How to Hook the Visitors and Stop from Leaving Your Website?

How to Hook the Visitors and Stop from Leaving Your Website?

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Have you ever wondered that visitors are landing on your website, but not converting into paying customers?

If you’re in e-commerce, e-retail, or running a SAAS-based business, then one of the pains would be the conversion. It means that people are visiting your website, but not buying your product. It’s a huge topic to discuss, but I’ll try to share a few key elements that will provide a practical solution for you to fix things quickly.

Guide on How to Stop Visitors from Leaving Your Website

You’re about to read content related to:

  • Engage Website Visitors
  • Discuss the Problem
  • Clarify the Solution
  • Provide Value Upfront
  • Make the Offer Interesting
  • Convince the Visitor to Respond

But before proceeding to the steps that you should be taking to improve your conversion, you must know that it doesn’t happen quickly. You may have to go through a lot of A/B testing to finally find the right combination. I’ll try to touch maximum factors that could influence the visitors’ conversion into successful sales.

First lets figure out, why people leave your website?

There are many reasons why people don’t take interest in your website and simply leave it. As a marketer or a business owner, it’s our core duty to find out two things.

  • Why people like our website?
  • Why people don’t like our website?

Both of the questions have huge answers to deep critical analysis, let’s discuss why people don’t like our website for now?


I just hate it. Just imagine, you are sitting in a joint co-working space and suddenly large sounds coming from your laptop, aren’t you get annoyed? even more, the people near you will hate it as well..

Too much popups.

Everything done in mediocore is good and excess of everything is bad, but what about too much popups? Simple a waste of time, i might would even block the site.

Un-organized content

As a writer or a marketer, it’s our duty that our visitor should read what we are writing or want to show them, otherwise what’s the point of having content on your website if no one is seeing it? Un-organized content is a big turn off.

Too many ads.

Imagine you open a website and all you see is a bunch of ads with no real content, what you will do? will simply close it considering it as a spam? or maybe you will say it’s a fishmarket! LOL.

Poor Font

When I started writing on this blog, for months, i kept on changing the font and do you know why? its because i wanted to make everything easy for my readers, even reading the content, without focusing and even i thought that it should be readable by all type of audience.  A poor front will simply distract visitors from spending too much time on your website.

Slow Hosting

People won’t wait for ages to get your site loaded, if your site doesn’t have a good loading time, your visitors will be start decreasing or you will have a hard time in even retaining the visitors. Try to get a good hosting, you can try bluehost as well or readout my article on cheap wordpress hosting for a good one.

Yes, these are same to blame with, obviously there can be many more factors and things which forces people to leave your website.

Now here are the strategies you can try out to hook your visitors and stop from leaving the website, keep in mind acquiring visitors is one thing but retaining them is another and probably even more important than building.

How To Hook Your Visitors and stop them from leaving your website?

Use Long-form Responsive Web Layout

What it means is that when you have a long and in-depth website layout, it will increase the chances of using different elements, and thus the opportunities to create different engagement hooks would increase. Nowadays, responsiveness feature is website themes is unavoidable now, whether you’re using WordPress or getting a site designed in PHP, the responsiveness of the site has become a necessity.

As far as the long-form web layout is concerned, you might have noticed a new trend in web designing; web designers now create long website layouts that you can scroll through for a couple of seconds.

One of the perks of designing a long-form responsive website layout is that you’ll have lots of options to utilize. The obvious reason is space that the long layout gives. The goal is to create a hook to keep visitors on the website and such a layout could definitely appeal the visitors to keep checking it out.

Stephanie in her article at have shown great examples of a good long content which is a must to visit.

Utilize Forms and Call-to-Action Buttons

You might have seen many websites use forms for visitors to fill out to inquire or get a quote. They do this because they want interested visitors to take further action and stay put. In fact, they make the contact process easier by making call-to-action buttons that lead to the contact page.

Thus, we can learn that creating contact or inquiry or quotation forms can hook the visitors and stop them from leaving the website. If you haven’t gotten any website designer on your team, try a page builder like Divi from Elegant Themes. A page builder always makes things easier.

In my article, “7 Call-to-Action Examples that Teach us About CTA Buttons” I discussed wide ranbe of CTA button which you can utilize such as the example of Shopify :


What the learning here is that we need to build a permanent relation with our visitor so he can be associated with our brands in anyway, maybe you can send him latest blog posts, deals, announcement or whats happening latest with your company.

Display Blog Posts on the Website

The blog posts can make things interesting because you can create valuable content that could help the audience. Once you have a bunch of great articles, you can utilize for stopping the visitors from leaving your site. It could be done easily in WordPress. If your WordPress theme doesn’t provide such an option to display the blog posts on the homepage, then try out the plugins like Content Views and WP Latest Posts.

What it would do is that the blog posts might engage the reader who either wants to know that information or becomes interested about the topic. Either way, you could end up converting a random visitor into a paying customer or a subscriber. Because Image speaks thousand words.

Make a Lead Magnet


The lead magnet is an optin bribe strategy that bloggers and marketers use to build an email list. It begins with a free offer that allows the visitors to access or download the file after giving and email address. The blog gets the subscriber or lead, and the visitor gets the product. It could be a checklist or an ebook or anything else that might be useful for the visitors.

So if you make a lead magnet and offer something useful to the audience, the chances are, they’ll take it, at least, a few of them. It will help you bring them back to your website. Also, it might keep them on your website a little longer because when you give something helpful away, they would be intrigued to figure out more.

Do Internal Linking in the Content

One of the best methods of keeping visitors on your website, especially on the blogs is internal linking. However, internal linking does help the websites as well. Moreover, a lot of companies use internal linking in FAQs, Knowledge bases, or other directories to stop the visitors from leaving the website.

On the flip side, internal linking is an efficient way of developing site’s authority in the search engines. The reason for this is that it keeps the search engine bots on the website, and this sends out the message to the search engine is that this site or blog does have related content on the specific topic.

Let’s see how i’m doing in my site :

One example is in my article of How to Make Money with Clickbank?

interlinking example

A WordPress plugin called Display Posts Shortcode could help WordPress users in displaying the blog posts or pages in WordPress using the shortcode.

Offer Exclusive Deal or Content in Popups

Popups are a big turn off for some people but at the same time, a lot of websites use exit popups on the checkout or pricing page that displays when the visitor doesn’t proceed to the payment and instead try to close the page. A part from exit popups, there are some entry popup’s too.

exit popup example

The moment cursor reaches the right or left corner of the page; the popup appears with an offer. Check out Yeloni Exit Popup and Popup Maker. This strategy could also stop visitors from leaving your website.

Recommended Readings :

Your Turn and Conclusion

There might be more ways to hook the readers and stop them from leaving your website.

It also depends on the personal expertise.

A WordPress developer might write a piece of code that does something, and it helps stop the visitors leaving the website, or a good writer may be able to write an appealing copy of the popup that attracts readers to stop and pay attention to the thing.

These aren’t the only ways to create a hoot and stop readers from leaving your website.

These are just a few that I had in mind.

If you have any method of stopping the visitors from leaving the website in mind, then share it with me in the comments below.

About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.

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