SEO Training Course 2021 by Ali Raza

Welcome to the SEO Training Course Online

This course is primarily designed in URDU/Hindi with slides in English. The course can be taken from anywhere from Pakistan, India, Australia, Singapore, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, in fact from any place in the world.

The SEO Training Course outline is as follows :

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The starting date is 20th February, 2021.

SEO Basic(s)

  • Introduction to SEO in 2021
  • Why SEO?
  • SEO vs PPC
  • SEO vs UE VS UI
  • Understanding Different SEO Metrics


SEO Ranking Factors

  • How Google Works?
  • How Google Rank Websites?
  • CTR Magnet Theory
  • Sample SEO Plan


Keyword Research

  • Introduction to Keyword Research
  • How to Do Keyword Research?
  • Finding Low Competition Keywords.
  • Understanding Consumer Buying Cycle with Each Keyword


Content and Article Writing

  • What is Content and Articles?
  • Relation of SEO and Content Writing?
  • How to Write SEO Friendly Content?

On-Page SEO

  • Introduction to On Page SEO
  • Writing for Humans.
  • On-Page SEO vs Off-Page SEO
  • Impact of On-Page SEO for Rankings.

Off-Page SEO

  • What is Off Page SEO?
  • Impact of Off-Page SEO for Rankings.
  • What are BackLinks?
  • What are Social Signals?
  • What is Domain Authority and Page Authority?
  • What is CF and TF?
  • Role of BackLinks in Search Engine Ranking.
  • Role of Social Signals in Search Engine Ranking.


BackLinks Plan

  • How to do Link Diversification?
  • Discussion on Web 2.0
  • Expired Domains
  • Forum Back Links
  • Blog Comments
  • Q & A Websites.
  • Guest Posting
  • PDF & DOC Links
  • Press Releases
  • Social Signals.
  • Formulating Complete Backlinks Plan [Samples Included]


User Experience and SEO

  • What is User Experience?
  • Relationship of User Experience and SEO
  • Mobile Friendly Website.
  • How to check your website experience on all devices?
  • Understanding Your Audience


SEO Friendly URL

  • What are SEO Friendly URL’s and Domains?
  • URL Friendly Structure
  • What are Temporary and Permenant URL Redirects?
  • 301 vs 302 Redirects.


Discussions and Impact of Ranking due to Google Updates such as 

  • Panda
  • Penguin
  • Hummingbird
  • Pigeon
  • 2019 Updates.
  • 2020 Google Updates
  • 2021 Updates.


SEO Audit :

  • What is SEO Audit?
  • How to do SEO Audit?
  • SEO audit tools
  • Technical SEO audits
  • SEO audit checklist


SEO Strategy

  • How to Create SEO Strategy For Your Website or Client?
  • Monitoring & measuring
  • Typical KPIs


Off things in SEO Training Course :

  • Google Webmaster Tools
  • Bing Webmaster Tools
  • SiteMap
  • Fixing Broken Links.
  • Website Loading Time and Tools to reduce it.
  • SSL Certificate and it’s importance.
  • SEO Tools


Competitor Analysis :

  • Importance of Competitor Analysis
  • How to do Competitor Analysis?
  • Stealing and understanding their backlinks and other strategies.


Landing Page :

  • Introduction to Landing Pages
  • Landing Pages Discussed
  • Top 10 Landing Pages.
  • Examples.

Website Analytics

  • Importance of Web Analytics
  • Different tools for Web Analytics
  • How to Install it on your website/Landing page?

Bonus :

  • Local SEO
  • What is Inbound Marketing and How to do it?
  • What is Content Marketing and How to do it?
  • Ecommerce – SEO (NEW)
  • How To Find Low Competition Keywords With Lots Of Traffic

Price & Signup For SEO Training Course Online in 2021

The starting date is 20th February, 2021.

Price : PKR Rs.25000/- $150

Duration : 3 Months – 

Online certificates will be provided which can be viewed from Google Partner Company Website

You will also be given Access to my Premium DM Group.

The good thing is that you can join this seo training course from lahore, karachi, islamabad or anywhere from Pakistan, India, USA because it’s online based/

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Let me know via comments section, if you have any questions Good luck to your SEO Training.


  1. Faisal Zamir says:

    Thanks to you share very nice and comprehensive course.

  2. Umer Idrisi says:

    Hello there,

    Brilliant work. May Allah Bless You More.

    Regards! Umer

  3. Sibtehaider says:

    Thank you so much to share us for amazing and good courses

  4. Sameer.Ahmed says:

    appreciation to you in Pakistan people really need to learn SEO and other digital marketing courses and you have to do such a great we’re also providing people to learn digital marketing to start their own business and build careers!

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