SendPulse Review: Email Marketing Combined

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Having tried various email marketing services (ESPs), I was under the impression that I had evaluated most of them. While new players innovated with existing tools such as autoresponders and templates, there was nothing exciting about them that made me think of switching from the ESP that I was using.

That is until I signed up for SendPulse.

I was amazed at the powerful features this simple email marketing tool provided.

SendPulse Review

Free Plan

For starters, the free plan included all the essential email marketing features, including:

  • Email automation
  • Tons of responsive pre-designed email templates and subscription forms
  • Drag’and’drop template builder and subscription form builder
  • Personalization and segmentation
  • А/В testing
  • Detailed analytics
  • 15,000 emails to up to 2500 subscribers each month for free


But what really impressed me the most was the web push notification service that is completely and forever free with SendPulse.

Having read about how various bloggers in my niche were using push notifications to drive traffic to their site, I was always tempted to give it a shot.

But sadly, most of the companies that provided this service had an extravagant monthly fee which I felt didn’t justify the investment.

Having finally found a platform to experiment with web push, I registered for the free plan with SendPulse to see whether web push was really worth installing on the website.

What are Push Notifications?

If you use a smartphone, then you probably receive tons of push notifications in a day. These are messages from the apps installed on your phone, prompting or reminding you about a task or activity within the app.

You may also receive web push notifications on desktop as they are supported by most modern web browsers.

They work just like an email subscription, where the users have to opt-in to receive your messages. Once users ‘allow’ you to send them notifications, they get instant messages on their devices whenever you send the notification.

Push notifications offer several key benefits, including:


  • Increase subscriptions – Push notifications make it easy for your visitors to subscribe to your site.
  • More visibility – The visibility of push notifications is around 90%.
  • Better than email marketing – Push notifications are also considered more effective than email marketing. According to a study made by Xtify, the open rates for push notifications vary from 30% to 60%, and interaction rates run as high as 40%. In comparison, the average open rate for email is 20%, and the average click-through rate is only 5.4%.


Quick Tips to Increase Engagement with SendPulse Push Notifications


SendPulse allows you to send personalized notifications to your users and gives you segmentation options based on the user’s location, device and other details.


Here are some quick tips to make the best use of SendPulse web push feature:


1) Broadcast your latest content to visitors


One of the best ways to use push notifications on your site is to promote your latest blog posts. By using push notifications to broadcast your new content, you also increase chances of converting new visitors into subscribers.


2) Promote Evergreen content

Evergreen content is blog content that stays relevant for a long time. If you’ve been running a blog for some time, then you’re sure to have evergreen content. Using Push notifications to promote your evergreen content is a great way to revive your old posts.


3) Send Offer Alerts in Real-time

If you’re running an online store, you can use push notifications to notify users about special offers on your site. A great way to increase sales.


Since this feature is free, you can start using it as soon as you sign up.


While you may be impressed with SendPulse ease of use and automation functionality, push notifications are the real USP of this product.

Give it a try by registering for SendPulse.

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About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.


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