Best Blogging Tips 2024

Best Blogging Tips
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You know blogging is easy. Oh dam… Is it so? Who said this to you if it is easy?

It is really not.

But you can definitely make it easy for you… But.

If you do it for long. Do it deliberately for some good long time.

Then I say, and I confirmly say it will become not just easy but so easy for you.

Best Blogging Tips

So… You guys must be wondering as to HOW and WHAT can be done to make blogging an easy task for yourself.

Just stick to this post till the very end, please. 🙂

I am just going to share the best blogging tips to get you enlightened with to actually have an authoritative and successful blog in many terms (brand, reach, and the money too.)

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  • HI10

The 21 Best Blogging Tips for you! (2024)

What are they?

How to do?

And how intensively and repeatedly do all of ‘em.

Wait…. Hold your nice horses, buddy. 🙂

I will cover all, open all of those best blogging tips that I have for you.

Get me all of them in the listicles and you must employ them.

1- Stick to one topic

That i the part where most bloggers fail to understand the worth of.

Well, I mostly give an example in this case…

A doctor cannot be an engineer the same time.

So is a security guard cannot work as a professor.

Then… Why try to wear a lot of hats at the same time while you cannot?

Pick one topic. Stick to one topic.

2- Different-styled of the content writing

This is the core essence of being called out as a blogger.

And that is the writing tone.

This world has been so much social that the gloom, dismal, and sadness are prevailing the livelihood of the common people.

As everyone is sharing their part of the stories all around the globe, and all of the time; it becomes so difficult to find out the interesting, different, and entertaining content TO actually fade away their sadness.

Being the blogger, it definitely is your job to bring up the best content that is heart-touching and be shown as the different content type that brings the smile on the faces of your readers.

Play your part. Take the different-styled of the content writing out in the world.

3- Craft the awesome headlines

You read NOT a good but an interesting headline on the newspaper AND that is because of the high incitement, the want to read that news in the full.

But understand first, the headline is the half of the content read.

If you put up a lot of effort in crafting the awesome headline, you have done half of the hard work done already.

The ball is then in the court of the readers. The more awesome your next headline would be, the more readers you can attain.

Work a lot on this.

And take use of this awesome headline analyzing weapon: Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer

4- Understand the audience you are gaining

We can be having the mixture of the different audience due to if you are not consistent with one-topic blog.

I know that might be good for many, and in some cases.

But that is really NOT a good idea according to me.

You need one. One topic and the one type of the target audience that takes brilliant interest in your content.

Keep going with the one-topic blog idea and you will start to receive the brilliant audience that will understand you AND you can understand them as well.

Ask questions. Engage with them to get the better understanding. Conduct live audio/video sessions around the internet.

5- Ask your audience

Ask what?

  • Questions or conduct the Q&A session.
  • Blog post ideas.
  • Live audio sessions.
  • Live video sessions.
  • AMA – ‘Ask Me Anything’ session.

Why steer your own blog and by your own self, it would be far better to take your audience to be in the front.

Put the forms up. Integrate the chat system. Take and make calls to your readers. Inquire about their critique.

6- Blog comment

You know that is more powerful weapon which is called, the blog commenting.

If it is done right, it can enable the access to the locked doors of the networking.

And I doubt that you can make your place in the world of blogosphere without doing the efficient blog commenting.

That is the very required strategy to open up the friendship with the fellow bloggers.

Make at least 2/two comments everyday on the relevant blogs just like yours.

But that is not just it.

Reply back to every single comment that you receive from your audience.

This builds up the good bond within your audience that they think about you care of them.

See how I do it on my blog posts. 🙂

7- Hit for quality AND not quantity

Sadly that is the true case.

For the voice to be heard by the world, you need to be coming in too often to get it actually heard.

But what could it be of good if your voice is not worth of anything.

Then it must comes the turn of quality.

The quality content is all that matters even though if you write and publish it with some delay.

Give importance only to the quality and come up with just quality.

Forget and delete the word ‘quantity’ out of your dictionary when it comes to the blogging.

8- Consistency

Can you go with no-consistency?

Okay… Imagine.

You really cannot, please do not imagine at all.

Yeah, if you are NOT serious enough with having the blog to get it running, you may go with no-consistency.

It is not required BUT the essential part of your blog’s success.

Be consistent with the blog, content, and everything.

9- Networking

Networking counts with making connections with the people; your audience and the fellow bloggers.

With the audience, you can maintain the networking efforts through your content, going with one-on-one live sessions, and arranging the events online and of course, offline as well.

And with the fellow bloggers, join the events/conferences/sessions happening around your city, country, and even abroad.

That is one clear-cut effort and have direct impact on making the strong network.

10- Build the email list

And build it from the DAY ONE.

This is where the most of the people think they first need some traffic, the acquaintances, and the following.

But that is not entirely true.

Such bloggers underestimate their content because the content is that will earn you the subscribers.

If that is not up to the good quality, definitely no one is going to come over your blog, read, or subscribe to get notified of your future updates.

So, please place the email gathering slots using the email listing plugins/apps.

By the way, I use Boom from ElegantThemes. Try it for yourself. 🙂

11- Share your best knowledge

You are responsible of your blog, nope?

And for what one reason people actually visit your blog for?

Of course, to know the BEST information off of your blog.

Then how come is it really possible?

It is definitely possible if you are up with sharing your BEST KNOWLEDGE that you know.

And it becomes so convenient when you have your personal touch added up in the recipe of sharing your best knowledge.

12- Brilliant call to action!

In short, they are called CTA.

You need some best performing call to action or CTA.

And that should show the creativity too. 🙂

I meant creativity in crafting the good actionable call to actions.

  • Whether you need subscribers to get listed over your email gathering list.
  • Convince people to take action after getting your email read.
  • If you are selling any of your service.
  • And so forth.

Anything that you want your readers to take actions from, try to work to actually get the best working CTA or call to action word/words/sentences that incite their will to take action. 🙂

13- Give time

What you have your blog set up for?

Of course to progress in the world; monetary wise and the authority wise too.

Anything you have set up in your mind to get from your blog, that will take time.

So much time.


Email subscribers

Social media following



Even anything and everything, that will take a good lotta of the time.

What you have to do is keep going and make everyday and every action count.

14- Be YOU

Well, I am not saying this at all.

But that is the requirement… The major and number on requirement.

The technology has been evolved.

Back in the time, it was considered okay to be someone and copy someone’s style, content, and anything.

Now… Do not ever think of being someone.

YOU need your own voice. Your own writing style.

All in all, you need to be YOU in every matters of your blogging life.

Remember, be YOU.

15- Make your content lengthier AND not wider

Worried or surprised?

Well, you should NOT be.

Because that is the core of the blogging from now on.

This is not a school that whatever you will write, how do you write, and how much you will write; that entirely does not matter at all.

Within the world know, everyone wants to read the interesting content.

And that is possible with the lengthier content.

Lengthier in the sense of writing the short paragraphs.

And by the means of short paragraphs, less words per line.

So… your content would have the ability to pierce into the hearts of your readers.

Who does that?

Neil Patel and Ryan Biddulph.

Check how they do it. And really that way makes the content easy and interesting to read without getting an inch of the boredom. 🙂

16- Become something that you are then referenced

That falls you under becoming the authority first.

Keep writing the best of the content and keep on networking, you will be then start to see yourself being linked to also known as referenced.

Please remember one thing, the more you write the great content you will be able to get the strong reference.

And not just this, to write the best and the great content it is possible when you stick to just one topic.

If you do these, get ready to experience the ‘being referenced.’

17- Focus on SEO (but not much)

To many, SEO is the backbone of getting to win more eyeballs through the search engines.

I do not doubt it at all AND I also put the good effort up with the SEO.

But… Without the content, what good is the SEO for?

Put the large focus up on creating and crafting the best content and go through the SEO’ical process accordingly.

18- Befriend with influencers

This is easy done through the networking.

Help the influencers out as much as possible.

And you can do it using the social media, and the blog comment.

Even you can reference them (link to them.)

But the key is, always mention them that what you did for them.

This should not be done in the artificial way that when you win their trust up, you just forget about them BUT to continue strengthening your bond with them.

19- Be present on the social media

Social media has now evolved to such a level that it has become the necessity to live the online life.

For yourself and for your blog, you have to be present on the social media.

Network with your audience. Get your bond created with the influencers. Share your new content. And target the new audience that is relevant to the theme of your blog.

Yes, you can do all of them and some more as well right from the social media platforms.

20- Write for readers, not just for Google

Ask this question right from your self.

That what you write the content for?

The answer will definitely be, you would be writing for the readers, of course.

But why put all of your pressure up on creating the headlines, content, tags, categories, description, images, and everything for Google (or the search engines.)

Write naturally and as your readers love your content, that will ultimately win the trust of the search engines.

And make it all valuable. Give lots and lots of value for the readers to start loving your content.

21- Transform the writing habit

By means of writing habit, I actually mean to write with such a tone that you do it all naturally.

Give it your best personal touch.

And select the interesting pieces of the sentences TO get your readers engaged and love your written pieces.

People do really love what is written from your heart.

No one. And I say no tool can do the work for you.

Creativity comes right from your mind. And the creative content writing is all that matters in this creative world.

Conclusion on Best Blogging Tips

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  • HI10

I know that is not an easy to task to run a blog but these 21 tips are going to really kill all your hurdles.

Just stick to those tips and you are just good to go.

So… Let me ask you.

How did you like these 21 best blogging tips?

Which one (or ones) you knew it already?

What else do you have to add along with these 21 best blogging tips?

All in all, I wish you all to have the best running blog! 🙂

Keep blogging! 🙂

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About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.


  1. Hi Ali
    I came to your blog first time and was really impressed by the work done by you. I am proud of my Pakistani Boggers.

    These tips are awesome for the people like thinking to start blogging after spending 20 Years in IT.


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