want to say here is that, not every advertiser is working to increase sales or income in the first step, i know that is your eventual goal but in marketing term, there are various consumer cycles from which the user have to go to finally make a purchase. There are various phases, mind behaviour and other things which needs to be addressed as well.
Target audience
The purpose to emphasize a lot on target audience is because reaching out to the right people and keeping the unnecessary traffic off the road are necessary things to do. As a Digital Marketing Specialist, I’m concerned with every click a visitor is making is going to right direction or not, I know not every user is going to convert, but let’s face it, we are paying for each and every visitor to land on our website and we do not want to waste him. So we need to be very choose and selective in audience selection. Advertisers should also understand that designing the right campaign and opting the appropriate signals would take them closer to the success of the ppc advertising campaign goals.
Territorial boundary
Territorial targeting isn’t a new thing – Since online advertising has a massive outreach in terms of capacity and approach, so it becomes essential to decide whether or not to target specific countries. Local SEO is a similar strategy in the entire different phase of internet marketing which allows SEOs to target specific and local audience. What You need to know here is that
- In which countries/cities/area’s your product/service is available
- How near you are to them?
- Do you have custom offers based on area’s?
- What area’s are performing well for your advertising campaign?
8Â Steps that Make a Successful PPC Ad Campaign
The launch of a PPC Ad Campaign doesn’t end up the story—It actually starts things up for you. It’s quite tough to predict that the first ever ppc campaign would bring fruitful results for you, which is why there is an important concept of A/B testing in online marketing. In order to steer the wheels, follow these steps to get started with PPC advertising:
Choosing the Platform
Opting the advertising platform is a first step to break the ice. Google Adwords is known as the world’s most popular PPC advertising platform. Advertisers would understand along with their experience of online advertising that why to use PPC ad networks or why they should go for CPM Advertising. It’s all about decision making upon experience. Alternatives to Adwords are Chitika, 7Search, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, Linkedin Ads, Pinterest Ads, BingAds and BidVertiser as discussed above.
Defining the Keywords
Keywords are vital. Keywords selection becomes an essential part of the ppc campaign because it leads your campaign forward. Mostly people use keywords (in advertising) that they think their prospective customers would use.
Adwords Keywords Planner helps advertisers to analyze the keywords performance, demand, and average ppc rate in the local currency. Some other freemium and paid products such as Free Keyword Tool and KeywordTool are also known as keyword related tools.
Always remember that you need to understand the consumer psychology behind every keyword, just think as a consumer with every keyword and decide yourself, is it a buying keyword or not?
Campaign Budget Allocation
The budget allocation not only gets your cash rolling into your ad account, but also lets you decide how much you want to spend on a daily basis. The budget allocation defines for how long you want to run your ads.
It’s a fact—the more you spend on ads, the better results would come out. Google Adwords Experts and Internet Marketing Consultants suggest that try to run different campaigns—The purpose is to split the budget into various campaigns rather than the whole one in a single campaign. Not only it helps you to understand which ads performs better, but also helps you to understand the audience behavior against a certain type of ad, which would ultimately helpful for the long-run.
Ad Design Selection
An online advertiser can’t pull off a successful ppc ad campaign without designing an attractive banner ad. Use graphic tool Canva for that or try your favorite graphic designing software such as Corel Draw or Adobe Illustrator.
BannerSnack helps you to get your ad banner designed without any hassle. It’s a famous online service and one stop shop for purchasing high-quality banner ads. Choose your favorite ad design from dozens of available banners with customization facility.
Image credit:
20dollarbanners offers a creative banner design service which starts from $20. It provides ad banner designing for various types of advertising platforms such as Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, Adroll etc.
Competition Analysis
Always remember that one should have a clear idea about the market where he is working, so competitor analysis has it’s own importance. This also helps in finding your loop holes and discovering on what kind of strategies are working well for your competitors. I’m not saying to just copy them but the data can help you in thinking something out of the box.
So At this step, one has to find out about the competition against the niche and keywords. When an advertiser selects his/her keywords, the very next thing he/she has to check is the competition against that keyword.
Although pricing is another important thing while choosing the keyword for a ppc campaign, but competing for high-competition keywords would cost you much and land you less benefit. Online advertising experts suggest long-tail and low-competition keywords.
A part from pricing, you also need to find out other advertisers who are working on the same set of keywords you are working, what kind of ads they are running, what kind of locations they are running, what kind of bidding strategies they have etc..
SEMrush is one of the best online tools to analyze competitor analysis, ads, bidding, site ranking, keywords analysis, site audit, and spying there stuff. It’s one of the most trusted and used SEO tool by companies around the world to keep an eye on their keywords ranking and SERP.
Note : If you are trying for the first time with SEMRush, do checkout my SEMRush review.
HitTail is another software for SEO reporting and keywords analysis which does the pretty much same job, but it doesn’t provide as in-depth reporting as SEMrush does.
A/B Testing with Campaigns
In order to achieve the best results in ppc advertising, every campaign runner has to do an A/B testing in order to find out what exactly works and what doesn’t make advertiser through.
Ilana explained it nicely on Retargeter’s Blog about A/B testing. Mostly A/B testing concept is recalled for landing pages to test the best performing ones or in the website designs to find out which one has got a better chance to generate more leads and conversion.
In PPC advertising, an A/B testing scheme is surely about Ad designs, colors, ad content etc.
For instance,, a major e-commerce store from Pakistan, has been running ads through Adwords and using different ad sizes and designs. They can easily study and analyze through their ads dashboard that which particular ad design (in 300px x 250px size) is getting better results in terms of clicks and conversion.
Disruptive Advertising also provides conversion rate, traffic, and analytics services to the companies. They’ve explained A/B testing using a simple image.
Tracking, Tracking and Tracking. One of the most neglected point when advertisers are first starting out. Do you know that what’s the most important thing for a Marketer, Specially a Digital Marketer? That is Data!..Yes you got me, Data is/should be the most important thing to a marketer because through data you evaluate your current performance, critique, evaluate and further design your online strategy.
Most of the people always give it less importance then it deserves. So always track your actions, your campaigns, your efforts.
If you are just starting out, then you can check for basic tracking program available inside the Adwords, Facebook or Bing dashboard, known as Conversions. This will help you in finding out what ads/keywords and settings are performing best for you.
You can also add Google Analytics to better understand your audience, there buying behaviour.. Once you pass the basic stage, you can also consider going with Prosper 202 or CPAVlab for advance tracking.
Analyze and Repeat
Once you have everything which makes you on the right track to keep running your ppc ad campaign, you need to keep analysing your results, and optimising the campaign to perform much better—Repeat the process of making your ppc campaign workable and sustainable. There is no end in marketing. Marketing is all about keep on testing new things, keep on checking your competitors, keep on looking for new opportunities and converting them, so keep on analysing and testing and when you find out what’s working for you, just repeat and scale.
3Â Critical PPC Mistakes That Can Kill Your Campaign!
Although I have discussed 5 Mistakes You are making with your Facebook Marketing Strategy, I’m going to discuss 5 Critical PPC Mistakes which should be avoided at all costs.
Poor Ads & Landing Page :
If you are investing 1000’s of dollars in ad spend, but doesnt figuring out the right ad combined with the right landing page, you will never ever go anywhere. Whatever platform you choose to work with, whatever niche you work in, until and unless you figure out the right set of ads linked with right landing page, your campaign is always going to fail.
I mean what are you doing with this? What are you targeting and selling is completely wrong. Remember, whenever an advertiser clicks on your ad, he develops a certain set of expectations of what he will see in your landing page, in case he doesnt.. that is going to bring Disappointment in his mind which will result in less conversations and sales.
You don’t monetize your Quality Score and Ad Rank :
Whether you work with Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads or any other advertising platform, all of them have an advertising algorithm to work with. On each platform, the Ad rank determines the quality of your ad, its relevance, your CTR, landing page and tweaking settings to assign you a Quality Score.
It could even happen that an advertiser paying half of what you pay can rank above your ad just because of a high quality score and even if you pay tripple the amount he is paying, your ad is coming always after his ad. So work with quality score to improve your ad positions and lower your advertising costs.
Your ad are missing call to action :
Usually at the events i speak, i keep on reviving the audience that don’t forget your customers are the world’s most laziest people. You need to give them a very strong reason or urge to take an action otherwise even
- If you have a great product to sale
- If they exactly need what you are selling
- Like a great deal in the market.
- Missing on how does your company stands out from the crowd and how you are exceptional.
Now just see the Ad. It’s good but it’s lack the urging call to action.. isn’t it? Have a look yourself
and now look at an ad from Blueocean (Keep in mind they are my competitors but their good is worth seeing)
Now check this ad.. simple straight to the point with an urge to buy now.
Let me show you another example
Unless and until you don’t give them an urge to buy it right now or you are going to lose or present them with certain sort of attraction to buy it, chances are that your sales will be low.
So you need to have a very strong call to action that convert them into sales, signups or what ever your goals are.
Recommended Readings :
- Facebook Ads For Newbies – Complete Guide to Setup Your First Facebook Ad Campaign.
- How to Optimise Google Ads Adwords
- Google Adwords Secret Guide with Various Tips, Tools and Tricks.
- Complete Google Adwords Case Study
Hiring :
Looking for a company which take care of your advertising campaigns and give’s you the best of best in Online Advertising Marketer. Whether you want to create a new PPC Campaign for your Business or if you are going to run an SEO Campaign, Me and my team is just a contact form away..
Your Part
In this article, we have learned that any advertising strategy won’t be an overnight success, you need to keep on testing, evaluate and critique using the right tools and gauging the strategy help you to get better and better in this area and make you understand what’s exactly working for you and for your brand. I also discussed various steps you need to have in mind before starting your campaign. I also discussed some major mistakes which can kill your PPC Campaign. Remember that the Brands don’t end up after one or two campaigns, but they try to keep on coming with new campaigns until they find some high-converting ground for them, so marketing is all about data and testing!
We at Aarswebs & analyze all the major grounds to completely understand the standing of the client to ensure that we fetch incredible PPC Campaign results for our clients.
What else would you do to make your ppc campaign successful?
Have IÂ missed anything which you would like to add?