how to improve your seo technique

How to Improve Your SEO Techniques in 2024

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SEO – Search Engine Optimisation is considered an important of your online marketing strategy, whether you want to do blogging, affiliate marketing or looking for ways to acquire more customer for your website, SEO has been recommended as one of the great method to generate solid traffic. We all know that this method has been working for years and has been endorsed by many professionals over the years.

Have you ever wondered what you should do to improve your blog or website in 2024? If you’re from blogging and internet marketing space, you would definitely understand a little bit of SEO, or you may have learned a lot of the past few years. But if you haven’t managed to rank a dozen of articles on the first page of Google, then you may be looking for a perfect SEO recipe

Maybe, some of you might be SEO experts in the audience, and you’ll agree that everyone around blogging space should pay attention to the blog’s SEO. One of the perks of keep improving your SEO skills is that you remain up-to-date with the recent SEO updates and algorithms that keep on changing. It’s an ever-changing field.

However, the question that arises is that how one can improve the SEO skills and knowledge. To answer that question, I thought to come up with a blog post that talks about improving your SEO techniques in detail.

How To Improve Your SEO Technique in 2024:

Here are the ways you can adopt to improve your SEO skills and knowledge:

Follow the Top SEO Blogs

There are plenty of SEO blogs that could teach you a lot on improving your blog’s SEO. The idea is not to do everything either they are saying, or they are doing. In fact, just try to do things they are repeatedly doing. For example, if they are using images, then look at the images and try to look into the details that how they are using titles, description, and alt text of the images. Another example could be the internal linking. See how they are doing all these things. Moreover, you would learn much more things if you just keep following the top blogs like

Though I won’t mind, if you start following my blog too, for this purpose. 😉

Analyze the SEO Experts

If you are a learner, then the opportunities to learn things don’t end. If you simply keep following the SEO experts and influencers and keep an eye on the work they are doing and how they are doing, you’ll learn a lot of stuff that could help you improve your SEO. SEO experts like Matthew Woodward, Brian Dean, Neil Patel, Rand Fishkin, and more. You might be wondering what to analyze in the work of these SEO experts exactly. Well, in their blog content, you can look at their blog post titles, blog content, highlighted words, internal links, images in the blog post.

Furthermore, you can also keep an eye on their tweets, twitter hashtags, Facebook posts, Instagram images, and other social media content they are putting out there. Don’t just see what they are sharing, but also look at what their strategy is, meaning, either they are just sharing their content, or they are sharing others’ content as well. It will help you.

If you want yourself to be noticed by them, try following my blog commenting strategy not only they will notice you through it but it will also bring some cool traffic to your website as well.

Try an SEO Software

Improving your SEO skills won’t be completed if you don’t get your hands dirty with the SEO stuff. It doesn’t mean you just have to practice SEO on your blog, instead, you should also try to some SEO tools and softwares that experts recommend. I have tested SEMrush. You can check out a couple of those tools to see how they work. In fact, you might find out the SEO health of the blog, and it will help you improve along the way.

Read my SEMRush review for more insights on to it.

Take an SEO Course

There is no doubt about taking an SEO course. One of the biggest benefits of living in today’s time is that we have unlimited access to the education. Thanks to the internet, now from photography to parenting, we can learn things from the experts who have done things in the past. Not only did they do, but they also mastered the craft. You might have heard about the Udemy, Coursera, and other online courses websites. A lot of people are busy in taking the courses from sites, experts, and institutions. I also offer an SEO course that teaches SEO inside out. It’s highly recommended to the bloggers, internet marketers, and e-commerce business owners. You’ll learn the basics of the SEO and how you can implement the core SEO elements to improve your blog or website’s SEO.


If you’re a little curious about the SEO and want to see yourself in action in 2024 — whether in blogging or SEO, then my tips would surely help you grow in 2024. If you’re a blogger, pay attention to the methods I shared in this brief blog post about learning the SEO. You may stumble upon an SEO article which changes your next blog’s destination, just because you heard me saying to follow the top SEO blogs and influencers. In the end, if you’re seriously looking at the SEO and your blogging career, then I’d recommend taking my SEO course.

Major Search Engine Ranking Factors For SEO in 2024

Social Signals are still going to work


Believe it or not, social signals will have importance for ranking your site in search engine in 2024. If you are not sharing your content on social media, a part from losing social media traffic, you are also going to lose your SERP;s.

More Video Content :

video marketing

Video content is slowly ruling, i still believe written content and video content has it’s own market but how about giving user both of the choices? he can read the content or watch it?, how about embedding videos in your article for those people who want to watch? Yes, this will help in 2024 for Search Engine Rankings. If you are going to build your online presence, do checkout my complete guide on video marketing.

Checkout Youtube SEO article where I have explained in detail, the step by step procedure of optimising and ranking Youtube Videos.

Encourage Comments on Your Site


Search Engine Like to see interaction of website writer and audience. The art is to encourage people to indulge in your article so much that they can’t resist to comment there thoughts or opinion.

Include a Question in your article.


This is somewhat similar to above, but yes it’s true, you need to include a question in your article so people can get involved with you.

InterLinking of Your Posts :

Seo interlinking

There are many benefits of interlinking, from organic rankings to staying visitors on your site, I can’t stress much on the importance of it, but yes our main goal should be that the user keep on browsing your site for long.

In my article, SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid at All costs, I discussed in detail about the benefits of inter linking for SEO. Do checkout them too.

Mobile Friendly Website :

mobile optimization

It’s 2024 and don’t tell me you aren’t working for a separate mobile friendly version of your website. If you haven’t done yet, this is your last chance to compete with the online world, do it now.

Reduce Loading Time :

load time speed

Time is Money – Says All. In my article Best SEO Practices for Beginners,  I have greatly emphasized on the importance of load time of your website. Simply, Respect your audience time and value it, present them the best thing in shortest loading time. Optimize images, reduce codings, delete un-used plugins, optimize cache and deliver the results on fastest speed to win Google and visitors. You can use pingdom tool to check the loading time of your website, in case if you don’t know how to.

Recommended Reading :

Conclusion on How to improve your seo technique in 2024:

These were the techniques which i thought will work in 2024 as regards to SEO. What’s your take on this? What do you think, what is missing here?

and last but not least, What are your plans regarding SEO in 2024?

Let’s discuss.

About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.

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