best keyword research tools roundup

20+ Experts Reveal Best Keyword Research Tool For PPC & SEO in 2024!

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You think you need hundreds of tools and softwares to do the best keyword research? Let’s take the opinion of the Experts and Professionals. Few days ago, I asked 20 Professionals via my Twitter on what are their top 3 keyword tools and here goes their replies about their Best Keyword Research Tool.

If you don’t know yet much about keyword research, then do checkout my article on How To Do Keyword Research.

Best Keyword Research Tools – (Voted by 20+ Marketing Professionals)


Best Keyword Research Tools by Experts

# Matthew Barby  [Website | Twitter] Matthew Barby

For those who don’t know about him, He is the Global Head of Growth & SEO For HubSpot, award winning blogger, industry speaker and lecturer at Digital Marketing Institute. You can read more about him on his website.

His favorite tools are :

Thank You Matthew for writing back to me.

#David Schneider [ | TwitterDavid Schneider

David Schneider is the cofounder of NinjaOutreach an all in one Prospecting and Outreach tool which was created to streamline the process of connecting with influencers.

His Best Tools are :

  • Long Tail Pro
  • Google’s Adword Keyword Planner
  • Ninja Outreach – my own tool and this was primarily built for outreach but I also find it useful for keyword research mainly because of some data points that I consider to be important such as the articles that are ranking for the keyword in Google, their domain authority, their page authority, the number of backlinks they have, and other social and contact data.


Thanks David for your time and Good luck ahead with your tool!

# Robbie Richards [ | Twitter]Robbie Richards

Robbie Richards is a full-stack digital strategist for a fast-growing tech company and a blogger at You can read more about him on his website.

His Favorite tools are as follows :

Thank you Robbie!‏

# Paul Romando [Website Twitter]Paul Ramondo

He is a digital stragiest, Key Note Speaker and Managing Director at RamondoMedia. He frequently blogs at : Social Media Examiner, Social Media Today & Social Media Explorer.  You can read more about him on his about us page.

Recommended Reading :

66+ Digital Marketing Resources & Tools


Thanks for Paul for writing back to me.

# Kristi Hines [Website | Twitter]Kristi Hines

She is a Freelance writer, content marketer, and business blogger. Over the years, she was written more then 1000 articles which have generated more then 700k + Social Media Shares so she know’s what she is writing about. In case if you want to know more about her, check her about page.

So here are her 3 favorite keyword research tools :

Thank You So much Kristi for replying me back, i really appreciate.

# Ian Fernando‏ [ | Twitter ]Ian Fernando

For those of you who don’t know about Ian, he was a college drop out, worked with 3 jobs to sustain and now a well known personality in the performance marketing space. You can read more about him on his website.

‏His favorite 3 keyword tools are

Thank You Ian!

# Erik Emanuelli ‏ [ | Twitter ]Erik Emanuelli

Erik is a blogger, social media addict and freelance writer. You can read more about himself, his guest postings, interviews and other stuff at here.

When I asked him about his top 3 favorite tools he described them as Follows

Thanks Erik for your time!

# Brendan Mace [Website | Twitter]Brendan Mace

I first came to know about Brendan via his guest post on Matthew WoodWard blog, ever since that, I’m the primary reader of his blog. You can read more about him at his about me page.
Here’s are the answer from him :

Hey Ali, my favourite keyword tools are

Thanks Brendan for your response!

# Tim Felmingham [Website | Twitter]Tim Felmingham

He is an SEO, Web Designer and Adwords Consultant Since 1999. You can read more about him on his website my story page.

When I asked him about his favorite keyword tools he described as follows :

But my new favorites, which I can say, both are great are :

Thanks Tim!

# Sam Hurley [Website Twitter]Sam Hurley

Sam is the head of Head of Search Marketing at Midas Media, A Well known Digital Marketing Agency. He has been featured in various interviews, have an ample of following, listed in the Top 10 Most Influential People in PPC Industry in U.K. Do checkout his new venture, Optim-Eyez where he is going to provide you with Hottest Digital Marketing tips.
When I asked him about his favorite tools for doing keyword research, he recommended the following tools.
 Thank You Sam for your response.I really appreciate your time.

# Brad Starks [About HimTwitter]Brad Starks

Brad is an Internationally Published Photographer, Actor,Filmmaker,Comic, Bacon King, Marketing/Social Media Wiz, Bon Vivant, iPhonographer, Raconteur & Sunset Fan.

Having an opinion from an expert in another field is also a great idea so thats why i asked him on this and here’s what i got :

Thank you Brad!

# Sharon Gourlay [Website | Twitter]Sharon Gourlay

She is a blogger and a digital nomad. In case if you don’t know She earns more then $10,000+ Every month from blogging, you can check her income reports to see more insights on this. You can read more about her on her website.

So here are her top 3 Keyword tools.

Thanks Sharon for your reply!

# Rob [Website | Twitter]Rob @ Money Nomad

For those who don’t know, Rob is A blogger studying the art of location independent entrepreneurship. You can read more about him on his website.

Here are his top Keyword Research Tools :

Thanks Rob for your time!

# Raafi Chowdhry [Website Twitterrafi chowdhury

Raafi is an entrepreneur, growth hacker, & blogger. He is also an experienced digital marketing consultant based in Los Angeles, California. You can read more about him on his about page.

Recommended Post By Him :

SEO Keyword Strategy: 5 Weird Tricks for Finding Profitable Keywords

Here are his answers :

Thanks Raafi!


# Matthew Allen [|Twitter]matthew allen

He is the founder of,  He is Full time trucker – Part time blogger and imaginary entrepreneur. I run a few blogs and I build niche websites to create passive income online. You can read more about him on his website.
When I asked him on Twitter about his favourite keyword research tools he said :

If I could only use 3 tools for keyword research? Then here are those.

  • Long Tail Pro x 3 😀

Because I don’t use ANYTHING else for keyword research!

# Andrew Dennis [Twitter]andrew dennis

He works as the content marketing specialist for He also has a column at Let’s check his opinion.

 Thanks Andrew!

# Darko Angelovski  [LinkedIn | Twitter]Darko Angelovski

Darko is one of the top rated UPWork, Freelance Digital Marketing Consultant. I asked him on his top 3 Keyword Research tools and here is what he replied :


Thanks Darko! 🙂

marcus miller# Marcus Miller [Website | Twitter]

Marcus is a SEO Consultant specialising in technical SEO, When I asked him the question, he answered as follows :

Thanks Marcus for Your Time. 🙂

# Tim larkin [Website]tim larkiin

 Tim is a great friend of mine. I know him since 2013. He deals in Web designing and printing industry. So i thought to take a opinion on what are the top keyword research tools used by a web designer and here is what he answered :

  • Use my head!! Think about what I would enter into a search myself. This is probably one of the most important steps.
  • Use Google Keyword Planner to get a few more ideas based on the above.
  • Use LongTailPro to uncover more data on the keyword list to pick out some winners based on KW competition and search volume.
  • I have started using Ninja Outreach and it’s really working well so it’s another tool, i would recommend.


Thanks Tim!

# Hassaan Khan [Website Twitter]hassaan khan

Hassaan Khan is a blogger, content creator, and a freelance writer. He works with a number of brands to help them implement the content marketing strategies. He is obsessed with Personal branding and writes regularly on his blog. You can read more about him at his about page.
My Top 3 Favorite Tools are :

Thanks Hassaan for your time.

# Ali Raza [Website | Twitter]

Oh that’s me :D. If you don’t know about me, I’m a Google Advertising Partner and Microsoft Advertising Professional, I’m also leading one of a PPC Based Digital Agency.

My favorite top 3 tools

# Muhammad Ahmad [ Website | Twitter]muhammad ahmad

He is Blogger by passion & SEO Expert by Birth. Muhammad Ahmad is known as ‘The Youngest SEO expert from Pakistan’. Even at the age of 16, he is a gem in his field.

 So I asked Ahmad, what are your top 3 tools for keyword research? and he said

Thanks Ahmad for your time.

First of all, I would like to thank every expert for replying back to me. I really appreciate their time. Please share if you find it useful.

Moving ahead, If I ask you the same question, what are your top 3 favourite tools for keyword research? what are they? Let me know in the comments below…

About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.

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