If you ever thought on How to make money online in 2024, then hop in, because this is beginner’s guide to money making online. I can also assure you that with this guide, you can build your online income, platform, and a career. So, if you ever thought about the right idea or the proper guidance on working online from home to make money, then this post can be a life changer.
How to Earn money online in 2024 for Beginners
Learning on Earning :

This article is going to tell you about
- It will tell the exact methods to start doing something to earn money on internet.
- 100 different ways of making quick money on internet.
- Powerful guide to help you understand the process of each method.
- Simplify the process for you to make it easier to get started.
- It will emphasise on the needs to be fulfilled as an online entrepreneur.
- Everything you need to know about how to make money online
When such things are coming your way, who is going to stop looking for it?
Do you know that online industry is so huge that over $1.2 million a year is made every 30 seconds…in e-commerce alone!
Some people have already realised that college isn’t worth it but i work the other way and suggest to consider it as an alternative backup plan of your journey.
Let’s get started… on how to make money online in 2024 as a newbie?
Beginners Guide on How to Make Money Online in 2024
Now let’s get started to the main thing for which you came on this article. 2024 is here and few months are already gone, all you need to do is to take a look at the money making methods which could be used just try to dig deeper with the insights shared below and then TAKE AN ACTION on How to Earn Money Online:
Blogging is by far the most popular and known method of making money online. New bloggers are coming in, they are starting their blogs, a few get fed up and leave, and the process continues. In this section, you’ll come to know about making money online through blogging.
For majority of people, blog is a way to express their views, concerns or sharing there ideas or knowledge and earning through it. There are many cases of people not only earning a living from their blogs but even turning them into massive companies, like the Huffington Post did.
How you can earn through Blogging
Some of the newbie bloggers think that blogging is all about writing articles and getting paid. It doesn’t work like that. It isn’t necessary that you have understood the monetization methods such as PPC, CPM, Affiliate Marketing, and Direct ads, so now you can know how to make money online in a jiffy.
I’m sorry. No!
It doesn’t work like that. The job of a blogger isn’t that easy. A blogger is a person who has a specific knowledge, understanding, or information to share with the specific audience via blog publishing. Suppose a blogger is a knowledgeable person, he keeps his research going on the specific topic (which is known as niche or category of the blog in blogging field) and has got enough material to share in a dozen of blog posts for a couple of weeks.
It doesn’t necessarily mean that he will make money off of that knowledge or information. Suppose, he manages to publish that content, who would care about his articles if he doesn’t have an audience?
So, when great content meets relevant audience, then it works.
How you need to work with blogging to earn :
This tells us that Blogging isn’t just about publishing content, in fact, it also has to deal with the following things:
- Selecting a target market
- Writing useful content
- Engaging the relevant audience (Learn How to Convert Blog Visitors Into your Subscribers?)
- Delivering them value
- Getting the reward
Now there are actually a few methods that help you get paid while you were blogging and readers are actually liking your content.
Learn Step by Step How to Start a Blog Online to get started. Don’t worry, if you are confused, I have written a list of evergreen niches which works the best.
[tweetthis url=”https://aliraza.co/the-beginners-guide-to-money-making-online”]Read The Beginners Guide To #HowtoMakeMoneyOnline – [/tweetthis]Event Blogging
For those who dont know, Event blogging is a recent trend to make quick cash online. All you need to do is to focus on an upcoming event, create a site on it and cash it on the day when the event happens. Read more about how you can start event blogging to start working on it.
CPA Blogging
CPA is a cost-per-action advertising model. In this model, an ad publishing generates money after a specific action completion such as a sign-up, form fill, download etc.
There are many cpa companies you can work with, for instance :
- Maxbounty.com
- CJ.com
- Peerfly.com
Checkout the best cpa sites to find out the complete list.
ClickBank For How to Making Money Online

Founded in 1998, Clickbank is a great method to make fast money online. Mostly digital books and guides are being sold over there, however if you search around there are ample of softwares available too.
I have also written a guide on how to earn with clickbank?, do check it where i have discussed potential ways to work with clickbank.
Product Reviews –
If you are good at reviewing different products, then why not review it for the masses? not only it will help them in making there buying decisions better but you can also earn huge chunks of money in commissions.
Basically there are 3 ways in Product Reviews to Make Quick Bucks
- Paid Product Reviews
- Product Comparison
- Affiliate Sales.
Matthew WoodWard a famous Internet Marketing Blogger, who makes around $35,000 a month just from blogging and product reviewing, not bad isn’t it?
Shoutmeloud, is another famous site by Harsh Agarwal which has ample of following in digital world. As per his monthly blogging income report, He earns around $40,000 per month from it and what’s more interesting is that with the blogging money, he bought his own car and flat and just to let you know that when he started blogging he wasn’t’ earning at all, and after months he was just making around $400 per month.
Imagine what you can do!
I know that not every blogger will hit these figures, but if you take the right approach you have a solid chance of earning money with your blog.
Paid Posts
This can also be seen as a good opportunity to make money online as a blogger. Many bloggers get’s a lot of difficulty in generating attention of advertisers since they require huge traffic stats from you.
So the good thing is that they can earn money through selling posts on their blog. There are number of companies online who are willing to improve their brand image, get more traffic and would like to post some data and fact on your blog.
There are a number of advertising companies available for this type of monetisation model. In fact, I have charged several times to companies for getting their paid post on my site.
Keep in mind that you should make sure that those posts doesn’t have grammatical errors and maintains the standard of your blog.
Charge for Premium Content :

Another great method is to charge for premium content on your website and generate extra cash. If you can impress people with your free content, why not with your paid content?
Remember, ‘Value has a value only if it’s Value is being Valued’
Brian Clark over at Copyblogger did exactly the same and started the authority program.
Place Ads on Your Site :
Another way to earn money from blogging is to place ads on your site and be paid for that. Matthew Wood Ward has mentioned in his income reports on how he is paid for personal ads on his website.
You can consider using company like Buysellads for this purpose.
NOTE : Checkout my Blogging Series Overview [Complete Guide to Blogging] where I have written a series of article on how to start your blog, what tools you need to have and how to make money via blogging. [A Must Read].
UPDATE : Also check How to Start Blogging Guide.
Deliver Value
Don’t focus on the money-making factor of your blog. Just think about the VALUE you want to deliver to the possible audience. You may be able to setup your blog in a few minutes using WordPress, but it doesn’t mean you will be making money in the next hour. It will just start a new learning experience, be patient and money will come automatically towards you.
You can bookmark the ad networks such as Google Adsense, Infolinks, Chitika, Commission Junction, Shareasale, Peerfly, and WOWtrk.
For those seeking out career in blogging, I always prefer people to write in the niches they love to write about or have the most knowledge but this opinion and judgement has recently became wrong.
Because they lose patience quickly and lose the hope.
So if you want to quickly jump in and test your hands, I will recommend 7 blog niches that get good traffic and make good money. Do check them out as these are niche’s that makes the most money.
Note : If you are interested in starting a blog for your own or you want to have an online presence, or you as a company want’s to engage your audience with a blog, why don’t you have a look on my tutorial, which will help you to start your blog in just 15 minutes for a fairly cheap price (the low price is only through my link).
For your information, if you will buy 12 months of blog hosting via my Bluehost link you are going to get 1 free domain as well, and the cost is going to be dirt cheap at annual package and it’s fairly easy to earn money from blogging too if you have a self hosted blog and also if you have bought it from my link and still having troubles, then reach me for a FREE setup, Good luck!
My New Article on Best Cheap WordPress Hosting has helped many people in choosing the best hosting for their website.
Google Adsense to Earn Money Online as a Beginner:

Google Adsense is still a solid way to earn money online specially for beginners and newbies and will be used in future too. Many people earn money via adsense through different ways such as :
Different ways to earn with Adsense :
- Vlogging by Youtube, Placing Adsense Ads on them.
- Adsense Ads on Websites
- Adsense Ads on Blogs
- and some other ways.
It is a widely popular program because for years, it was the primarily option for webmasters and then it has a Google name with it, which made it more authorised.

A little old but still works as a Good example, this is the check of Shoemoney from back in 2005. He earned $132,994 just from Google Adsense in a single month.
Still not convinced? Jon earned, $371,835 from Adsense alone through his blog.
Even more, Viper Chill, they generated more then $100,000 a week from Google Adsense, cool isn’t it?
So what’s holding you back from starting your career with Google Adsense? and explore different ways on how you can cash your skills online!
Checkout the Guide To Start Earning with Google Adsense for more learning.
Freelancing To Make Money Online For Free [Best Way for Students and Newbies]
Freelancing is another method to make money online as a Beginner. This is something you should not miss out. Now blogging requires some kind of knowledge to share, plus, it requires English writing skills, which could be a no go for many of us around.

Whereas, freelancing is a bit different and thats why it is being said that ‘Freelancing is a serious business. Although, it requires communication skills and fluent English speaking but it may land you some incredible opportunities when you get a chance to communicate with foreign clients across the globe via social networks, freelancing sites or skype.
If you are not convinced yet then let me tell you that Freelancing is an emerging money-making trend. It could be a job if you take it as a part-time job, and once you’re up for a challenge, you might accept it as a full-time living. According to an estimate, there are 53 million Americans are freelancers and it will likely to grow as it is 34% of the overall workforce, which is expected to reach 60% by 2026.
These predictions about Freelancing boom in 2015 were proved right — We have seen a rapid growth in the demand of freelancers as well as the adoption of freelance working trend.

Source : Upwork
The freelancing sites such as Upwork, Freelancer, Guru, Peopleperhour and Fiverr played a huge role in introducing the freelancing lifestyle globally. However, the freelancing doesn’t necessarily inclined to above-mentioned networks. Freelancing is a business as well as a lifestyle. I know ample of people who do freelancing without these websites, for some it’s generating personal relations with the buyer and then selling the services however that’s a different story and I will explain it later in the post, for now let’s stick to our topic.
Benefits of Freelancing :
Freelancing gives you the following benefits:
- You are your own boss.
- Freelancing can help you in make some extra cash.
- You can turn to a full-time freelancer.
- If you want, you can do freelancing as a part-time job.
- Freelancing has a freedom to choose on whatever you love to offer or sell.
- You can develop a brand around your passion.
- Build new relationships & connections while you make money.
- Freedom to choose the project you like.
- Opportunity to work from home, office, or anywhere else.
There is a dozen of perks of being a freelancer. It doesn’t mean it isn’t challenging.
Like any other job or business, you have to do a lot of struggle to get out there, put your name out, negotiate with clients, and deliver the quality work in order to get paid.
Since freelancing isn’t associated with a handful freelancing sites, it means you can be a freelancer without creating your profiles on those freelancing platforms. The purpose of those sites are to manage a profile as a portfolio, and if you choose the other way around, you could do it your way. However if you are going to start freelancing as your carrier then 15 Common Freelancing Mistakes Which are a ‘NO’ go for any Freelancer should be a must read for you.
Following steps will help you make more through Freelancing :
Personal Branding:
Build your personal brand and put name, face, domain, and website address out there on the market. Once you slowly develop your good name in the market, you will start seeing customers. Click here to read my personal branding guide.
Personal website
Get your personal website up and running. Your domain must be representing your full name. People must find you through your personal website. Having a good portfolio and website build trust in customer eye for you and this makes the whole buying process easy for your customers. Your customers can also reach you easily if you have an updated website.
Write Blog
It is no brainer. You can use a WordPress (self-hosted platform) to manage a personal site and blog together on the same site. Write your blog regular and try to help the target audience.
Case Studies
Discuss stories on how you were able to help several clients using your services or how several clients were able to get their issues resolved using your services. These case studies make people imagine how you can help them and it’s a much better for convincing them to buy your service. Always remember that client love to read case studies.
Social media
Build your social media profiles for your personal brand such as Facebook page, Google+ page, LinkedIn page, Twitter handle etc.
Engage Audience
Publish content on the regular basis to start engaging the audience through your content. This is what exactly content marketing does.
Build Relations
PR and networking will matter. Build your connections online and offline to grow your network.
Top Famous Freelancing Platforms

While Internet is full of freelancing platforms and there are literally 100’s of platforms to choose but i will recommend the following for newbies and those who are starting out.
- Peopleperhour.com
- Fiverr.com
- Upwork.com
- Freelancer.com
- Guru.com
Top Skills To Work For Freelancers
There are various skills through which you can start your freelancing career right away, however there are some famous skills which are widely known to pay well and you can get job easily.
Designing Skills –
You can work Skills such as graphic designing, logo designing, cards & brochure designing pays well. When it comes to designing, one my favourite site is 99 Designs.
Web Development
As per glassdoor, a typical web developer may earn around $88,000 per annum and this figure will go up depending upon your experience, and if you are going to do it via freelancing, sky is the limit for you.
Online Marketing
Online Marketing Skills such as SEO, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing is a great way to help companies bring more sales and achieve their targets.
Freelance Content Writing
This is another popular way to earn money online. Although you may need to build a portfolio before companies start taking interest in your service but gradually once you do it, you will eventually have some long term stable clients. Read out Tips to Write Quality Content before you start writing.
Writers usually earn around $1 to $10 per 100 words depending upon there level of experience and expertise.
Luckily, there are many sites as well, who pay writers to write for them. MoneyPantry has discussed 101 sites which pay writers for writing articles for there site.
Quick Resources to Start Content Writing :
However below are some quick resources with which you can start working right away
Listverse – Listverse is a great site for writers, they typically pays $100 for each accepted post. However you need to keep in mind their terms of conditions, grammatical errors, they also have a minium word count of 1500 characters.
Wikihow – Is another great website for writers. If you are good at writing tutorials and guides then this may be suitable for you. They have a guide on how you can get paid by Wikihow, do read it.
A List Apart – A List Apart is also a good resource for writers which pays around $200 for each accepted post. However they accept very few posts, which means that you have a smaller chance of getting accepted, but if you get accepted, getting $200 for a post of 1500 words or more is not a bad thing.
iWriter – iWriter is an old site which pays up to $15 for each accepted post. That may seem small, but they aren’t as strict as many of the others above, they are also recognised by many sites and are well known and famous. The thing i like about them is that they also allow you to pick exactly what you write. You can write as many or as few articles as you want. They will also assign you a category of writers and people can self choose you for their writing needs.
Proof Read Documents
Do you find yourself correcting grammar and/or cringing at common writing errors? Similar to content writing, but different in nature. If you are good in grammar and have a keen eye in finding mistakes and errors, companies could pay you around $17 per hour to proof read their documents.
But income can be more, depending upon your level of expertise, for example, In 2014, Caitlin made slightly over $43,000 by being a freelance proofreader, while also going on several fun vacations.
This can be a perfect online work from home job
Convert Audio/Video Formats –
If you are a media student and good at converting mp3 to wav, mp4 to wma or similar audio and video extensions either on your own or using any software, there is a good market to make money through it. You can make around $100 per week depending upon the orders you get.
Presentations –
There are many small companies or job people who can offer you a good money if you can design their business or company presentations. The earnings can be huge since i have per personally seen people charging $50 to $100 per presentation on Fiverr.
College & University Assignments –
There is a huge market and demand for students offering money or incentives if anyone can complete their university or college assignments, presentations and other tasks quickly, so you can try that as well for a quick money in one day.
Recommended Reading :
There are many freelancers who earn huge money for instance, Sydney who is an active freelancer. She manages Website, Project Management, Editorial work, writing work discussed in her Feb 2017 Income report, mentioned that She earned a total of $6500 from freelancing alone. Now this figure can be scaled further.
5 Benefits of Earning money Online as a Freelancer :
- You are the boss of your own self, you set your own timings, schedule and place to work.
- You are allowed to set your own hours, time and days to work, you can go on holiday or take a break too whenever you want.
- It’s easy to start.
- Get Paid on your own convenience.
- Huge demand.
5 Disadvantages of Freelancer :
- It will take some time to build a good profile and start asking your ideal rates from your clients.
- Work can be irregular. Like you can’t have orders all the time when you want and when you don’t.
- Managing Multiple Clients, Projects and Companies can be a huge challenge and it’s not suitable for everyone.
- Pay may be low at start.
- Disputes and issues with clients. Although they may occur less but freelancing sites like Fiverr, often don’t listen to the side of freelancers, rather they refund after just a dispute from client without listening the whole story.
Ways to Find Jobs for freelancers :
According to a survey by Payoneer, here’s how most freelancers find work on the web.

Do checkout forbes story from six figures freelancers on how they recommend you to find clients and get success.
[tweetthis url=”https://aliraza.co/the-beginners-guide-to-money-making-online”]Read The Beginners Guide To #HowtoMakeMoneyOnline – [/tweetthis]Online Selling To Build a Passive Income Stream Online
This might open up your mind. Money making online doesn’t only mean that launching a website or writing a blog — It could be anything associated with world wide web, and furthermore, establish an online income method for you.
Online selling is a process of selling goods and services online. When it comes to selling services, people most look at the freelancing services to create their provide and start offering their services. The problem is that it should be not labeled to the certain type of online money making method. Online selling could be anywhere, and hence, it could be anything someone wants to sell and buyers approach them to buy it.

Facebook store is a viable option to begin your online money making career. Tools like Storefront Social and Storeya are helping hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs and online sellers who are taking their online selling to the next level.
In fact, if you don’t find it comfortable selling products directly on Facebook and rather prefer to use Facebook page as an engagement channel, that will be normal. People do this thing. You can still go online for selling your products but on a different platform.
Select Shopify or Big Commerce to launch your online store.
Online selling could be on any specific platform which is used to reach out to the people across the globe. The e-stores are a perfect option to do that.
How Much I can Earn from An Online Store?
As far as earning from an online store is concerned, this is a debated topic. For instance, when this question was asked on quora, it lead to a debate where people had their own opinions, but i believe, if you make everything right, you can earn money quickly and easily through it, unlike blogging which takes time. Earning $5000 to $10,000 per month shouldn’t be a much problem.
Selling a Service Online in 2024 [Great way for earning online for beginners]
Let’s take online selling to the next level. When it comes to money making online, there is no bracket on the physical product or online service, so why not to use the opportunity. In fact, freelancing is pretty much about selling the services online.
There is a slight difference in being a freelancer and solely selling a service online.
The next part will explain that…
Selling a service is probably going freelance without depending on the freelancing platforms. In fact, it is about building your personal brand and putting your name out there to get hired without depending on third-party freelancing platforms.
The simplest way of selling a service online is that DECIDE what you’re good at, and then prepare yourself to market your TALENT. However, you will be required a few things to create in order to engage the prospective customers online. Take a look at those things:
Building a Website To Earn Money Online
A website makes your business online. You can set up your website within hours using WordPress open source program. You can either start making websites for other business or create your own website and start promoting it over the globe.
As per tutsplus, you can easily earn $5000 per month earning from home just by building websites and that too, part time.
Fixing Small Issues
People have issues transferring sites from one host to other, they want to tweak small settings in their websites, documents, presentations and other things. You can start selling this service, since most of the people don’t know how to do these tasks.
Blog –
A blog is a publishing platform which could be made available to you along with your WordPress based site. You can sell this is a service to your customers to make good money. You can either manage blogs for your customers or just do a one time setup like making and installing a blog for them.
Social Media –
You must take your brand to the social media. Choose the select numbers of social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or others, and then try to build your audience on those platforms.
There are a number of services that you can sell online. Although, the online service selling opportunities aren’t limited to certain jobs, in fact, you can sell anything people need and willing to buy whatsoever.
Use your online presence to market the services such as:
Writing To Make Money Online
If you’re a good writer and you think you have an experience that can excel the writing business, you can follow up the whole website launching process, get your website up and running, and start selling your writing service.
How you can make through content writing?
There are many other writing services which you can offer to make additional money online for free
- Sales Page Writing – Technically the same writing job but pays much more.
- SEO Optimised Article – An article designed to be optimised for a particular query on search engine.
- Write Press Releases – You can highly paid for writing a premium quality of press release.
Become a Ghost Writer :
Another way of earning online. This is little different to typical article writing service, thats why i preferred to have it’s own category.
In ghost writing, you actually write for famous people on behalf of them. Like you write articles for there publicity, marketing, followers with their name as author.
This have been happening for years in offline media but recently getting popular in online media.
Graphic designing
Just like any other creative service, if you have a talent like graphic designing, you can definitely go online as a graphic designer, put your portfolios out there, and start engaging the audience using your website.
Web designer
A website designer could get his/her website ready in hours. Use your website to sell your web design service. Maybe, you want to do it as a part-time job or want to quit your job and want to do a freelance business. Give it a shot. A good web designer can take home up to $60,000 to $80,000 per annum.
Video Editing & creation service –
If you’re a video editor or creator, there is a lot of scope for you out there. Don’t take your expertise for granted. Instead, use to make some extra cash.
All you need to do is to get some expertise in softwares like (camtasia for editing) and powtoon for designing and creating videos.
Let me tell you that this service is huge in demand and companies are willing to pay good amount for the nice work.
Typically an average freelancer video editor and creator earns as much as $1000 per task however average earning per order is between $100 to $200.
Digital Marketing –
I know it’s a wide term and so many things come in it, but yes, Digital Marketing is the present and future. Things like PPC, SEO, Email Marketing and all sort of online marketing and advertising come in this expertise. The scope and market is here, all you need is just a passion in this industry to start your career! [Check How to Start Your Digital Marketing Campaign?]
A typical freelancer can earn as much as $50,000 per annum to $150,000 per annum doing digital marketing online, making it one of the best way to make money online.
Consultancy Business
If you have any other kind of expertise. Go and turn to an expert in that area. Set up your own website or hire someone to set up for you and provide all the details to put on it, and start selling your consultancy, whether you’re an architect, construction manager, or a chess expert. Start selling something you are really good at.
As per Payscale,
- Independent consultants: they can charge client by commission, working hour, or by project. The average income of independent consultant is about $63,000 in the US.
As per indeed.com,
- Firms: management consulting firms in the US pays their consultants from $76,000 to $143,000/year, with the average of $105,000/year.
Vlogging To Make Money Online in 2024
Vlogging is an emerging trend on Video Sharing Platforms specially YouTube. It has been growing rapidly over the last few years. Vlogging or Video blogging is a video form of blogging in which video is used rather than text-content. It works like short-films.
Bloggers write blog posts to communicate, entertain, and educate the audience. Vloggers do the same thing with their medium which is video. If you don’t any kind of knowledge, expertise, or writing exposure, but you still want to do something online, then keep reading…
Vlogging isn’t an easy thing.
In fact, it requires a lot of struggle. Not only does it need so much hard work to create helpful and entertaining content, but it also takes time to get traction and get noticed. YouTuber Vloggers are getting popularity.
The VidCon, VloggingFair, and The Streamy Awards have recognized the vlogging field. It could be the next big thing on the internet.
Vlogging requires your PASSION to do something online and CONFIDENCE to face the world and deliver something valuable to them.
If you plan to start doing vlogging, then make sure to checkout Your complete guide to what is vlogging along with best vlogging camera under 1000 collection because it will definitely help you out in starting your vlogging career.
Companies like Famebit and Ritual Entertainment provide YouTubers and video content creators a chance to take their work to the next level by providing them brand deals and sponsorships.
How much u can earn through Youtube?
As per vloggerpro.com,
- PewDiePie made $7.2 million in 2014 just by doing vlogging alone. Lean how to start youtube channel to get started.
- Olga Kay earns from $100,000 to $300,000 from Youtube and Vlogging.
- The CPM (cost per thousand impressions) for most channels can vary somewhere between $0.30 and $2.50. So if you can get weekly 100,000 impressions you can easily make $1000 per month without must hustle.
Affiliate marketing

Now this is something, Yes I’m talking about Affiliate Marketing. The potential is huge because Affiliate Marketing is a money making system which pays commission to the referrer after a sale is generated on the referred traffic. Affiliate sale is a percentage of the sale which is given to the affiliate marketer.
In past, I have highlighted 6 Ways to Make Money & Sales with Affiliate Marketing, it’s a must read.
How you can earn with Affiliate Marketing :
But to summarise it further, there are ample of opportunities to work in Affiliate Marketing Industry such as :
- You can make different product related websites and earn money through doing SEO and ranking on Search Engines.
- You can make money by running Amazon websites with Amazon Affiliate link it and make money through it, many people do that. All you need is to find a good niche which has less competition and good demand.
- You can also make product reviews via Videos and upload them on Youtube.
- You can also promote Affiliate offers using different advertising models such as Bing, Google Adwords, Facebook Ads etc.
For Example :
I use Amazon while reviewing different products on my own site to generate money, For instance, you can check my article on 4k curved monitors, where i have used Amazon with some product links.
[Learn how to make money with Amazon to get started. Do you know, I also have a guide on how to build amazon authority site which is a step by step guide to do wonders.]Amazon, is just one example. There are many more affiliate companies in the market, in fact many companies offer there own affiliate program to participate to earn money.
Like, I’m using Semrush affiliate program in my SEMRush Review Article. They pay me around 40% for each valid affiliate sale. They usually charge $99 per month and i earn around $40 per sale. Imagine if i just grab 10 valid leads, I can earn around $400 per month on recurring commissions in auto pilot income.

Source: Visual.ly
Let’s have a look on some of the positive and negative aspects of Affiliate Marketing.

- Low cost to get started, in fact majority of affiliate programs are free to join.
- No need to come up with your own product or service which could have taken you months.
- Can be easily added as an additional source of income.

- Just like blogging, it requires Patience.
- You don’t have the control over the business, product or service. So you are totally dependent on your vendors.
- Small Affiliate companies make delay in payments.
- Huge Competition.
Recommend Reading :
For your convenience, I have written a complete guide which I recommend everyone who is going to start working in Affiliate Marketing Industry to check it out :
Finchsells ran a survey to find out how much affiliate marketers typically earn.

The above data is taken from 117 voters and majority of the voters were earning anywhere between $81000 to $200,000 per annum from affiliate marketing.
Start Making Money with Affiliate marketing.
Survey’s and Email Submits [Beginners Guide to Make Money Online] :

Although these methods are widely known and famous where all you need to do is just fill out the survey forms or email submits for different companies for quick bucks, but personally I never liked this way of earning money because this is not a stable and permanent income method, I feel like what advertiser’s get in return for paying you? bunch of crap data.. However there are few organisations who look for real data and they may pay you good.
Survey Companies Which Pay Well
- SwagBucks is a great way to make money fast and earn quick money. You can do variety of things to make cash such as taking surveys, filling forms etc. It’s not a quick rich scheme but you can earn some good money.
- InboxDollars is similar to Swagbucks, where you are tasked with doing short and quick jobs. Additionally you make $5 just for signing up.
- SurveyJunkie is also good, you can make $5-$25 in your spare time from home to take online surveys, participating in a Focus Groups and trying new products.
- Clixsense is also a great company in this. Check my Clixsense Review for more insights.
As per paidsurveyupdate.com research, You’ll typically earn $0.50 to $5.00 per survey, and earnings can quickly add up to$300 a month or more if you take a lot of surveys. Earning money takes time and effort, but how much effort is up to you. If you can commit to doing a few surveys a day, you should be able to earn at least $100 a month. Please make sure that the amount varies depending upon your skill, expertise and area you live in.
Earn Money Online via Youtube

Youtube is the 2nd most visited website on this planet and it is the first most
You might have screen across many people checks over social media which they earned through their Youtube channels. A part from one method of vlogging which is already mentioned in this article, there are various other ways through which you can earn money via Youtube.
For instance, Through Youtube Partnership program, you can place Google ads on your youtube channel and videos and earn good money. Do you know how much money do youtube make? The figure is huge.
There are many ways through which You can Make Money on Youtube a part from partnership program such as :
Vlogging as being mentioned already in this article.
You can also sell different T-shirts, products, promote other brands and service, even you can sell your old furniture, all you need is consistency.
Examples of people earning from youtube :
There are many Youtubers who earns thousands of dollars a day from it and there are many examples of it.
As per Businessinsider, while quoting examples of various Vloggers, Youtubers and people who earn money from videos, it was revealed that on average,
However this is a case study of just one person, if you go further.
Casey Neistat, a famous vlogger, as per various sources earns around $120,000 usd a month but the real figure is much more higher than this.
PewDiePie is another famous Youtuber, who earns in millions .
and the story continues….
You can see, millions of people try to enter in Youtube industry, some do get fail and some do get success. All you need to do is to have consistency and learn from your mistakes over the time to get your name listed like above of the examples.
Become a Virtual Assistant :

I know you just have jumped in the online industry and starting out your own career can take time and you also understand that you need little experience before starting doing things on your own. So why don’t you become a virtual assistant for someone? You can earn money as well experience by doing it, so it can be a WIN-WIN too. VA’s can make up to $50 per hour for tasks depending upon there knowledge, education and skills.
Opportunities as a Virtual Assistant :
You can opt for many opportunities like
- Working with those people who have recently started their business and looking for people with tight budget.
- Working with people who already have established business.
- Become a Personal Assistant of an Online Guru, Marketer or some one.
- Working as a group team online.
- You can also help people with day to day tasks, scheduling up appointments for your boss, working on there social media, organizing blog posts, email management etc.
In case if you are planning to become one, look at these Top 9 Skills For Virtual Assistant! where opportunities are countless!
One of my friend earns around $50 per hour just from being Virtual Assistant, however the number can go even higher than this with the experience.
Start an Online Facebook Clothing or Accessories Business :

Now this one is more oriented towards girls and ladies but with a twist, boys can do it too. All you need to do is either contact or reach a cheap cloth or accessories provider or if you are a designer yourself then just create a Facebook page and start selling the products online.
Many people, specially in India and Pakistan do it. Infact, I have seen many ladies from my city doing it and let me tell you that they are SUCCESSFUL and HAPPY with what they are doing.
How to Start a Business with Facebook?
- Reselling clothes by contacting different vendors.
- You could be buying some stuff or different accessories (household, jewellery, clothing etc) from Aliexpress.com and then re-selling it to the local market either directly shipping to there address from Aliexpress or first importing them and then reselling it with your own packing and shipping.
- If you are a designer, then all you need to search is good vendors for cloth supply and a tailor to start it out.
- You may find a friend of your’s doing something like this on Facebook. I’m not suggesting you to stealing there idea, but his idea and execution should be sufficient for you to come up with something of your own.
In case you are starting out, don’t forget to read the Digital Marketing Guide For Mompreneurs to Setup your Marketing plan.
Make Money From Instagram

With rapid social media involvement in our real life, Instagram has became an important player and it has more than 700 million users base and the number is even increasing rapidly.
For those who don’t know, Instagram is basically a Social media network, where people share pictures and videos from their mobiles. You can use hashtag for massive exposure, build fan following and do other tweaks.
Every major celebrity is on Instagram to increase their following and exposure. i have written a Step by Step Guide to Make Money From Instagram, In case if you want to learn how does it work and how you can utilise it’s full potential.
Methods to Earn From Instagram
There are many methods and ways through which you can make quick money on Instagram, for instance :
- Become an Influencer and Sponsor posts from different brands and companies to make money on instagram.
- Sell Your Merchandise
- Promote Your existing product, service or your running business there.
- Become an Affiliate marketer and promote different companies products there.
Theresa Nguyen, who was once a struggling girl but Instagram changed her life completely, she now has millions of fan there as per Time.com, She is earning an average of $3000 per month, not bad for a 14 year old child.

Sell Your Old Stuff And Make Money :
Although this method doesn’t work in every country, but companies like Decluttr will pay to buy your old stuff like CD, DVD’s, Blue-Ray and other electronic items.
You can also Trade in your used electronics item for solid cash through Itsworthmore.com. They are a reputable company and will pay you good bucks for it.
Test Websites :

There are ample of companies who may pay you to test their website, functions and determine the user experience on them.
So if you have been browsing for years on internet and understand the characteristics of a good and bad website. Like if you can see, how quickly it does load, how attracting the logo is, how the site is compelling you to take an action, how easy the navigation is, does the site have mobile friendly version?
For some companies, it’s very important to understand how customers use their website. Sites like UserTest, TryMyUI and UserFeel pay about $10 to test sites.
Re-Sell Domain Names & Websites :
Some people have made domain buying and selling their main business. Whenever there is a new tld domain extension in the market or they find a good domain being expired or a good name come in their mind, they buy that for selling it for a higher price.
For years, I had been underestimating the value of this business, until I came to know the story of Luqman Khan, who sold 10beasts.com for $550,000!
Do you know that, Insure.com was sold for $16 Million in 2009? Domain name business have been in running for years, infact there are many communities, forums and market place designed for this purpose.
For instance, Dnforum.com is a combined marketplace, community and a discussion forum related to domain names. If you want to learn the art of this business, I recommend you to join this site and start learning.
The same strategy can be used to buy and sell active and established websites, I know some people who buy establish websites, improve them, spend more money on them and then re-sell them on higher prices. You can buy websites from platform like Flippa.
Launch and Grow a Startup Online :

Invest in your future, do you ever thought to start your own startup and business? Things aren’t easy as they look like in bigger picture but once you enter, you realize it’s one of the most difficult ways to make money online.
Do you know that by 3rd quarter of 2017, Venture Capitalists had invested over $61 billion into close to 6,000 startups in the US alone.
And I’m quoting the example of just one firm. Keep in mind that there are hundred of firms in the market who are willing to invest in your startup provided you show them :
- Business Plan
- Monetization Plan
- How you are going to survive in tough conditions?
- What is your UPS over your competitors?
However i don’t recommend you to jump your hands in startup until and unless you have huge and ample experience in this field.
Start an E-commerce Site :

E-commerce has seen a huge boom, sites like Amazon, Ebay, AliBaba and AliExpress has a strong dominance. All you need to do is to solve a user’s query, make a process little easier for your customer. Give them a good price and customer support, the customer will be your’s.
Sites like Shopify have made the online selling process easier. This probably one of the oldest, well tested and proven way to make money. However let me remind you that with so many sites around, you need to build a strong, effective and easy navigation website to start your online career in it.
Following is an effective way to start your e-commerce site :
- Goto market and research for cheapest yet quality physical products.
- You can also search around Alibaba and other vendors online to get quotation.
- Once you note down the products you are going to work.
- The next step is to buy a good domain and hosting.
- Now work with Shopify to customise your online store.
- Add your payment method, payment policies.
- Remember it’s a good idea to have your refund and guarantee policies clearly mentioned.
Make Money on Internet Through Twitter :

Twitter is an active social media network with huge people and their following on it. You can even see accounts of famous politicians, generals, celebrities and artists on it.
If you have a good following on Twitter and an active profile, you can make good money through it.
- Instapple pays good money when they see their is a good fit available.
- Sponsored Tweets is also another good program which allows you to set your own price-per-click for ads that you tweet.
- Ad.ly is another ad service that lets you send out advertisements in your tweets
Create an Online Course & Ebook
Have a skill or knowledge to share with others? Teaching through Udemy can bring some good money and cash for you. While there are some people who have a facebook community of students and they teach them via groups too.
You can also write an ebook and sell it via Amazon or Clickbank.
Donnie Lawson from Justagirlandherblog.com/ discussed in the monthly report of November, 2015 where she revealed that she earned more then $5900 just by selling his Ebook and course.
Michelle, in her July 2018 report, that she earned more than $19,000 just from selling her course Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Course alone.
Ron has mentioned in his June 2018 report, that he regularly earns huge amount from selling courses in Udemy.
Abdul Wali in his interview on my site, mentioned how he earned more than $100,000 in a single year just by selling his courses online.
Keep in mind that there are several other sites as well apart from udemy to make money.
Paid Webinars :
Having regular paid webinars can also be a good way to make money. Professional speaker Grant Baldwin, uses webinars to market his courses on public speaking, including Get Booked and Paid to Speak. If you have some audience or there are people who consider you an authority in a particular subject, you have an ample amount of chances to make quick and easy money with it.
Accept Donations Online :
Although this method is not for everyone but if you are doing something good for community with your product or service or if you are providing out of the box solutions for something which isn’t available in the market yet, then you can use this method as well.
Jason Kottke is a perfect example to see because he left his job and started working on his site as a Full time job by accepting donations to cover his expenditures.
Even people working at different freelancing sites often get Tip and it works just like a donation.
Earn Money Online by Flipping Websites
It’s a different kind of buying & selling website technique and strategy but if you work well with it, you can make a decent income through it.
You can make money through 2 ways.
The first way is to make a website for Flippa and sale to it, but the other method is more decent and interesting. It is to buy an already running website, make some improvements in it and then sell it on Flippa to make more money.
So what you have to do is to focus on low earning websites, like those who are earning mid to high $xx to $xxx per month. Buy them, improve their theme, content, structure, SEO and when they start make more money, sell them for a good price on Flippa
Answer Questions on JustAnswer and Get Paid:
Sites like JustAnswer, pays you very well if you professionally answer questions on their website. However you need to have a high skill developed in any industry and your answers need to provide a well and understandable solution for the audience.
Tuition over Skype :

No matter where you live, you can give tution to people in any part of the world via Skype. You can teach them regular school or university courses or if you are good in cooking, you can teach someone about good cooking and can even show dishes and your work over it.
Get cash back when shopping
If you are a regular online surfer, then it’s a good news because because with every purchase, you actually save money online.
There are several sites who are offering this, such as
- Quidco.com
- SwagBucks.com
Deal in E-currencies & Forex to Make More Money Online on Internet

Ever thought about making money with forex? Then let me tell you that there has been huge trend in making money with e-currencies where you can buy and sell various currencies such as Bitcoin, TRX etc to make money by buying and selling them.
A part from e-currencies, there is huge market for forex to work in. However the profits are really good but same time it’s very risky as well. For those who don’t know, Forex traders make money through the difference in prices. Like purchasing currencies at low rate and then selling them at higher rate.
Investopedia has mentioned 10 ways to avoid losing in forex, which i recommend you to read before starting your forex business.
Sell Your Un-used room and apartment on Airbnb and earn fast cash online

If you have some space vacant or any apartment vacant, you can make good money by selling them online on Airbnb. With airbnb, you can list your room or apartment online over the internet with your desired charges and you can rent it out like a hotel online.
For those who don’t know, Airbnb is a company that offers affordable short-term rental alternatives to travelers who are looking to avoid high hotel costs.
If you have a good space lying around, you can easily make anywhere from $500 to $1500 per month easily.
The calculator by Eliotandme can easily tell you how much you can make with Airbnb.
Learn How to Make Money Online by Reading Emails
Luckily there are some sites which offer’s you incentives, prizes and money just for reading emails. Sometime you may need to click on the link and participate on the form, but what’s wrong if you make bucks for it?
Sites like, Paid To Read Email & Cash4offers are good sites in this category.
Earn Money while participating in Forums
Forums are a great source of Discussion. People visit them, participate and learn from each other. Most of the people when they do start searching on How to Get Paid Online, they are often recommended this way to earning additional income. There are several forums who pay you for participating in different forums. Additionally there are even companies out there who pay you while participating in forums, provided you add their URL in your signature profile.
Sites like, Digital Money Talk, ForumCoin can pay you well. Additionally you can also make your own gig and paid by people. Just check on Fiverr, how many people are making through it.
Get Paid for Selling Web Hosting [Best For How to Make Money Online]
Sites like Bluehost, pay huge money for every active signup you send to them. So if there are people around in your friends who are looking for website development or good hosting company, send them to these hosting companies and you can make extra bucks in no time.

Pat Flynn, earned more then $27650 in December 2017, just by promoting Bluehost alone. I’m myself promoting different webhosting companies, like i’m doing on my Best WordPress hosting article.
Once you plan to step into selling web hosting business, a part from Bluehost, there are many more companies in the market which let you sell their services.
You can educate your visitors on few aspects such as Why do you need Web hosting? Features to look? Once you win their confidence, sell them hosting and start generating good commissions.
Start Your Own Online Forum and Make Money through various ways :
Starting your own forum may look like a difficult idea at start, but once you again some active people visiting your forum, you can have a fresh automated content being generated for you all the time.
There are various ways through which you can generate income from your community for instance :
- Charge for different level of membership like Blackhatworld.com
- Place sponsored listing ads on your forum and make money through it.
- Have your own paid physical conferences and events and cash them.
Sky is the limit, i just posted few ideas, just make a twist and come something unique of your own.
Earn By Selling Photos

Do you have a DSL-R and like to capture photos? or if you are good with photo taking, a simple mobile camera can also do the job. Sometimes the most usual or unusual photos taken , road signs, mountains, walls or any interesting thing you like. If you have a large collection of high quality photo’s lying around, why don’t you sell them and make money online?
Just submit these images at various sites like Shutterstock or iStockPhoto.
Tips to Follow while selling Photos :
- Always have a unique profile picture of yours while selling.
- Do not resell other’s content or copyrighted images.
- Always take a handy or a DSLR camera or even a good smart phone with yourself as often as possible everywhere you go because if you see an opportunity to take a great photo, you can just take it
Become a Travel Agent:

Let me tell you that I have personally thought about this idea thirty times before I’m even suggesting it to you. No office, nothing high expenditures. Just a good affiliate program from any travel and tour company and a good facebook page with a website is required for jumping in.
Tips to follow when starting a travel business online :
There needs to be certain things which need to be kept in mind before getting jumped into travel business.
- Make sure to have your own website.
- Try to get proper accreditation and approvals from airline and hotel companies.
- Learn from other travel agents.
- Offer variety of tours, combinations and packages as people love to get attracted via them.
- Offer 24/7 customer support.
Make Money while travelling :
There are many people who like travelling and what they do is, they have started documenting their experiences. Like they make Vlogs, write blog posts, share instagram pictures of their whole experiences.
Once they get good following, they start sharing things like, their hotel booking experience and then they link it with Booking.com and they are paid for every booking their visitor do after clicking on the link.
Paid for searching the internet :
How does it feel like for earning cash for one of the easiest thing to do? and what if i tell you that you are already doing it and you can be PAID for doing it!
Call it the easiest way to make money online or the laziest way but it really comes without doing any big effort.
This great concept by Qmee.com rewards you for using different search engines such as Google or Bing.
What does you need to do is to install this add on on your computer browser and you will see different sponsored listings whenever you perform a search query but what’s bad when you get a unique cash reward for each search result?
There is also an option to donate the earned income to charity but that is totally optional.
Telemarketing & Chat Support :
If you have a good command on the English language and can communicate well with the people living in USA & UK. Then reach out to companies who are looking for a resource for support person, be it on the phone call or live chat support. Companies also pay commissions on reaching your monthly targets.
Start your own T-shirts business online with Teespring :

Teespring is a great website to start your t-shirt business. They have a great designing editor and a list of active buyers who are seeking to buy best possible shirts. Once you design your shirt, you can upload it on Teespring, they will adjust as per your variants and size of your offerings. Once it goes live, you will have a limited number of dates to sell a particular desired quantity.
You can promote it via Facebook Ads, With your access on Facebook groups, sell it to your email list, list on your site and even promote it around your friends.
Help People with their Tax Preparations :
Every business and most individuals need someone to help prepare tax returns, especially time or resource-strapped small business owners. You also don’t need a high level of degree for doing this task, depending upon your country you live in, you can get a diploma or a certificate in it and start doing the job.
The Income Tax School provides an array of training programs that’ll certify you with tax prep in as little as 10 weeks. Once you master this specific skill, you can earn an average of $229 per return, as a freelancer.
Another survey reports that, Tax Preparers earns an average of $20.84 per hour. However make sure you processes the following traits to get a good contract :
- Get yourself educated properly.
- Get a PTIN [Applicable if you are planning to deliver service in USA]
- Check your State’s Certification requirement.
- Assure your clients with a bond.
Peer to Peer Lending :
Got some extra cash lying around? Just lend some money online and get a good return on it. LendingClub allows people to connect with each other for this purpose.
Sell Your Old Smart Phones Online :
Smart Phones and Mobile Phones are a huge industry, we all know that. Every year, big players like Apple, Samsung, Huawei presents their new models to keep their business high. The industry is so big that it has became a $5 billion industry. Do you have an old phone lying around? Maybe of no use?
Why don’t you sell it to make quick cash?
There are many sites which will buy your old phone and give you good money for it. Check out Orchard, Gazelle, Swappa, or Glyde to make extra money online by selling your smartphone or other electronics.
Online Personal Trainer or Fitness Coach
If you are a fitness geek and have little bit experience in this field, You can become an online personal trainer or a fitness guru. The charisma of this business is huge since everyone is trying to look healthy and fit. Accroding to a survey at Nytimes, American Adults Just Keep Getting Fatter. With the addition of so many junk and fast foo and modern life style people are getting fatter every day.
So if you have a good body and know few tips on how to maintain a good body, you can easily step in to this business.
Even if you get a good following, you can start selling weekly courses on your Instagram profile or Facebook page. You can even review different weight loss products and get paid in commissions or you can even ask companies to get paid. Checkout interview of several fitness bloggers who make a fortune online.
Generate ‘leads’ for other companies :
Business run on new opportunities, inquiries and leads. It’s no surprise that they are always hungry for new business, leads and ventures.
They are always searching for create and unique ways to find new sources of generating new leads. You can make money online by giving them leads.
For instance, you have a website or blog regarding saving money. Your readers information such as their email address, phone number, area they live in and how much you earn will be a great deal for financial companies who offer loans and insurances.
So let’s say you take these details of your readers (with their permission) and then sell them to companies or offer them sponsorship opportunities on your blog.
Build Your Own Email List to Make Money on Internet :

Imagine, you start building an email list by giving people something free to download in exchange of their email address. You can also put email boxes on your blog, site, Vlogs, add links with description of your videos. Recommend people to sign it up via podcasts.
You will soon have a list of loyal readers because your objective was to convert your passionate readers and followers to a list. This way you can deeply interact with them, regularly share new updates and even collaborate with different companies and present them great deals and incentives. Making it a win win for both.
Use Ebay to Make Money Fast on Internet
Ebay is a fairly popular online buying/selling website. Although you may need to build a little reputation here before people take you seriously but it’s a great site to earn money by selling different things. Rewards and incentives are money, provided you get good reputation here.
Generate Quick Cash Online with Itunes :
If you are a musician, singer, writer, artist or can produce videos and audios. You can sell your stuff on Apple itune store and make money through it.
High end private coaching

This opportunity is not for everyone and works well with select group of clients who love to work with you. This means you need years of experience in something, you specialize in a particular skill or you are immensely popular in something.
What you need to do them is to offer them a high end program which costs around $5000 to $12000 something.
For those who don’t know, Private coaching just like consulting, is another running business where you trade time for dollars, but in terms of your hourly pay rate it is hard to find a higher paying “job”. This works really well too.
Write and publish a Kindle eBook
This method works only well if you are good in writing and have a wide knowledge on particular thing. Imagine you write a book and get paid for it on the internet?. Thanks to Amazon Kindle Store, anyone can publish an ebook, sale it and make money through it.
The good thing is that Amazon even have annual subsidies for this program and Kindle app is available for almost every major device making it a huge buyer’s market.
Just find out niches with less competition and list your book and make money through it.
Review different music for income
If you love listening and playing music, you can even cash this skill by making it your business. But with Slicethepie, you can get paid for reviewing different music. Although the money earned is not huge but still something is better then nothing. Isn’t it?
URL Shorteners – Way to Make Money Online
URL Shorteners are one of the easiest ways to make money online. You don’t need much technical skill or huge budget to start your career in it.
What you need to do is to join any of the url shortener, make any link short and start sending traffic to it.
I recommend few of the below shortener companies to start with.
You can also get paid for referring people to signup and earn from them and you will keep on earning whenever they earn.
Start a coupon website

Another great way to make money is to start a coupon website and earn money through it. Do you know that about 59% of adults head online to find promo codes before they make a purchase. So it means that a majority of people look for online coupon before buying anything.
And the good thing is, majority of companies actively introduce new coupons in the market to increase the sales. Even if they don’t in regular time, but they definitely introduce on major events such as Christmas, Halloween, Eid and they will pay you a certain percentage for every buyer you send.
Just join any affiliate company and start working on it. A part from coupons, you can also place Adsense and other ads on your site to earn a decent income through it.
Do you know that Kulwant Nagi, generated $1500+ from his coupon website in just 3 days?
Share Coupons :
CouponChief provides coupons and discounts for various products, apps and websites for both offline and online use.
If you share your coupon with your friends and circle, you get credited 2% of your coupon sales so it’s a win win for both.
Fill-up CAPTCHA and other easy tasks
Do you know that you can be paid just for filling Captcha’s? Depending upon the tasks, you can earn anywhere from $5 to $15 per hour. Not bad for such an easy task which doesn’t even require any advance skill.
Join the clickworker.com for an easy way to make money online.
Join Online Contests :
Do you want to simply build a portfolio? looking for quick way to earn? join contest and earn through it. There are many companies who regularly announce new contests which you can participate to earn income.
Ricky walls revealed in his post on how he won £20,000 by entering free competitions.

He also explained that there are several forums such as Loquax and the Prizefinder from where you can find latest competitions to join and win.
Become an English Tutor or Chinese Tutor on Internet
English or Chinese language both are fairly growing languages and many people are willing to learn it. There is an ample demand in countries where English is not frequently spoken.
You can also do skype sessions on SAT and other courses as well to get quick money for free.
Cheggtutors pays you up to $20 per hour for teaching online.
Earn $25 online with Payoneer :

Payoneer offer’s a decent income for every valid new user you send to them. For those who don’t know, Payoneer is a famous method to receive payments online. Majority of affiliate companies including Amazon and freelancing sites like Upwork, Fiverr etc offers you to receive your online earnings through this method.
Checkout there affiliate program for more learning.
Events :
Michael Stelzner, founder of Social Media Examiner, creates offline and online events and make money by putting a ticket price on them.
This is another great money making opportunity, all you need to do is to create an event which is similar to him and earn through this strategy, but this method has a turn off and that is, you need to have a huge following or resource to get your message spread to wide people, otherwise you may not see much people paying to you.
Make Fast and Free Money Online With Rating Pizzas :
With ever increasing competition in fast food and restaurant industry, local pizza shops are paying good money to get there pizza reviewed online. All you need to do is to rate these pizzas online and get paid and maybe a free pizza as well. Just register on Trendsource and get started.
Fix Google Mistakes and Earn Easy Money online as a Teen :
Do you know that Google & other search engines spend huge money every year in improving there search result, still they are willing to pay one for either finding an error, fixing it or both. You can earn around $12 per hour for this job.
- Leapforce
- LionBridge
- Appen
Help People with Dating :
This may sound little weird, but do you know that there are thousands of couple who are looking to get connected but don’t know how to start?, what to do?
If you have experience in this, this is a fast, quick and easy way to make money online from home.
Make Money from Your Livestreams with the Peeks App
Have you done a livestream on facebook before? Imagine getting paid for it? Cool isn’t it?
But there is a catch, you may need to switch to a new app, Peeks.
Peeks is an ecommerce-enabled livestream app that allows people viewing your livestream to easily send you tips and thus u can make a living with it.
All you need to do is to work on building a large following and doing regular live streams and you can make a fortune through it.
Earn Money ONLINE for Listening to the Radio
No, I’m not joking, in fact it’s another great way to make quick bucks. If you are a guy who like to keep the radio on all the times, then why don’t get paid for this activity?
FusionCash pays you 3 cents every half hour. You do have to enter a Captcha code every half hour, but it only takes a second. If you exceed $0.15 in a day, you’ll get a $0.01 bonus!
My Take : This is very less earning for the time you spend on it.
Start a Youtube Like Site :
Starting a site like youtube isn’t difficult thing at all. There are ample of templates and scripts which are available on your market to get you started. All you need is a domain, good hosting, wordpress theme, script and some nice content to get started. One thing i like about this type of site is that the content is automatically uploaded and created by users and you earn money online from home while sleeping.
As per CompleteThemes,
The cost of Making a site like Youtube from scratch with WordPress will cost $130.40 with an annual cost of about $70/year after that.
And if you ask the earning potential, it’s huge. All you need at start is a viral content to get it grow, once it’s grown, then people will produce content for you.
Network Marketing :
Yes there are some ways to make money online with multilevel marketing (MLM) schemes. The game is actually based on referrals and your referrals so you can keep on earning. You can start earning through selling to your friends and family who then sell to their friends, families and their network.. this way it keeps going.
Become an Online Brand ambassador :
It was a time when brand ambassadors usually belong to a same city or place but things have been changed over the time. You can now become an online brand ambassador for any company online and start working with them.
Be a Virtual Support Representative :
This is the perfect legitimate job from home. You can become a virtual support representative for any company just sitting from your home and make through it. With ever increasing demands, brands are often looking for cheap alternatives to meet there customer support demands. Training is quick and easy and you can start your career within few days/weeks.
Craiglist :
Craiglist is a great opportunity to work and earn money from home. For those who don’ t know, Craigslist is an American classified advertisements website with sections devoted to jobs, housing, for sale, items wanted, services, community, gigs, résumés, and discussion forums.
Craig’s List has a “Gigs” section where people list menial, one-time jobs. Usually, these jobs include lawn work, or manual labor gigs.You can mail to the ad owner and ask if the job is still available and you can get started with it.
Do you know that MICHELLE earned $655 From Random Craigslist Jobs In One Month just by doing part time jobs online on it.
Start doing it to make money.
Create Your Own Market Place :
If you are good at selling something, chances are you can make good money from home by setting your own market place website just like Olx.com. For those who don’t know, A marketplace is a placewhere many different businesses sell their products or services. The initial cost is very low, a cheap hosting, domain and a wordpress script to start working.
Review Apps, Softwares & Games online
Do you know that BetaBound is a company which allows you to test out beta versions of their software, electronics, and games and get paid for providing your opinion, feedback and suggestions on any bugs you experienced, what you liked, or what you didn’t like.
VMC is another popular website that lets you test both console and PC games.
Software Judge is another popular site which pays you up to $50 to review software you’ve used! Try anything from games to photo enhancing software to video editing software.
The above is few of the shortlisted but there are many more sites around which pays you to review softwares, games and applications online.
Crowdfunding :
Looking for a way to earn money on internet from home? You might be wondering to start a new business but lacked funding, right?. You are not alone, this happens with majority of the people and the great thing of crowd funding is start you can easily obtain fast money for your business.
Kickstarter is a fantastic page for anyone with an idea or project who do not have the capital to fund the project.
Start a News Website
I have already discussed above on how you can create websites for companies and make cash through it but what about starting your own news site and make money through it?
Just cover the recent Google Trends and you can make good money online on internet by writing articles and news on recent trends.
Online market trading
If you have an online trading account, you have the ability to sell or buy stocks online provided that you have opened an account with an online brokerage firm.
eToro.com – which has over 8 million users worldwide and offers free practice accounts. The practise account will help you in learning how you can win the market.
However keep in mind that if you do it wrong, you will end up loosing money then earning, so do it wisely.
Google Ads PPC to Earn Money Online
Google ads as a service has been proven to be a very good way to earn money online in recent years. It’s popularity has specially been improved after corona epidemic. If you master the art of PPC with Google Ads (formerly known as Google Adwords) you can earn good income by promoting your business or managing other people PPC Google Ads Campaigns.
Other ways to earn money online as a Beginnner :
Although I have discussed around 100 ways to start your online money making career on internet, but there are few more which can you try to make money on internet as a newbie.
- Start a Celebrity site
- Make Money with a Content Locking Website
- Start a Travel Blog
- Start Your own Youtube like Video site
- Build your Own job Board Site
- Create your own Ebay type website.
- Setup your own drop shipping Amazon store and start make money with it.
- Start a Viral Site Like viperchill
- Create a Subscription Job Board.
- Create a Podcast.
Just copy what others are doing on internet.
Now this one is unique and different. What you need to do is to follow others, follow successful people, their journeys, read online case studies of different people, search for different working methods for earning money online and just replicate them. People are doing this for years and you can do the same. Just copy their strategy, add your twist in it and start doing it.
Most Common How to Make Money Online Scams
Most of the methods I have discussed are legit ways to make money online but don’t be fooled as not everything which looks good is actually good.
Do you know that more then 40% of young people have reported losing money to fraud more often the older people? Checkout the below inforgraphics

Source: Federal Trade Commision
According to research at HedimalSecurity below are some of the common scams which happen with people online. (specially with newbies).
Fake Lottery Wins
The most common way of this online scam is via email. But the scenario can be different for each case.
Other may include
- Pyramid Schemes which includes Forex and Hyip programs as well.
- Phishing Scam
- Fake Buyer Schemes
- Fake Training sessions which claims that you will be a millionaire after this course.
But the most important thing is that you need to know a few things that are extremely important in money making online. In fact, without understanding these certain things, you won’t be able to succeed in this field.
So, buckle up and get ready to read that.
Online Money Making Traits to Adopt to Learn How to Make Money on Internet
Before you plan on what kind of money making methods you are going to follow, you need to adopt some habits to be a successful earner. Every field has few things to adopt, So I feel Following are necessary elements to be adopted in order to successfully establish a career online:
Learn and Keep Learning

Learning doesn’t stop in any form of education, research, and business. It keeps on going. What you need to do is, do not stop learning. Once you think you know everything, the thirst of learning something new decreases and you might lose a few chances to get to know something new. It could be online articles, books, research papers, and even web surfing.
The purpose of learning should be there. Once you’re a keen learner, you’d notice that you would continue to absorb the knowledge and information you come across. That’s a very important aspect if you want to go ahead on learning : How to Make Money on Internet
Become Consistent

‘START DOING IT’ is a popular entrepreneurial strategy that is highly practiced in the online business world. START represents taking the action. If you’re a beginner in online business, whether you want to become an internet marketer or a blogger, what you need to do is MAKE A START.
The next part is getting CONSISTENT whatever you’ve chosen to do. Most of the failures in the world have only one major problem with them and that is they lack CONSISTENCY! Just keep on doing on How to Make Money Online.
Deliver and Become a Giver

Another important trait of being an entrepreneur or a successful starter is that you should know how to deliver to the audience. It includes what you have got, what you have chosen to share, and what else you can find to deliver to the target audience. Being a GIVER makes you prominent. In the online marketing world, GIVING is the most respected and regarded strategy. Pat Flynn believes in GIVING more than you ask from your audience. Adam Grant’s book GIVE AND TAKE preaches about GIVING too.
Value Your Time :
Value has a Value only if it’s value is being Valued.
No body is going to value you and your time until and unless you start valuing your time. Time is money, because each second of your time you waste, you actually lose.
Other Traits which can boost your efforts on How to Make Money Online
Fast on Internet?
- Discipline Yourself
- Be stubborn for success.
- Keep Trying
- Accept your mistakes and learn from them.
Save Money :
Wise people say, save money and control your expenses in order to make more money.
Re-invest what you earn :
It is a very important aspect when it comes on how to make money on internet or offline. Because often when we start to make money, we start to increase our expenditures and costs which in results put us in depression, so it’s always a good idea to re-invest some portion of your money in what you earn.
Frequently asked questions regarding how to make money online as a newbie
I have been told that making money online is a total scam thing. How much is this true?
Most of the beginners look around for quickest and easiest way to make money online as a beginner and they soon get disappointed which results in disappointment and making you believe that it’s a false industry.
Do companies really pay online?
Let me admit that there have been some sort of scamming and in past some companies didn’t pay to their users and it’s happen everywhere, even in offline jobs as well, however the companies i have listed above are old, popular and well known for paying to the customers. If you want to work with a specific company, do comment and I will investigate if the company is real or scam.
I’m just a 13 years old teen, can i still make money online as a teen?
I always recommend teenagers to do something in past time to polish their existing skills. Let me tell you a truth, there is no age of making money, you can still learn and earn even at this age.
I have no money or investment, can I still make money?
Yes, most of the methods mentioned above do not require much investment from your side, however if you have no budget, then i recommend you to checkout my article : Make Money without any investment?
Are there any online quizzes where we can win prizes/money?
Although there are some legal and valid sites which offer such money making oppurtunities but i recommend you to think big and work on methods which can benefit the other person as well. What will the sponsor get after giving you money?
How long does the companies take to pay?
Depending upon the company you have joined, most affiliate and ptc companies usually send payments 30 days after closing of any business month. However there are some companies who send bi-monthly and weekly payments as well.
How long does it take to start making money online?
Thats a very hard question because it all depends upon the person who is doing it. If you are a complete newbie & beginner, then you may need to research about all possible methods and act wisely. I suggest you that once if you have chosen any method, go and work for it with full force to see desired results. If you are quick and active, expect earning within few months.
I want to make money online but I don’t have time to learn or do anything. I just want to click a magic button and make money on autopilot. Is it possible?
Stop dreaming and act real because this one will be quite a difficult thing for you to do. There is magic button and all sorts of money making methods requires some sort of work from your side.
I don’t have any product and don’t know what to sell online. How can I make money then?
Unless and until you plan to start your own business, you don’t need a product or service to make money. Majority of the people who earn money online doesn’t have in fact a product or service. For instance, people working with Amazon Affiliate program, web hosting affiliate programs does not have their own product or service.
What’s the easiest way to make money online?
I believe all the methods mentioned in this guide requires consistency, action and strong efforts. However freelancing is kinda of easiest and give’s quicker results.
How do I make money online without spending money?
Most of the methods mentioned doesn’t require money to start your journey, but in case if you want to expand and grow bigger you may need to invest more to earn more.
How can I make money right now?
The quickest ways to make money can be filling surveys, doing assignments or working for hourly wages at some place.
How can I make fast emergency money?
You can sell your gold, jewellery or other house holed items to get fast cash. You can also sell your existing website, domain, blog or even your online account for some money, provided your profile have good ratings.
Can I make $1000 dollars a week using above techniques?
If you dedicatedly follow a certain technique or method, you can start earning $1000 per week in some time. People are already earning this much.
I’m a beginner, can i still earn from internet?
Yes, the majority of the methods on how to make money online are for beginners. If you are starting out on internet with little or no experience, consider jumping into blogging or freelancing or vlogging for quick and fast earnings while being a beginner.
What is the best way to earn online without any skills?
Re-selling can be a great way to earn without any particular skill. All you need to do is to find a specific service cheap and then re-sell it to any buyer with some sort of percentage or commission.
What is the best way to earn long term?
Become a master in any skill, this will help you in building your online empire.
My parents and relatives don’t believe in online earning?
Even when i started, my parents also didn’t believe but i kept on doing what i liked to do and after continuous failures, God gave me success. This works trust me. All you need is consistency and patience.
Which habit is a must in a person who is trying his luck online?
Consistency, Patience and then keep on learning. The habit of keep on learning can do wonders. There are many platforms where you can do research and get new knowledge. Start from Google & Youtube.
Any more questions on How to Earn Online?
This is a 15,000 words guide and explains in detail on almost every possible way to earn but if you still have anything left in your mind, do drop a comment below.
Conclusion on How to Make Money Online As a Beginner in 2024
As you see, The opportunities are limitless for how to make money on internet.
All you need is to start looking for them to earn.
This beginners guide on how to earn money online will help you understand that how to RECOGNISE your talent by adopting any particular way and start working on it.
If you haven’t find a way useful, Read it once again…
You might find a clue about your TALENT or PASSION which you can actually sell out and start making money out of it. The choice is your’s.. opportunities are there..
and it’s Important that once you find out what you need to do, All You Need is to take an ACTION for your success story.
What would you do after reading this article? Tell me in the comments section.