[Tutorial] How to Convert Blog Visitors Into your Subscribers?

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Now you got a good blog with having ample of quality content, awesome theme and a good topic to discuss.. I know your website traffic is increasing as well, but why spend the same effort to generate traffic after posting a new article? Why can’t you retain your old visitors so your focus should be on generating new traffic? I always believe that every time you write an article and promote that it on different advertising channels (social media / blog commenting / forum signatures) but get the same amount of traffic like you got after writing your first article? then at the end of the day, It’s time to stop working on your blog because you are doing something wrong.

So Let’s Convert Our Blog Visitors Into our Subscribers So the next time we can focus on increasing traffic not on maintaining traffic

I suggest the following ways to follow if you want to retain your visitors into your subscribers.

How to Convert Visitors into Subscribers :

1.) Make Sure Everything Looks Professional :


From your website layout to category structure to your logo to your domain name, make sure that everything is well organized and written according to your context, like said ‘Your First Impression is your last impression’ so never think of grabbing the visitor later, instead book him now and make him your loyal reader.

2. Quality vs Quantity [In Articles] :


I know for going big, having a lot of articles is very necessary, specially with niche relevant or better say micro-niche sites, but never ever your aim should be to upload a bundle of articles, a good quality driven article is worth 100 times more then a useless unique written article, so writing a unique article isn’t a win-win, but writing a quality article which makes the reader to visit your website again and again is a real win-win.

3. Focus on User Experience :

user experience

People often make websites which looks good to search engines but not to humans, so let’s define our goals again, our first purpose with a blog should be to provide a good user experience not a website which can generates bucks for you, if you study the history of all famous brands, the money is there 2nd priority, lets take the example of Facebook or Twitter, for years, they don’t have an advertising module to earn with, because they were more focused on providing good user experience instead making a money machine but now see what a good user experience has done to Facebook? It made him a $100 Billion Company.

4. Encourage Blog Subscription :

Encouraging your visitors to sign up for Newsfeed via Email or RSS is always a good idea, because even if they forget you, you don’t forget them and send them a reminder to visit your website again and reply it with there opinion, but make sure anything which looks spammy or excessive is always going to give you a negative image so a rule of success is never over do. πŸ™‚

Tools which I recommend for this is


5. Give Value to Your Reader’s :


By this statement, I actually mean to make your visitors feel special, if they write a comment, give them a personalized reply and appreciate there time which they spend in making your article more interactive, if they give you a feedback, appreciate it and improve your site accordingly, giving a personalized to them will not only generate more user content for your site but they will make your visitors feel special which in turn will make them your loyal subscribers.


6. Social Media Sharing Button :


Add Social Media Sharing Option with your articles so people can share with the help of a button, not only it generates more authority in the eye’s of search engine, but it also helps in generating new visitors for your websites and last but not least (People are promoting your website = WIN WIN FOR You, In terms of traffic and new subscribers).

7. Make it a Fun and Interactive Place for yourself & for them :


A boring blog will not get you anywhere but a blog where you see funny posts or a little humour in your articles or comments will make the user reading experience more interesting and awesome, this will also help, a short but a worthy tip!


Like being said ‘Choose a Job you love and you will never have to work a single day in your life’ so choose a niche you love to write and explore and you will never have to work in your life! πŸ™‚

Always remember that if you want to learn how to make money online, make sure that converting visitors into customers means you understand how visitors perceive your website.

Do you think these tips can help you convert your blog visitors into dedicated readers? Or if you think if i missed something then do let me know what other ways have worked for you(via comments section) ? πŸ™‚

About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.

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