How to Make Better Article Titles that Get Ranked in Google

How to Make Better Article Titles that Get Ranked in Google
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Have you ever tried to make article titles that seem SEO optimized? If you’re a blogger, SEO expert, or a digital marketing enthusiast, you might have done this. Since the majority of the readers won’t be the experts of SEO, so I have to explain this phenomenon to them.

P.S. This article is based on observation on not able to rank many articles. During this observation, I found many strategies i was missing, which i have addressed in this article.

Most of you who are bloggers or business owners might already know the importance of keywords in content creation and digital marketing. Understanding the importance of keywords is not enough. I use SEMrush tool to keep track of the keywords I’m focusing in on and the keywords my competitors are ranking for in the search engines.

As I said before, finding the right keywords won’t do the job unless you take it further and create better content. Now, better content means helpful and relevant content. There is an essential thing in any great content which is clarity, and it begins from the article title. Once you are able to write a better article title, things would become easier to replicate in the body of the article. If your article titles don’t clarify the point you’re trying to make, the majority of visitors might not proceed to read your article. So the article titles become very important to get traffic from search engines and social media sites.

I want to make sure that I give you a brief solution to writing better article titles so that you don’t have to worry much about SEO. The title of the page or article sets the tone for the content SEO.

In this article, I’ll discuss:

  • What makes an article title better
  • Steps to improving your article title
  • Keyword utilization in the article title

If you’re interested in making your article titles optimized so that they get ranked in Google and other search engines, then buckle up.

Don’t forget to visit my article, How to Choose the Best Post Title?

Here are four steps to make your article title better and get ranked in Google:

Topic Selection

It all starts with the right topic because if your topic is not worth paying attention to, then nobody is going to click on the article link and visit your blog to read it. There are a few things you should remember while choosing the topic for your blog post. For example, always remember the target audience in mind; if your blog is about helping blogging starters, then writing articles on buying used cars won’t matter to your audience. If you’d create content on buying used cars, nobody would pay attention to that content.

Secondly, understand the pain of the target audience. Find out what their problems are and cover the solutions in your content so that they could find answers to their problems in your content. This way, you’d start to notice that people are clicking-through on your blog posts via social media and search engines more often. So topic selection is the fundamental point of writing better articles that get clicked and ranked in Google.

Keyword Placement

Keyword placement means where you are putting the keyword in your article. First of all, make sure that you have added the keyword in your article title. The SEO experts say that adding the keyword at the beginning of the article title also helps. Secondly, you should try to add the keyword to the sub-heading of the article, which boosts the SEO performance of the article.

Moreover, don’t stuff articles with keywords. Instead, try to keep it simple and decent. If you keep pushing hard on the keywords, readers would get upset and leave your blog without finish reading it. So, understand the keyword placement, but don’t cross the line when adding keywords to your content.

P.S. Don’t teach me about Rank Brain Theory, I already know. 😀

Attractive Words

One of the best ways to make better article titles is by using attractive words in the titles. Always lookout for the word alternatives while creating article titles. Sometimes, you write an article title, but a better word comes into the mind. So always be open to making a few changes here and there in your article titles. Keep in mind that the subject of the article doesn’t get changed while changing the words in the article titles. For example, if there is an article title you come up with, “Watch these ten social media viral videos from 2021” and now you want to improve it, then I’d recommend changing it to, “Top 10 Viral Videos on Social Media from 2021” so that it looks much better.

Meaningful Sentence

The article title should appeal, interest, and motivate people to click-through and check it out. There is so much noise on the internet — hundreds of thousands of articles, posts, tweets, and comments are being published every second. So it’s difficult to stand out from the crowd.

One of the secrets of making a better article title is coming up with a meaningful sentence. When there is a solid reason or answer or cause behind the article, chances are, your voice would get heard. Otherwise, it becomes really difficult to get noticed. As far as Google SERP is concerned, there is a lot of competitors there too. You would have to beat thousands of websites and blogs that have relevant information published on the internet. So to-the-point and clear statements would give you an edge over the competition.

Your Part

Finding the right keyword is not the only thing bloggers concern about. They know other factors of attracting organic traffic from search engines as well as social media networks. This is why it’s important to pay attention to the right article titles.

I shared four key elements that I believe play a huge role in making my article titles better.

Don’t forget to visit my article, How to Choose the Best Post Title?

Some of my articles are ranking on the first page of Google, and the reason is that I know the importance of the right article titles.

What have you done so far that worked for you in this regard?

Let me know in the comments area.


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About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.



    Best Article , this one is model article it self

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