Tips on Writing a Digital Marketing Research Paper

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Due to numerous technological innovations, marketing has become utilizing digital technologies for its purposes. Modern marketers should learn how to promote goods and services in the Internet and other digital media. Thus, students have to learn the basics of digital marketing in order to succeed in this field in future. The most essential assignment for every young professional who studies business and marketing is a research paper. Students have a chance to learn how to make a great research paper on digital marketing with the help of the writing guidelines placed below.

How to Write a Digital Marketing Research Paper

Part One: Project Your Research Paper

  • Action One: Collect Materials. If you do not know anything about digital marketing, you should go to the library and take several books about it. Read encyclopedias to define the meaning of this term and learn about its major components. Choose several authors that can help you learn the subject better. When you read books, you should make notes profoundly in order to remember every considerable idea. If you write down many important facts, you will spend less time on research paper writing.
  • Action Two: Make a Plan. After you read something about digital marketing, you ought to make the overall project of your paper. Think about the chapters and subcategories that will be analyzed there. This job is very hard; therefore, you should show your plan to the teacher. If your outline is accepted, you are able to start researching your topic. Many students do not understand the value of outline writing. If you plan your work in detail, it will be easier for you to analyze the problem. You will easily break the whole research paper into sections and work on every part separately. Your investigation will be logical and concise. If you write about digital marketing, it is reasonable to observe such problems as the history of digital marketing, the new marketing approach, the latest strategies and developments, etc. You can also introduce a practical part that will be devoted to the examples of digital marketing found in the Internet.
  • Action Three: Create a Thesis Statement. It is vital to make a successful thesis statement that will reflect the main idea and concept of your research paper. The thesis should be brief and understandable. For instance, you can say, “Digital marketing is the present and future of marketing”. With the help of this statement you claim that marketing will fully depend on digital technologies in the nearest future.
  • Hint: Do not create a complex outline trying to observe the problem from numerous sides. It is enough to research digital marketing in general and focus on its two or three major elements.

Part Two: Begin Writing the Paper

  • Action One: Make Introduction. The foremost section of your research paper about digital marketing is the introduction. This short part should attract the reader’s attention to the content of your paper. You can start your introduction with the observation of the current condition of marketing and its gradual ‘digitalization’. Secondly, emphasize the relevance of the topic and point at the authors who have tried to analyze it before you. Write about the idea of your paper and share your expectations with the reader. What do you want to achieve with the help of your research on digital marketing?
  • Action Two: Write the Main Body. Divide the main body of your digital marketing research paper into several chapters. You can begin your analysis with the presentation of the brief history of marketing and its current condition. Dwell on the importance of technologies in it. Next, you are able to focus on the latest strategies of digital marketing and describe it detail. Do not forget to provide your descriptions with the trustworthy examples and quotations.
  • Action Three: Care about Citation. The value of a research paper depends on the quality and number of quotations. When you study a topic, you are supposed to read many books about it. Thus, write down every borrowed idea scrupulously. Introduce the points of view of different authors in order to make your paper newsworthy. However, you should remember about the credibility of every source. Learn about the authors whose authority in the field of marketing is undisputable. Use their arguments freely. Avoid utilizing out-of-date sources because they can spoil the quality of your research. Bear in mind that you analyze a topic about a brand new issue; therefore, your sources should be up-to-date.
  • Action Four: Conclude Your Research. The final section of your academic assignment is conclusion. In this chapter, you ought to pay attention to the summary of your investigation. Moreover, you should enumerate your research results and research methods. Think about the success of your analysis.
  • Hint: Use different research methods to broaden the scope of your investigation. You can also introduce statistics, tables, pictures and other additional materials to make your paper more captive and efficient.

Part Three: Mind the Style of Writing

  • Action One: Mind the Format. Professors expect students to write in the formal way. Furthermore, you ought to write in the third person and avoid passive forms and long sentences.
  • Hint: Ask your advisor about the required norms of writing.

These guidelines are provided by research paper service which helps students with academic writing.

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About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.

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