How to Grow Your Brand with Facebook Live Video

How to Grow Your Brand with Facebook Live Video (2024)

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Currently, there are a more then of 2.6 billion social network users around the globe. Majority of you will admit when i say that Businesses, Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs (Read : How to Grow as a Solopreneur), Freelancers and Service people need to stay ahead of their competitors and gain consumers’ attention that’s an ultimate reason, which is why i recommend people to have your strong presence on social media platforms.

Grow Your Brand with Facebook Live Video 2024

Back in 2016; Facebook started it’s live streaming service; counting it as the new feature being added on Facebook, it provided a unique way with reaching fans much faster and have a direct contact with them by showing your face.

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My Personal Example of Facebook Live :

You might have seen me doing live video on Facebook. There are many ways to utilize this amazing video feature of Facebook. Different people use Facebook live for different reasons. From road trips to conferences, people in all parts of the world are getting into the Facebook live. It’s just the beginning, though.

facebook live

Whether you’re building a personal brand like—which is mine—or establishing your company, it doesn’t matter, what matters is that you must know the benefit of Facebook live video. Moreover, what value it brings to your brand growth is just unbelievable.

According to Social Media Today, people spend more time watching Facebook Live videos than videos that aren’t live. Three times more, thats a crazy number.

So, in this article, you’re about to learn the use of the Facebook live feature and I’m about to share that what I learned about this amazing opportunity of business development in the recent past. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a sole proprietor, partnership firm, or a personal brand, if you want to grow your business, you should give your 10 minutes to this article.

Step by Step Process of Using Facebook Live Video in 2024:

Let me break down the process of using the Facebook live video for you:

Pre-plan your Live Video

One of the common things a lot of Facebook live video experts and digital marketing geeks would tell you is the pre-planning of the live session. It means that you must know what you’re going to talk about. It shouldn’t be scripted, though, because it would be terrible to watch. People always feel connected to originality and humanness.

In order to pre-plan your live video, you must figure out the following:

Topic of the discussion:

This is what your whole live video would revolve around. Everything starts with the topic of your live video. The thing you might have to tell after your intro would be the topic of your live stream. So, clearly define your live video’s topic.

  • Host a Question & Answer Session.
  • Discuss something on current trends or current affairs.
  • Teach something to people.
  • Announce a new product/service/press conference.
  • Explain a product or a service.
  • Do a comparison between two things.
  • You can interview someone or be interviewed by someone.
  • You can pick an issue in your industry and start to have a discussion with it.

Obviously, there are many more topics and ideas you can work with, but the above were just a sort of idea to consider working.

Table of content:

Make a rough outline of your content. Use during the live video in order to stay on the course. Don’t worry about holding it in your hand or looking at the notepad you’re carrying with you to read out. Make sure your points are spot on.

Sound and Lighting:

Your topic and content might not help the cause if the conditions around you aren’t suitable. Make sure to have a clear sound. Trying removing noise from the surroundings if possible. Secondly, the lighting must be good. Sometimes, lighting in the background does hurt the picture. Don’t put the lights on your face directly or mobile phone, instead set up to brighten up the environment.

This is pretty much it. Once these things are done, you’re good to go live on Facebook.

Deliver Value


People would fed up if you’re just babbling and not coming to the point. The more you delay the real part, the tougher it gets for people to hang around. A lot of people make this mistake of holding things off to wait for more people to join in. Instead, start your value delivery instantaneously. Because people could watch the replay if they missed out the initial part. One of the reasons for jumping onto the main part is that it gets you the attention of the audience and it starts the engagement with them. When you start to tell them something they want to know, either they react to it with happiness like SHARING, LIKING, or REACTING with emojis.

The more you deliver value, the better your live sessions become. It doesn’t happen in a week. You must be consistently doing it for months in order to gain the traction.

Get Engaged with the Live Audience


People love it when the live person responds to them. So don’t completely neglect the comments. Once you finish off the points that you wrote for your live session, try covering up the comments that people are leaving. Read the comments with the names. Sometimes, it becomes impossible to read each and every comment if you have a huge following and you’ve got 1000 live people and a lot of them are commenting at the same time. Try choosing the best comments to respond to.

You can divide the last part of the live session in two parts. Firstly, you can start reading their comments and respond to them or thank them. Secondly, in the last 5 to 10 minutes, try answering as many questions as you want. Tell them that you’ll answer the questions in the last 5 to 10 minutes. Once you enter the last part of the live session, just remind the live audience about the QnA session. The whole engagement through commenting, answering, and liking will help your Facebook Page or Profile grow. In fact, it would directly impact your brand.

Best Practises For Facebook Live Streaming :

The following practises will help you to increase engagement, reach and views for your videos.

  • If you don’t have something good to show, don’t come up Live.
  • Don’t be too descriptive or boring.
  • Don’t be too lengthy or too short.
  • Have an active energy.
  • Always be Authentic, Because Authenticity is the most important part of marketing.
  • Promote Live Events in Advance.

4 Examples of Facebook Live Success

Checkout the below examples

Hisham Sarwar

hisham sarwar

Hisham Sarwar, a popular freelancing guru in Pakistan got massive popularity due to Facebook Live. He frequently use Facebook Live on his group, page and profile to get connected with his audience.

[Also check Hisham Sarwar Interview]

Tanveer Nandla

tanveer nandla

Tanveer Nandla who is also mentioned in my list of Best Bloggers in Pakistan is a well known person in IT community and commonly known as Dr. Web. He also actively uses this strategy to get masses attention.


Starbucks, a well known Coffee brand also took advantage of Facebook Live. You can check their facebook page for more videos.

facebook live example starbucks

Partner with Other Brands

Do you know that Facebook made a $3 million-a-year deal with the NY Times to produce exclusive video content on its platform.

In addition to above examples, Forbes discussed 5 examples of brands which got success using Facebook Live.

This prime feature is yet to be used by most big companies and I strongly recommend different companies to understand and take advantage of it.

FAQ’s on Facebook video

What counts as a view on a Facebook video?

Facebook video view is logged when a video plays for at least three seconds, a criteria that’s aided by the fact that Facebook videos autoplay in News Feed.

How do I get more views on my Facebook videos?

Share it across all social media channels, your blog, email list, gmail or even on whatsapp to get the word out about your video.

How do you find video metrics on Facebook?

If you are looking to find analytics and insights on your video : To access Facebook video metrics, click Insights at the top of your Facebook Page and navigate to the Videos tab.

What is a good organic reach on Facebook?

Facebook defines organic reach as “how many people you can reach for free on Facebook by posting to your Page. Ideally Facebook wants you to spend more money to increase the reach via paid reach. Either way it depends on your niche, competition and the area you market.

How do I increase my reach on Facebook?

Facebook Live Videos is a great way. Other ways are working on posting such contents which can great attention and shares. Try to focus on current issues in your market and consider working on humour content or attentional content for such purpose.

I want to promote my Facebook Video, how can i?

I have written a complete guide on How to Advertise on Facebook & 5 Essentials of Running a Facebook ad campaign.


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You might have seen every type of brands, individuals, and experts are doing live streaming on Facebook. The reason is that people are figuring out now that Facebook live does have an incredible value on the platform. In fact, it has been observed that Facebook does value the live video more than any other form of content.

The process of brand growth doesn’t happen quickly — it takes time like any other process.

Don’t just start your Facebook live video to test out the virality factor. Because you may not get your first few live videos viral on Facebook. But once you establish your brand over the course of time, you’ll notice that your live videos are being shared, replayed, and mentioned by the fans.

I’ve personally tested the Facebook live video and seen some great results so far.

The verdict is that you got to have a plan in order to grow your brand with Facebook live video. If you’re selling your fashion clothing line, and you’re live streaming at a car expo, no one will be interested in your live video, because they know you from the fashion and clothing perspective. So, provide them what they’re interested in, then see the results.

How many of you will try Facebook live video after reading this article?

Let me know in the comments below. 

About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.

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