10 Ways to Improve Your Website Conversion Rate 2024

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A website conversion rate is a percentage of leads conversion into the paying customers. The conversion rate is one of the popular terms of internet marketing which shows the performance of any business campaign or strategy over a certain period of time.

In simple words, the conversion is a pre-defined action set by the company or entity (and it could be an email newsletter sign-up, a sale of product, or anything else) and when you divide the total number of conversions by the total number of visitors, you get the conversion rate of any web campaign.

If you’re a business or brand, you must be selling some product or service, and you’d definitely want to get more sales and customers — And, in order to do that, you’ll try out different sales and promotional strategies.

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In this article, you’re about to witness the methods of improving your conversion rate, but before getting your hands on the ways of improving the website conversion rate, you should know few of the things that could be vital in the process:

Facts About Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO):

What is CRO?

The conversion rate optimization is the process of improving the conversion rate and it involves the necessary steps that are taken to make sure that the conversion rate gets better.

Sales Funnel:

The sales funnel is the roadmap that a prospect follows to get to your sales page and finally makes the purchase. The sales funnel creation is an art of marketing which requires engagement ability, dedication, and convincing power to bring the prospect down the road.


Call to Action buttons are the key buttons or banners that drive the prospects to enter into the sales funnel in order to complete the purchase.

Multivariate Testing

It’s a testing process in which different variants are tested with different combinations in order to find out which works better than the others. For instance, an image + headline is required on the sales page, there could be 3 more combinations of an image + headline to find out which one converts well.

Now the process of understanding the website conversion rate would be a whole lot easier.


Once a website owner or blog admin finds out exactly what it takes to increase the conversion rate, the money making process becomes easier. Some businesses directly sell products on their website, they have checkout system in place, and all they need is to show up the products, features, pricing, and BUY button to get things started.

Many companies need to engage the audience first in understanding the requirement to offer the best package, so they begin the process with a free trial or request the demo.

Conversion ratee

10 Ways to Improve Your Website Conversion Rate in 2024

These 10 ways would explain that how you can improve your website conversion rate. Whether you’re a blog owner or a business website manager, you would have to take a deep look into the conversion rate optimization. Take a look at these ways to improve your conversion rate:

Create In-depth Content

In modern day online marketing, things have been changed. The content has become a vital part of today’s online marketing strategy. The content’s significance wasn’t the same almost 3 years back, and with every passing day, it is becoming essential for brands to have a content strategy to contribute to the overall marketing plan.

Unitel Direct shared an infographic about Content Marketing Strategy which helps the brands to identify the importance of content marketing and its use in the marketing purpose.

Ann Gynn of Content Marketing Institute explained well in this article that how brands use content to engage the audience, deliver the message, and using the opportunities.

Companies like MOZ, AVG, and Elegant Themes are pretty much serious with their content marketing and their blogs are quite active which clearly means they publish content on regular basis.

Let’s make things a bit easier.

Do you know a Pakistan’s popular online marketplace Kaymu.pk also writes blog to keep the audience engaged?

Kaymu.pk has been one of the famous websites of Pakistan. They have millions of fans on social media. And still they write their blog. Cool…


Because they understand the value of content marketing and readers engagement through content publishing.


Who doesn’t know Mobilink in Pakistan?

Mobilink is one of the cellular services operating in Pakistan.

Mobilink has never been seen behind the competition as far as social media campaigns, online advertising, TV commercials, sponsorships, and events are concerned.

Mobilink’s blog tells us that not only do they care about sales and promotion, but also know the importance of online audience engagement through content marketing.

mobilink blog

So, it’s pretty much clear that content has been an essential key for businesses and brands. The utilization of a company blog, the way of readers engagement, and the quality of content would further define the level of achievement any content strategy can get.

The engaged, motivated, and active audience means better conversion rate.

Are you still taking content as a non-serious business?

Take a look at this figure:

content pyramid

This content marketing pyramid figure was published by iMakeNews, Inc. in a blog post. And the blog post walks you through the different content marketing impacts that could be achieved using the content marketing strategy.

Surprisingly, that image was found on their blog.

Develop Case Studies

The development of case studies has been an evergreen method to analyze the marketing trends, new experiments, and UI experiences. Experts and Marketers highly rely on the case studies. Not only do they study them, but they keep themselves abreast of developing stories that are worth a look.

How does it work?

A case study is based on the analysis that could be shared after the analysis gets completed. Most of the times, it is based on A/B testing in which the same product is tested on two different models.

For example, a company wants to know that what type of web design can work for them, they could run two website designs with 30 days each, and analyze that which one converts better than the other.

CrazyEgg shared the story of Highrise in which they tested different models and ran different tests on their website design. One of the tests achieved 102.5% increase in the conversion rate.


One of the articles at Conversionxl shared different case studies which were phenomenal to read. One of those case studies was on Walmart.ca. According to that article, Walmart observed that a huge number of visitors are coming on their website from mobile devices, and, unfortunately their website doesn’t comply with the responsiveness quality.

So when they turned their website into a responsive website and in actual they got a mobile-friendly website, they observed 20% increase in the overall sales and 98% increase in the orders coming from mobiles.


So case studies give you a clear view that what works or what doesn’t.

Infact, my Google adwords case study, generated alot of sales for me, in case if you didnt know.

If you’re struggling with your website’s conversion rate and want to improve that, then analysis of such case studies won’t be the bad ideas to work on.

The Heatmap is a service which provides you an x-ray reporting on your website which helps you to identify where your visitors are clicking and where they are not paying attention.

Unbounce and Instapage are the pioneers in the landing page services which also help their customers to track the performance of the website visitors.

Such tools help us to understand that which options/areas on our websites are performing better and which are not.

Organize Webinars

A webinar is live or recorded web based presentation that expert delivers on a specific topic and the attendees are the pre-registered audience that sign up to join the session.

The trend of webinars is drastically growing. Companies use webinars as a major marketing tool. This is one of the top online marketing strategies that brands and especially SAAS companies use to get the leads for their products and services and bring them into the sales funnel.

A webinar is designed for two purposes:

  1. Teach – Experts who organize and host a webinar prepare their presentations to deliver. And they precisely work on the delivery of a useful message for the audience in order to win their trust.
  2. Market – The second purpose of a webinar is to sell their product/service. They’re not there to just share knowledge and expertise for nothing. They reveal their secrets + inspirational stories + product/service.


Kissmetrics is a popular customer intelligence and web analytics services company. They use webinars to engage the audience and then convert the attendees to the paying customers. They have been pretty much successful in their webinars strategy.


Wishpond is an online marketing services company which offers a list of products such as landing pages, social contests, opt-in boxes, and much more related products for online marketing. They also use webinars for their converting the prospects into the paying customers.

There are many webinar services such as GotoWebinar, Webinaronair, ClickWebinar, and AnyMeeting which are providing high-quality webinar services.

Internet marketing experts highly recommend the use of webinars to improve the conversion rate.

One of the good things of webinar sales funnel is, you’re most likely to interact with the like-minded or interested audience which ultimately cuts down the unwanted audience.

Utilize Social Media Engagement

Social media has become an important part of the business development strategy. From community building to customer assistance, social media has been playing its role in the PR, networking, and customer relation building.

When it comes to a website’s conversion rate, social media sites can’t be neglected. Although, social media might not direct some ready-to-buy customers who would land on your sales page and buy the product in next 3 minutes.

That might not be possible.

Social media can bridge the gap between interested prospects and your brand. It can also be a medium to change the minds and market the certain product/service.

The key of success on social media is based on the right decision making on following things:

  • Social Media Platform to Choose – It defines that which social media platform is suitable for your brand. If your products require pictures and explanation, you might be focusing on the infographics for Pinterest. If your brand is about social meeting, behaviors, and gathering of people, you might like to use Instagram.
  • How to Find and Engage the Audience – It is important to understand that where to find the audience which might be interested in your product/service and later on how to engage them. If your brand’s success is based on viral content, you might be interested in Facebook. People like to share newsworthy, funny, and educational content on Facebook.
  • How to Advertise on Social Media – The advertising of any product or service doesn’t guarantee the success on social media. It must be analyzed where to advertise, how to advertise, and what to advertise. The design, budget, and campaign type matter in the success of an advertising campaign.
  • How to Record the Conversion rate – One of the challenges of using social media for advertising and marketing is finding the exact conversion rate. You might find a number of case studies explaining that how those brands increased their conversion rate using social media. Social media does that without any doubt, but the measurement of conversion is the concern.

The Buffer is one of the popular social media management tools. It connects your multiple social media profiles such Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ and allows you to publish simultaneously.

Similarly, Tweetdeck is a twitter dashboard tool which assists twitter users with its unique dashboard to manage a number of twitter features on the same screen.

Facebook ads are widely used online advertising platform. The conversion pixel option helps advertisers to track the ads performance till the conversion.

Mailchimp integrates Google Analytics under its Analytics360 feature which allows users to track the performance of a Mailchimp campaign with Google Analytics. They also have an eCommerce360 tracking program which works for ecommerce sales and tracking.

There is a need to find the way. Things are possible.

Use Online Advertising

The use of online advertising medium highly depends on the type of product, audience, and market you have got. Every online advertising platform doesn’t work for every brand.

If you have a product that people directly search with the product’s category, you might be targeting search ads on the Google. Although, it depends on every brand’s marketing strategy that how does it choose to present itself in the market.

When you run an Adwords campaign, you have to choose the campaign type which are search ads, display ads, video ads, and shopping ads. Most of the times, advertisers either want to use search ads or display network ads.

When the purpose is to improve the conversion rate. You might have to figure out whether you should work on your website, landing page, and squeeze page to gather the leads and convert to paying customers through any PPC or CPM network or you just have to tap on the related site which already has a relevant audience.

Buy Sell Ads is a popular direct ads network, if you find out a highly authoritative site which has an audience which might be interested in your product, then you can try advertising on that site using this network.

Instagram and Pinterest will be expanding their Ads program which might be able for all of the users in the next few months to advertise on these social networks.

The online advertising doesn’t revolve around few advertising networks. Once you understand the nature of your brand and your target audience, you will be able to find out a lot using the different strategies and techniques.

Different CPA networks like Peerfly, WOWTrk, and Adscend Media can play a huge role if you figure out how to use them because Cost-Per-Action networks are normally used by the companies who want people to do some action on the certain page. Free signups, a purchase, or a download could be the possible actions.

Offer Discounts

People love discounts. So this traction creates an opportunity for the marketers to sell the product or engage the relevant audience.

A website’s conversion rate is directly associated with the visitors attraction. It has been seen that discounts always attract buyers.

We know during holidays and Christmas, shoppers get active to avail discounts on different types of products.


A survey published by Gallup revealed that an average consumer in the U.S spent $781 during the Christmas 2014. The survey was conducted after interviewing 1000+ shoppers.

The opportunity behind the discounts can be judged during the holiday season.

Another example of sales and profit shoot during the holiday season was appeared on the blog post published by Flurry in which they showed that the number of iOS devices activated on Dec 25, were 125% more than average activations during 1 to 20 Dec.

Create Downloadable

The creation of downloadable items such as ebooks, white papers, and presentation templates is very common these days. Online Marketers and brands use this strategy to offer the opt-in bribe in order to take them into the same sales funnel.

Most of the times it works with email list building when a blog or company wants people’s email addresses to engage them over the course of time, and obviously the ultimate goal is to improve the conversion rate.

What to Offer as Downloadable item?

Forget about ebooks every time you go with this strategy. Try the following products:

  • Web Templates – A few high-quality Web templates could do the job.
  • WordPress Themes – Everyone loves Premium WordPress themes.
  • WordPress Plugins – Paid WordPress Plugins can also do the same job.
  • SEO Software Subscriptions – This might blow your website’s visitors mind.
  • Email Templates – This is another good option to get started with.

This article on Shopify also tells various solutions of email list building and first step they have written is ‘choosing the right incentive’ for the subscribers, which shows that how important it is to give away something to the audience.

create free downloads

Help Scout published an article on ‘List Building’ – It looks like they also agree with me, of course, they have published that prior to this article, but it validates my point of offering something downloadable to the subscribers.

Optimize User-experience

One of the biggest secrets of improving a website’s conversion rate is giving a better user experience to the visitor. The user-experience is a process that describes the arrival of the visitor, then lead to getting the desired information or using the required tool, and leave the site either on a positive or negative node.

The conversion rate has a serious connection with the user-experience because the prospect doesn’t buy the product unless he feels comfortable while spending money on your site.

What does improve user experience?               

These three things would definitely improve a website’s user-experience:

  1. Site Security – Whenever a site uses any security certification such as SSL certificate which states that the site is secured to use or shop online, it always gives confidence to the visitor to use the site.
  2. Well-designed site – A nicely designed website shows that people behind the brand are organized and professional.
  3. Creative GUI – The graphical user interface shows the level of the team working behind the website. A creative web design, well-written content, color combination, and fonts normally tell the story of the brand.

Optimizely provides customer experience and testing services via different tools to analyze the websites and blogs. Such tools are always helpful in the conversion rate analysis.

Mixpanel does the same job. It also works on different analytical data to report you that how your brand is doing with the customer experience.

CrazyEgg is a heat map tool to record the visitor’s behavior which could help in the conversion analysis of the website.

Landing and Squeeze Pages

Landing Pages and Squeeze Pages are two relevant marketing web pages which are used to engage the leads and convert into the customer.

A landing page is normally a single page site which could contain a detailed written content, video, pictures, and other informative data to guide the website visitors and convince them to enter the sales funnel.

When the purpose of a landing page succeeds and a website visitor goes into the sales funnel either to buy a product or sign up for the list to get a free product, the subscriber crosses the landing page by entering his/her name and email address and travels through the squeeze pages until the process gets completed.

Landing and squeeze pages are typically used for conversion rate improvement.

Unbounce and Wishpond are popular landing page builders and online marketing tools.

Ultimate Landing Page and Coming soon and Maintenance mode are the two free WordPress plugins for creating landing pages on WordPress.


Steve Jocks explained his art of making squeeze pages for sales funnel in his article. He described that how did he make the squeeze pages to creating the sales funnel.

A few popular squeeze page tools:

A/B Testing

A/B testing is an analytical process which allows to experiment on the two models/cases of the same project. Normally A/B testing is used to test the effectiveness of the website design or a landing page design in order to find out which works best.

This testing process counts a major analysis system on the web for all types of business. Whether or not you’re selling something, somehow the end result you want out of your website is some kind of action which equates to the conversion of the visitor into the customer.

A fresh sign up to the email list is a conversion of a visitor into the subscriber.

HubSpot published some great tips on A/B Testing to let everyone understand the concept.

VWO is a visual website optimizer that basically works on the website performance analysis and it uses the function of A/B testing to allow you to check the performance of your website.

Conversionvoodoo shared an interesting story of an A/B testing with a client’s email newsletter subject line, in which they tested three different lines during the month of December:


Eventually, they found out that ‘Merry Christmas’ was remained the best email newsletter subject line as compared to ‘Happy Holidays’ or ‘Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays’.


A case study of FAB revealed that the clear CALL-TO-ACTION buttons matter in the conversion rate. When FAB tested two different formats of the call-to-action button on their site and found out that one of two buttons has improved their conversion rate by 49%.

A/B Testing doesn’t necessarily need specific tools to record the change or outcome of any specific testing. It’s just the analysis of differentiation when two or more cases/models are tested in order to find the best one.

The purpose remains the same which is to improve the conversion rate.

My article, How to Hook the Visitors and Stop from Leaving Your Website? will help you alot. I also recommend you to check How to Optimise Google Ads in case you are running online advertisements.

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It’s your turn & conclusion

I described the importance of conversion rate analysis and optimization. There are always some steps and procedures involved to figure out things.

All we need is to hunt those solutions and implement them.

Do you think the improvement of conversion rate is possible with these guidelines and tips?

Looking for Conversion Optimization? Contact Me Today!

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About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.


  1. I appreciated your point of you can’t know what is working unless you start tracking granular results. Calls might be generated from your advertising or from organic searches. Either way unless you knew where the call came from, it might be a referral from a local colleague in a rotary club or guy down at the tire shop.

    Having an in house tracking is something each owner has to be better at.Offering a template might be a good thing that people can load to their computer desktop or have as a cloud item that they can see in real time where things are being driven from. As you’d pointed out finding the kw’s that drive traffic and focusing only on those and excluding the other 94% or whatever the figure was.

    Ultimately as a business person the expense has to be worth a multiple of of the gain that it brings in and the quality and time of the “‘ lead” that converts into revenue.

  2. Hey Ali! I just got this post from Google search. Thanks for very informative share! Most of main points you mentioned is right. I just wondered about “Squeeze Pages”, You may see. Squeeze Pages look so bored. so, I am not sure that user may love it, an improve the conversion rate. Anyway, love this post!

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