Google Ads Account Suspended for Suspicious Payment and Unpaid Balance 2024

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Google Ads Account Suspension for Suspicious Payment and Billing Activities can be a serious turn off for any business or entity doing regular online business and advertising via Google Adwords/Google Ads.

Google Ads Account Suspended for Suspicious Payment / Unpaid Balance 2024

We all know that when it comes to online advertising. Google Ads is the most accredited and reliable way to acquire traffic. Many studies and researches have shown that Google Ads bring highly intent traffic with a specific buying behaviour purely targeting towards your product or service.

Why Google Ads Suspend Accounts for Billing Couldn’t Be Verified for Suspicious Payments?


Even though user buy’s or not but he do has the intent to go with your product or service.

Sometimes its very frustrating to know that Google Compliance Team is a little rude and you may need reference at Higher level or with a Guy with whom you can properly explain the problem you are facing and how the mishandling of your Google Ads account is disturbing the business.

Do not forget that if your Google Ads Account is suspended for suspicious payment or billing cannot be verified. Don’t think to open a Google Ads account on your own because this will eventually lead to mass suspension of all of your Google Ads account and may result in permanent suspension of your billing profile as well your website.

We all know and understand that being, Google the top company in Online Advertising & Digital Marketing is determined to give users a great experience either by organic results or by Paid.

The company uses various algorithm based ranking factors along with Quality Score and a Top Compliance team which uses advanced crawling technology to detect policy violations. Accounts then are sent to staff for a manual review. Most of your issues can be solved if you remain patient, complies with the Google team and do the changes as requested on your account.

Why is it important to monitor my Google Ads account regularly?

Monitoring your Google Ads account consistently is crucial for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps you detect any suspicious activity promptly, which can protect you from potential fraud or unauthorized changes.

Regular reviews of your payment history will ensure that your financial information and transactions are secure and accurate. Checking your account settings frequently helps you spot and correct any inadvertent adjustments that could impact your campaigns adversely.

Moreover, continuous evaluation of campaign performance allows you to identify trends, optimize for better results, and eliminate underperforming elements. By staying vigilant, you ensure your advertising efforts are always on track and yielding the best possible return on investment.

In summary:

  • Security: Spot and address unauthorized activities.
  • Accuracy: Verify transaction records and financial data.
  • Optimization: Identify and act on performance trends.
  • Efficiency: Remove or adjust underperforming ads swiftly.

Regular monitoring is your best defense against both security threats and inefficiencies.

How to Remove or Unsuspend a Google Ads Suspension For Suspicious Payments or Unpaid Balance

account suspended

First thing first, the suspicious payment error means you are running multiple accounts or you have used in first or the laptop you are using has more than 1 Google Ads account connected. Sometimes Google is also mistaken on this but this can be a very very rare chance.

To successfully advertise on Google, let’s put a reminder to ourselves and get familiarized again with Google Ads Policies.

One thing i like about Google, being a user is that, Google is committed to protecting you as an advertiser, user, or partner. Google rewards honesty, transparency, and accuracy. Let’s recall if you are not engaging in prohibited practices such as promoting prohibited products, engaging in cloaking, or making false claims about white hat products or services. Your data collection policies must also be transparent and user-friendly. If your Google Ads Account is suspended for suspicious payment activities or if billing cannot be verified, don’t attempt to open another Google Ads account on your own. This could lead to a mass suspension of all your Google Ads accounts and may even result in the permanent suspension of your billing profile as well as your website.

By taking necessary security measures, monitoring your account regularly, and keeping your billing information up-to-date, you can avoid these severe consequences. These proactive steps not only prevent issues with suspicious payments but also help ensure a smooth advertising campaign experience. Regular vigilance and updated security practices safeguard your account from potential threats and disruptions, allowing you to maintain continuous and effective advertising efforts.

This integrated approach to managing your Google Ads account—focusing on compliance with Google’s policies and proactive account monitoring—ensures that your advertising campaigns run smoothly without interruptions. Following these guidelines not only helps in avoiding penalties but also enhances the overall performance and trustworthiness of your campaigns.

If you’re encountering issues with suspicious payments and need direct assistance, here’s a straightforward way to reach out for support. Navigate to the help menu in your Google Ads account and click on the “Contact us” button. You’ll be presented with a few options; select the most appropriate one for your specific situation. This direct approach ensures you’re on the right track to resolving your concerns swiftly.

How to Spot Unusual Activity on Your Google Ads Account

When managing your Google Ads account, it’s crucial to be vigilant about potential unauthorized activity. Here’s a detailed guide on what to look for:

Check Account Settings and Billing Information

Inspect your account settings and billing details for any unexpected modifications. Hackers often alter these to gain control and misappropriate funds.

Review Payment History

Carefully go through your payment history. Look for charges that don’t match your usual spending patterns. Any irregularities should raise a red flag.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Enhancing your account security can prevent unauthorized access. Activate two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of protection.

Change Password Regularly

Regularly update your password with a strong, unique combination of characters. This reduces the likelihood of hacking attempts succeeding.

Seek Support Promptly

If you detect anything abnormal, get in touch with Google Ads Support immediately for guidance and corrective measures.

By following these steps, you’ll significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized activities on your Google Ads account.

Resources on Google Ads Suspension:

Do check out the below resources, for sure it will be a great help for you to read.

Contact Google Adwords Team

For personalized support, such as restoring your Google Ads account, feel free to hire me. Together, we can ensure your advertising strategies align perfectly with Google’s policies, maintaining both effectiveness and compliance.

Hire Me To Get The Job Done for Google Ads :

At the moment, I charge $249 per Google Adwords Case Suspension. In case you are interested in re instating your Google Ads account, please fill the form below and let’s get in touch. Keep in mind that I also offer Adwords Management and Maintenance too.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message (Also mention your Skype ID/Whatsapp/Telegram)

    Google Adwords and SEO Management :

    If you are looking me to assist with your existing or new adwords campaigns or u need to improve your organic rankings, I can assist  you as well in it.

    Reach me at Skype : Click Here

    Resources on Google Ads Suspension:

    Do checkout the below resources, for sure it will be a great help for you to read.

    Frequently Asked Questions on Google Ads Suspension

    Below are some of the most common questions for people who are looking on Suspicious Billing Payment and Unpaid Balance Suspension For Google Ads.

    How does Google identify suspicious payments?

    Google identifies suspicious payments through its advanced fraud detection systems, which meticulously monitor and analyze every transaction. These systems search for irregularities in several areas:

    • Payment methods
    • Account activity
    • Buying patterns

    When any payment shows anomalies that don’t align with Google’s stringent payment criteria, it is flagged as suspicious. Consequently, Google pauses the delivery of ads until the issue is thoroughly investigated and resolved.

    It’s crucial to understand that these measures aim to safeguard both advertisers and users from fraudulent activities. While encountering a temporary halt on your ads can be irritating, this proactive defense mechanism ensures a safer advertising environment for everyone.

    Why is it important to act quickly when dealing with a suspicious payments issue in Google Ads?

    When faced with a “suspicious payments” message in your Google Ads account, immediate action is crucial for several reasons.

    First, Google halts your ads to prevent potential fraud, which can stop your campaigns in their tracks. This pause disrupts your advertising flow, meaning you’re not reaching your audience or generating leads.

    Second, delays in addressing the issue can prolong the downtime, impacting your marketing objectives and revenue streams. An inactive campaign leads to a loss in competitive edge as your competitors continue to advertise without interruption.

    Lastly, resolving the situation swiftly helps maintain your account’s credibility and ensures smoother future transactions. Quick action reassures Google of your account’s integrity, minimizing the likelihood of future complications.

    In summary, acting promptly minimizes downtime, preserves your income, and maintains your account’s good standing, making it essential for seamless advertising operations.

    Whats the difference between Suspicious Payment Suspension and Unpaid Balance?

    With Unpaid Balance, Google has doubt that the same billing profile owe’s Google payment on their other accounts. [In principle, Google doesn’t allow a user to use more then one Google ads account at a time]

    Why is my Google Ad account suspended for suspicious payment activity?

    There can be many reasons. However majority of the time [95%] or more it’s suspended automatic due to Google Assumptions that you are using

    • Someone else billing details
    • Your location or billing has been compromised.
    • You are using vpn or pretending to be on different location.
    • Your billing location and IP location doesn’t match each other.

    What can I expect from Google Ads Support once I contact them regarding suspicious payments?

    When you reach out to Google Ads Support about suspicious payments, you can anticipate quick and efficient help. The support team will carefully examine your account and payment records to pinpoint any anomalies. They’ll then offer clear, actionable steps to address the problem. Additionally, you’ll receive tips and advice on how to avoid similar issues in the future.

    What information should I provide when contacting Google Ads Support?

    When reaching out to Google Ads Support, you’ll want to include several key pieces of information to ensure a smooth and efficient resolution. Here’s what you should gather:

    1. Account Details: Share your customer ID and any relevant account information.
    2. Payment Information: Specify the payment method associated with your account.
    3. Issue Description: Clearly explain the problem you’re experiencing and what assistance you require.
    4. Supporting Evidence: Attach any relevant screenshots or documentation that can help illustrate the issue.

    By providing these details upfront, you can expedite the support process and help Google Ads Support understand and address your concerns more effectively.

    How Can I Implement Strong Security Measures on My Google Ads Account?

    Securing your Google Ads account is crucial to protect your business data and advertising investments. Here are some effective steps you can take:

    1. Use Two-Factor Authentication

    Activate two-factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra layer of security. This requires a second form of verification—like a text message code or authentication app—when logging in.

    2. Regularly Update Your Password

    Change your password regularly to reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Ensure your new passwords are strong, incorporating a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters.

    3. Monitor Account Activity

    Frequently review your account activity for any suspicious actions. Google Ads offers tools to track changes and access, so you can quickly identify any unusual patterns.

    4. Educate All Users

    If multiple team members have access to your account, ensure they follow the same security protocols. Provide training on best practices, such as recognizing phishing attempts and using secure browsers.

    5. Limit Access

    Only grant account access to essential personnel. The fewer people who have access, the lower the chance of a security breach. Assign roles appropriately and revoke access when it’s no longer needed.

    By taking these steps, you’ll significantly improve the security of your Google Ads account and safeguard your marketing efforts.

    How to Prevent Future Suspicious Payment Issues in Google Ads

    Addressing suspicious payment issues is just the first step. To safeguard your Google Ads account from similar problems in the future, consider implementing several proactive measures.

    1. Strengthen Security Protocols

    Implement robust security measures for your account. Use two-factor authentication and regularly update your passwords. Ensure that only trusted personnel have access to your billing information.

    2. Regular Monitoring

    Make it a habit to regularly review your Google Ads account. Look for any unusual activity or unfamiliar charges. Setting up alerts can help you stay informed in real-time.

    3. Update Billing Information

    Always keep your billing information current. This includes updating credit card details and ensuring that all billing-related email addresses are up-to-date and secure.

    By following these steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of encountering suspicious payments in your Google Ads account.

    How to Check for Unusual Activity on Your Google Ads Account

    Review Account Settings and Billing Information

    Start by inspecting your account settings. Look for any sudden or unexpected changes. Hackers often alter details to divert funds or gain unauthorized access.

    Next, scrutinize your billing information. Note any unfamiliar charges or modifications. These could be red flags indicating compromised security.

    Examine Payment History

    It’s wise to delve into your payment history. Search for inconsistencies or transactions you don’t recognize. Any unusual activity warrants immediate attention.

    Enable Two-Factor Authentication

    To enhance security, enable two-factor authentication (2FA). This adds a layer of protection by requiring a second form of verification, making it harder for unauthorized users to gain access.

    Regularly Update Your Password

    Ensure you change your password periodically. Use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters for a strong, secure password.

    Contact Google Ads Support

    If you identify any suspicious activities, don’t hesitate to reach out to Google Ads Support. They can provide assistance and guidance on safeguarding your account.

    By following these steps, you can effectively monitor and protect your Google Ads account from unusual activities.

    How can I verify my billing information in Google Ads?

    To verify your billing information in Google Ads, follow these steps to ensure everything is accurate and up-to-date:

    1. Log into Your Account: Access your Google Ads account by logging in with your credentials.
    2. Navigate to Billing Settings: Go to the billing section, typically found under the Tools and Settings menu.
    3. Review Payment Methods: Check the details of your payment methods, including credit card numbers and expiration dates. Confirm that all provided information is current and correct.
    4. Ensure Sufficient Funds: Make sure the selected payment method has enough balance to cover any outstanding charges on your account.
    5. Verify Billing Address: Double-check that your billing address is accurate. Even small errors in the address can lead to payment failures.

    By systematically reviewing each of these elements, you’ll minimize the risk of encountering payment-related issues in your Google Ads account.

    Why Should I Contact My Bank or Credit Card Provider If I Have a ‘Suspicious Payments’ Issue?

    If you’re experiencing issues with suspicious payments, reaching out to your bank or credit card provider should be a priority. Here’s why:

    1. Verify Payment Information: Your bank can help confirm that all your payment details are correct and up to date. Mistakes in your payment information can lead to transactions being flagged as suspicious.
    2. Resolve Technical Issues: Banks and credit card providers can identify and resolve technical glitches that may be causing payment problems. This ensures your payment method is functioning as it should.
    3. Address Security Concerns: Many financial institutions automatically block payments to certain vendors, including Google Ads, for security reasons. Informing your bank in advance that you are using their services for Google Ads can prevent these blocks.
    4. Obtain Professional Insight: They can provide insights and updates on the status of your payment method, ensuring that no unauthorized activities are affecting your account.

    If your bank or credit card provider confirms there are no issues on their end, the next step would be to contact Google Ads Support. They can further investigate and resolve any lingering payment issues.

    What Information Should I Provide When Contacting Google Ads Support?

    When reaching out to Google Ads Support, it’s crucial to have specific details at hand. Here’s a checklist to ensure you have everything you need:

    1. Account Information: Include your customer ID to quickly identify your account.
    2. Payment Method Details: Mention the payment method linked to your account if the issue relates to billing or transactions.
    3. Issue Summary: Write a concise description of the problem you are facing.
    4. Evidence and Screenshots: Attach any relevant screenshots or documents that can help clarify your situation.

    By providing these details, you can expedite the resolution process and receive more accurate assistance.

    Final Words and Steps to Resolve the “Suspicious Payments” Issue in Google Ads

    Dealing with suspicious payments in Google Ads can be a nerve-wracking experience, but addressing the issue promptly can save you from potential disruptions. Follow these steps to ensure your billing information is accurate and your account remains secure.

    1. Verify Your Billing Information

    • Update Payment Methods: Begin by checking that your payment methods are current. This includes confirming that your credit card number and expiration date are accurate.
    • Ensure Sufficient Funds: Make sure the payment method you’ve chosen has enough funds to cover your Google Ads account’s outstanding balance.
    • Correct Billing Address: Even minor errors, such as a typo in your billing address, can trigger payment issues. Double-check to ensure all details match.

    2. Contact Your Financial Institution

    If your billing details are in order, the next step is to reach out to your bank or credit card provider.

    • Verify Payment Method Status: They can help verify that your payment method is functioning correctly and confirm there are no technical issues blocking transactions.
    • Inform About Google Ads Payments: Sometimes, payments to Google Ads can be flagged for security reasons. Letting your bank or credit card provider know that you’ll be using their services for Google Ads can prevent these unnecessary blocks.

    3. Investigate Account Activity

    Suspicious payments might indicate unauthorized account access.

    • Review Account Settings: Check for any sudden changes to your Google Ads account settings or billing information. Unauthorized changes can be a red flag.
    • Inspect Payment History: Go through your payment history to identify any inconsistencies. If you find anything unusual, it’s crucial to act fast.

    4. Enhance Account Security

    Protect your account from future issues by boosting its security measures.

    • Enable Two-Factor Authentication: This adds an extra layer of security, making it harder for unauthorized users to gain access.
    • Update Passwords Regularly: A strong, frequently updated password is one of the best defenses against hackers.

    5. Contact Google Ads Support

    If after all these steps the problem persists, reach out to Google Ads Support for further assistance. Their team can provide more detailed guidance tailored to your specific situation.

    By systematically following these steps, you can resolve any “suspicious payments” issues and keep your Google Ads account secure and operational.

    In any above step if you feel any issue, or need a Professional Google Ads partner agency help, then please let me know. Me and My team will happy to assist to sort your suspension error. Reach me today!

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    About the Author: Ali Raza

    An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.

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