Want to Become a Social Media Influencer?

Want to Become a Social Media Influencer

Have you ever thought about becoming a social media influencer?

You must be following some people on Twitter or friends with some people who have a huge following on Facebook. When your following on social media grows, which means your authority increases, then people start to see you as a social media influencer.

You don’t any get certification or stamp to be a social media influencer. Instead, it’s just how your followers see you. The number of followers indeed has a role in it for sure; the bigger the number, the higher the authority.

social media platforms

But it doesn’t only depend on the number of followers because engagement, reach, and acceptability also matter. If you have a 10k fans on your Facebook page, and you get over 1000 likes and 300 comments on average, but your friend who has 100k fans on a Facebook page, but he gets 50 likes and 20 comments on average, then you’re far better than him.

How to Become a Social Media Influencer

So to become a social media influencer, you may need to follow these steps:

Build a Strength

Building strength means you have to identify what your capability is and then utilize it for building a career around that. A lot of people would complain that they don’t have strength or passion. The answer is they can always pursue what they like.

Some people have a lot of experience or knowledge of soccer so they can talk about soccer through videos, podcasts, and other forms of content.

Another person might be a pro in online tutoring, he might know 10 websites that provide opportunities for online tutoring.

So finding and understanding your strength is the stepping stone of becoming the social media influencer.

If you have a 9 to 5 job, it could be very difficult to become a social media influencer because it requires a lot of work. Most social media influencers are self-employed, and that’s how they can make something significant. But if you get a job and still become a social media influencer, then hats off to you.

It’s true that many influencers start their social media accounts on the side and work dedicatedly for years to become an authority, but it doesn’t happen for everyone.

If you want to build muscles, you must go to the gym, and no matter how you fast you run, but you won’t build muscles without going to the gym. Find out what strength, which would enable you to see your “why” in life. When you figure this out, it gets easier to proceed on social media, which helps you in becoming an influencer.

Put in the Work Consistently

Have you been following some meme Facebook pages or Instagram accounts for years? Have you noticed that now they have thousands of followers? The reason is that they worked consistently on their pages and accounts. That tireless work paid off after a few years; now they seem an authority on social media.

When you start to contribute to the audience, and they find your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions helpful, they start to feel connected with you, which makes them addicted to your content. It can’t be possible without putting in the work consistently.

So if you want to become a social media influencer, you better choose something that you can work on consistently because it will be a long ride.

Make a Community

You can’t be an influencer if you don’t have a community to influence. Community is the key to building influence. What a community does is that it provides a bunch of people a chance to connect for one or more than one common reasons. It gets easier to join a community if the owner or moderator is a known person. A lot of bloggers and YouTubers make their Facebook groups and their subscribers and followers join those groups to be a part of their journey and connect with the influencers on a deeper level.

There are many different tools that you can utilize to create communities online. Use Facebook Groups, LinkedIn Groups, Twitter hashtags, or Meetup account for starting and managing a community.

Additional Reading : How to Start a Facebook Group

Solve Problems

One of the perks of figuring out the first three steps is that you get to solve others’ problems through your content, consultancies, and meetups. People ask you questions via emails and DMs, they meet you at the events, and you also get invited to speak as you proceed in your career. The reason I said first three steps are important is that if you don’t have a strength, you don’t have a shot, and if you don’t work consistently, you won’t get noticed, and if you don’t build a community, you won’t get loyal fans.

So once you figure out those three things, you can a good chance to solve people’s problems. The day you start solving people’s problems, you start the journey towards becoming a social media influencer.

Additional Reading :

Frequently Asked Questions

How much money do social media influencers make?

How much money matters depend upon your following, niche and the social media platform you primarily use. The country of your followers also matter a lot. Typically small influencers make anywhere between $100 to $5000 per year while the big one earns up to $50,000 per year. While some celebrities earn in millions of dollars as an Influencer every year.

How do you become a Paid Social Media Influencer?

Work on your social media profile, like cover photo, strong bio and a decent picture. After this, consider working on your following by regularly updating content and engaging on the platform. Also work on endorsements, getting featured and physically participating in relative events. Once you do this, companies and brand will start noticing you.

Do Social Media brand ambassadors get paid?

Although the amount and incentives varies, depending upon the following, your following and what value the brand has, but Yes! they get paid.

How many followers do you need to be an influencer on Instagram?

It depends on authority over your followers and what impact your content is creating. Sp There isn’t a fix amount of followers you need to be an influencer on Instagram.

How I can Make Money as a Social Media Influencer?

There are multiple ways through which you can earn money as a Social Media Influencer. For instance, you can do brand endorsements; promote other brands and make money. You can also sell your own products or services. You can have your own online Paid events or charity. You can also recommend other people product or service and earn through affiliate marketing.

Your Thoughts?

I shared my four tactics about becoming a social media influencer. The basic idea of becoming a social media influencer revolves around getting the attention of the audience and retaining that momentum. It’s only possible if you have something valuable to share and your build a strong connection with your fans.

Now, it’s up to you how you deliver value to them, for example, you can make videos, do live streams, write articles, post Facebook status, or send email newsletters. You can, of course, use multiple forums and methods to communicate with the audience. It depends on the industry-type and niche, you learn where your audience is and where they feel comfortable to stay and connected with you.

So figure out your strength and use your magic to change lives, and you’ll be on your way to becoming a social media influencer.

What else do you think is necessary to become a social media influencer?

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About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.

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