Blog Writing ROI: Why Blogging is More Than Money Making

Blog Writing ROI_ Why Blogging is More Than Money Making_
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Have you ever thought about blogging without the online money-making aspect of it?

The majority of bloggers who start blogging intend to make money from blogging or people who want to get into blogging want to make money from blogging. So it is not difficult to say that blogging is quite attached to making money online. There is no problem with money making with blogging. However, the problem comes when people only look at the money-making part and forget the rest.

Remember that blogging success comes from loving the blogging-part of the process, not the money part. Money is a by-product in blogging. Every blogger who runs a successful blog started off blogging out of curiosity, fun, and passion.

So the purpose of this blog post is to infuse an idea that there are many reasons to blog other than money making. You might not have thought about these things before. So let me take this opportunity to shed some light on the various things that you can achieve while blogging.

In some cases, bloggers end up making money just because they had a reason in mind to blog and it worked really well for them. So you can’t underestimate the blog writing ROI. The intention is to share some benefits of blogging that can help you grow or open up opportunities for you to build a business around blogging.

Here are some benefits of blogging that most bloggers don’t consider:

Brand Building

importance of building your personal brand over internet

Blogging provides you an immense opportunity to build a brand. When you start a blog, publish content, rank articles in Google, and develop following on social media, you present yourself as a brand. With the passage of time, people start to recognize you from your blog or start to associate your blog to you. This shows that your blog is becoming a brand.

You must be a fan of some blogs that you have subscribed or you follow on social media. Besides liking their content, you must also admire their strategies, campaigns, and branding. The reason is that you’re inspired by the brands behind these blogs.

So when you establish a blog in any niche, which means you’re traffic is growing, social media followers are coming in, and you’re making some money off of it, it shows that you’re on your way to building a brand. When people start to mention your blog in their content or talk about it on social media, then consider it a huge step forward towards branding building.

Read : How to Build Your Personal Brand in Internet

Marketing Yourself

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Marketing yourself means you can sell something that you make or offer. It is one of the upsides of running a blog is that it allows you to market your products and services. Not only does it enable you to mention your products in the content, but you can also use every opportunity to market yourself. For example, you can send out a newsletter to tell the subscribers about your service or product, you can put banners on your blog, set up a popup, and build a hire me page to get attention.

Most of the bloggers focus on Google Adsense or affiliate marketing, and they never pay much attention to marketing themselves. If you’re an experienced professional and also a blogger, then you can sell eBooks, consultancy, webinars, or courses through your blog. My SEO training is one of the products at

Community Development


One of the benefits of blogging is that you get a chance to build a community. If you’re an inexperienced blogger, you’d immediately think about monetizing the community, which is wrong. You don’t have to build a community around your blog to make money from it. However, you could market your product or service once or twice a year in your community, but the focus should be on the delivering value, helping others, and getting together like-minded people in the same group.

You can use Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, Twitter hashtags, or email list to build a community around your blog. I started a Facebook group based on these principles of community building. I try to help people in digital marketing, blogging, and money-making online through my Facebook group. You can even see, i’m not selling anything on my group because more then money, I want to create a community platform for everyone.

Outbound Linking

SEO search engine optimization

You might not be aware of outbound linking if you just starting out blogging. If you know about backlinks, then you’d easily get this. An outbound link is a form of the link when you link out to someone else on your blog or let’s say you give a backlink to someone else.

The science behind inserting an outbound link to your content is that you start to deliver value to your readers. There are many ways to do that which you’ll read in this section.

Firstly, when you link out to someone else’s article or website or online tool, you show to your readers that this link is helpful for you or relevant to the topic. A lot of readers find it helpful when they see more references on the same topic.

Secondly, the search engines look at the outbound links closely. If they’re just building to give a backlink and there is no correlation between with both sites or pages, then it could backfire in terms of SEO. But if it has some connection and people are clicking on it and consuming time on that page, then search engines find that outbound link helpful.

Thirdly, when you link out to a website or article, the owner of the website or the author of that article gets notified through their CMS or website analytics tool that someone linked to their content. A lot of bloggers reach out to the sites and blog owners telling them that they linked out to them. And, that’s who a relationship between bloggers begin. You never know who you build a relationship through outbound linking.

Polished Writing

content writing make money

If you continue to write blog content, there is no doubt about becoming good at writing content. You’d start to notice that your blog writing is getting polished along the way. The reason is that when you’re publishing content, you also read others’ content to share on social media and to build relationships with other bloggers. That’s how you get exposed to others’ content. It gives you an opportunity to read the content of some of the finest blog writers in the blogosphere.

Learning different ways to write quality content can be a good idea. So when your writing gets polished, there are only benefits to that. One of the benefits is that you can sell your writing service as a freelance writer. All this could happen through your blog. So don’t underestimate the power of blogging.

Your Part and conclusion

I have shared five benefits of blogging to explain that blogging is not just about making money. You can elevate your business, develop your brand, and expand your target audience through blogging. This concludes the idea of blog writing ROI and proves that you can certainly improve your blog writing ROI through blogging.

What else would you like to advise someone who wants to know about blogging ROI?  

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About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.


  1. Asalam-o-alaikuM, Ali Bhai!

    That’s the one nice post done!

    For me; Blogging, in other words, is the name of branding.

    Some companies who don’t really need much to earn money out of their blogs, but they do SO NEED to have the blog at least to keep them KNOWN in the world of internet.

    It really is more than money to find and have the purpose of blogging.

    Indeed, the great post! 🙂

    ~ Adeel

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