What is Quality Score in Google Ads

What is Quality Score in Google Ads? [Explained] 2025

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This is certain, the higher the quality, the more you have to pay.

But this works just the opposite in Google Ads.

Under Google Ads The thing is quite different — the higher the Quality Score, the less you have to pay.

Though, the regular searchers may end up going hayway when they will come to know what is Quality Score in Google Ads? But for the experienced digital markets and PPC heroes, know the real worth of the Quality Score in Google Ads.

But it is not just the simple quality scoring to cater to: There are the clear aspects, the methods, and the calibrations to ensure how to raise the quality score in no time.

There are numerous implementations and proven strategies that may help you understand how to play with the Google Ads Quality Score.

For everyone to take note of why Quality Score matters the most in here; this exclusive guide about what is Quality Score in Google Ads? [Explained] would reveal every tits and bit of the game to craft the perfectly good ad copy.

Believe us, there are no tricks to beat the system but play with it systematically to ensure you get the best out of your ad copies.

What is Quality Score in Google Ads? [Explained]

Scoring a quality score in crafting the brilliant ad copy is neither a joke nor magic. It happens with the experience, knowing things at a greater scale, and implementing the numbers of ad copies in the past where every single one is able to make you learn the art of creating excellent ad copies.

It indeed is not about a budget that you should score a good Quality Score. It is all about creating the optimized ad copies which serve the motive — Spend less to reach the right target audience.

Since the quality score is the optimum diagnostic tool as to how your ad campaign would react; scoring a good score is the need of time to do even better from the advertisers to your domain.

The better the quality score, the higher the chance of winning the bid and beating down the advertisers.

And the better quality score means you got the right type of ad campaign with the even best keywords serving the right searches. So, it is not just your landing page that needs to be fully optimized, and the better share goes to the quality score to create something stunning.

The advertisers mostly pay a hefty amount to create the landpages and give little importance to the ad campaigns by actually raising the bid amount. But the better ad copy with the right data retaining high-quality score is the real game-changer here.

Why Google Ads Quality Score Matters?

When we speak about the Quality Score in Google Ads., the deal is to craft a stunning ad campaign with a mixture of keywords and PPC ads.

The better relevancy of both, keywords and PPC ads, determines the CPC (cost per click) along with the maximum bid ensuring your ad rank should be gaining weight during the ad auction phase.

The better is your quality score with the mix of the bid amount, the higher is the chance of winning the ad auction.

The better Google Ads Quality Score is directly connected to the following factors;

  • Relevancy of the text used in the ad
  • CTR — Improved click-through rate
  • Relevancy and the quality of your landing page
  • Keywords with the associated ad groups and their relevance
  • Overall Google Ads historical account performance

Still to make clear; these are just the objectives and nothing else. No one outside Google knows what could pose the higher weightage to increase the Quality Score.

But the overall and best indication is the higher click-through-rate, the more the searchers click on your ad, the better it wins the ad rankings ultimately lowering the total cost.

So, you should be better at playing with the keywords and improving the landing page to ensure you can secure a higher click rate.

Still, it is not rocket science to hit a good quality score anyway. You need to own the proper experience, know how to play with all the aforementioned factors to get your desired quality score.

The more the competition, the higher the quality score winner would be able to win the ad auction, and that is it!

You get your ad ready, fill in all the keywords, set the bid amount, and expect you are done and whatever the quality score Google Ads has calculated is by far the only score which you can obtain.

Refine. Refine, and refine until you improve your score. See that just the addition and subtraction of a word from the keyword can play havoc with destroying or improving your quality score.

So, be known for the fact Google Ads Quality Score can always be improved. Test, verify, and test before developing a thought this is by far the utmost level you can ever reach.

Read : Is Your Google Ads Account Suspended? Checkout my tutorial on Google Ads Suspensions.

Types of Google Ads Quality Score

This is by far the deepest of the Quality Score’s layers that have an impact on overall usage of how you go with Google Ads.

Your past history, your top-performing ad campaigns, your selection of keywords, and everything that you can do on Google Ads matter here.

But what are the real Google Ads Quality Scoring types are as follows;

  • Keyword-Level Quality Score
  • Ad Group Quality Score
  • Account-Level Quality Score
  • Ad-Level Quality Score
  • Landing Page Quality Score
  • Mobile Quality Score
  • Display Network Quality Score

Let’s go deep into every bit of the Quality Score types for a deep understanding.

Keyword-Level Quality Score

That is the prime factor that has the capacity to put a greater impact on the quality score. Each and every keyword is responsible for increasing and decreasing the quality score.

While the quality score is calculated from the range of 1 to 10 where one is the least quality score number.

The quality score on the keyword level is directly proportional to the search queries which match the exact keywords that you have regardless of the match type.

Although the keywords’ contribution in your quality score relates to the historic performance up on the Google.com

And the keywords would hardly change in quality score-wise until and unless they win thousands of impressions due to being added into your ad campaigns. That belongs to Impression Threshold, and when the selective keywords reach that point, the historic performance would not be an apt factor anymore.

Until the impression threshold is met, there would not be any significant impact on your quality score. And when they do, adding such keywords will keep your quality score at the higher marks.

Ad Group Quality Score

The Ad Group Quality Score includes the overall score of your campaign. And it is the easiest way to determine what you need to work through the campaign to hit the optimized quality score.

Having the lower QS keywords in your ad group but this ad group has an overall score of around 7, it is way better than the ad group with 3 in quality score but having more high-end keywords.

It is indeed the easiest way to manage and improve the account structure at a greater scale.

Account-Level Quality Score

It depends on how your account has been used and performed for the keywords and the running/stopped ads.

Unfortunately, the low-performing keywords resulting in low CTR can play havoc on your account dragging your overall account which is also difficult to recover from.

Believe it or not but Google has this favoritism for the older accounts that performed well for long, and they are prone to do better than the new ones.

That is the reason people prefer to use one single Google Ads account all their lives in order to do this single favoritism thing.

Ad-Level Quality Score

Running low CTR ads in your different ad groups drags you to the lowest quality score. But this applies to all the running ads and not just one.

Take a tab over your running ads to make sure they hit the good quality score as well as convert optimally to make sure you do not lose the quality and the ROI.

When you find any running ad not doing any good, pause them from further ruining your account and the investment.

Landing Page Quality Score

The Google Ads Quality Score is not necessarily interconnected to all the phases of Google Ads, and you need nothing to worry about anything external.

While Google is the hard advocate about following three major quality factors to keep track of while crafting the landing page:

  • Relevant Original Content
  • Transparency
  • Navigability

The users spending time on your pages, not only helps you to achieve a better ROI and also improve the quality score for awesome performance.

Now the searches are in no way naive, they know what they need, and how effective and helping the landing page should be. So, add the keywords with the good quality score mixed up with the original content and you are done.

Make sure to adhere to the exclusive Google’s Landing Page Guidelines for the optimized and super relevant make of the target page.

Mobile Quality Score

Mobile is the widely-used device type that is gaining traction around the globe. And Google Ads gives equal importance to the mobile, and the mobile users, calculating the quality score the same way it does on the computer/laptops.

Although the mobile-based quality score has different objects to calculate the quality score, adhering to the best practices to come up with the right kind of ads is not going to be a trick.

Display Network Quality Score

Last in the queue, the Display Network Quality Score has its own impact as well. Somehow, the Display Network quality score is quite different.

If you have been targeting the CPM model with your ad campaign, the quality score will solely be based upon your landing page’s overall quality.

But going with the CPC model, the counted factors would be the historical CTR of the ad plus the landing page quality, so take note of that important piece of information while picking the different ad campaigns for the display network types.

Why does Google even have a Quality Score?

It is an automated process as you know but making the ads on Google Ads is quite a manual experience.

Since so many advertisers make the ads to target their favorite search queries with the same keywords alike, the screening process is all automated, and hence, to go through the screening phase, you should be learning the factors to ensure your ad copy wins the bid.

Meeting every factor, still, the cost per click wins, so a better model to create an ad copy is to hit all the stars along with raising the bid amount probably at the higher mark because Google loves it the whole! 🙂

Why Quality Score Matters in the First Place?

  • Right ad copy to enter the ad auction
  • Eligible ads ranking
  • And the higher CPC the advertisers have to offer

If you are not versed with how to meet the best quality score to have your ad pass and go into the ad auction, that is not your cup of tea.

Do not then try playing with the Google Ads! Just learn from my Google Ads Case Study!


So, I hope to have this whole of what is quality score in Google Ads? [Explained] covered in good details.

Even if you want a Certification in Google Ads, it is very necessary and important to understand it.

Since it all matters following the set process, anyone not knowing it may get into the worst state of mind.

It is not just about learning the basics, playing with Google Ads quality score is only possible when practiced.

Practice makes one perfect. Knowing the worth of high-impacting keywords that contribute to increase and improve the quality score; you are one step forward to make a perfect ad copy to go into the ad auction.

Let’s get a hold of all the types of quality scores, and have all of your ad copies winning the auction for sure!

About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.

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