Google Ads Compromised Site 2024 – Google Ads Disapproved? We Can HELP

google ads disapproved compromised site
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For businesses, seeing a sudden suspension on your Google Ads account regarding Compromised Site can be a direct blow to your senses. Your ad may be suspended due to various issues such as a compromised site, misleading statement, malicious software, unreliable claim, or ads disapproved for circumventing the system. This situation can be problematic, especially for clients whose ads were running smoothly. Google may have detected a virus or malware on your website during their recent crawls, leading to the disapproval. Common reasons for disapproval include having a nulled theme or plugins, adware or popups on your website, misrepresentation in your ads, a hacked website, recent changes on your website, or accidental labeling by Google.

What is Google Ads Compromised Site?

A Google Ads Compromised site can refer to a website that has been flagged by Google for various reasons such as having a compromised site due to virus or malware, using misleading statements, having malicious software, making unreliable claims, or ads being disapproved for circumventing the system. This can happen to any website, whether knowingly or unknowingly, if Google detects the presence of a virus or malware during their crawls.

Common Reasons for Google Ads Disapproval:

  • Nulled Themes or Plugins: These often contain hidden malicious code that can harm users.
  • Adware or Popups: Intrusive software that can degrade the user experience and security.
  • Misrepresentation in Ads: False claims or deceptive content that misleads users.
  • Recent Changes Causing Issues: Updates that inadvertently introduce vulnerabilities.
  • Accidental Flags by Google: Sometimes sites are mistakenly marked as compromised.

Impact of a Compromised Site:

When a site is compromised, it becomes a vehicle for a range of harmful activities:

  • Phishing Scams: These schemes are designed to steal sensitive information such as passwords and credit card details from unsuspecting users, endangering personal and financial security.
  • Malware Distribution: Compromised websites can spread malware which can take control of user devices, steal data, and even enlist devices into botnets.
  • SEO Manipulation: Hackers may manipulate SEO tactics to boost illicit websites or degrade the rankings of legitimate sites, disrupting fair business practices.

Understanding the depth of these activities highlights why Google rigorously scans for and flags compromised sites. It’s not just about maintaining the integrity of ad placements, but also about safeguarding the internet ecosystem from these multifaceted threats. This vigilance helps protect users from the insidious effects of cybercrimes facilitated through compromised websites.

How to Fix Google Ads Compromised Site

It is essential to review Google Ads policies and ensure that your website is secure to avoid such disapprovals. If faced with a compromised site error, it is recommended to remain patient and follow a set of strategies to understand and resolve the issue, which may involve checking for recent installations, monitoring website access, scanning for malware, verifying SSL certificates, and seeking support from your web hosting company. If the issue persists, reaching out to certified Google Ads professionals for assistance is advised to ensure that the problem is addressed effectively and your ads can go live again.

Beyond the immediate operational hurdles and the efforts to resolve the compromised site issues, businesses must also consider the wider implications of such incidents. The impact on a business’s reputation can be severe. Being associated with a compromised site could undermine your credibility and erode customer trust. This erosion of trust can lead to:

  • Decreased customer engagement: Potential and existing customers might hesitate to interact with or purchase from a site that has been compromised.
  • Long-term financial losses: Apart from the immediate loss in ad spending efficiency, a damaged reputation can affect long-term revenue as customers turn to competitors.
  • Increased scrutiny: Future advertising efforts might be subjected to closer scrutiny, slowing down campaign approvals and affecting marketing agility.

These cascading effects highlight the importance of not only addressing the immediate technical issues but also undertaking comprehensive measures to restore confidence among your user base. Communicating transparently with your customers about the steps taken to secure the site and prevent future occurrences can be an effective strategy in mitigating the damage to your business’s reputation.

Going to your Google Ads account and finding your ad suspended due to “compromised site” error; that’s a direct blow to your senses.

You immediately rush to your website and see your website redirecting to an unknown website, or your homepage is showing some other page in probably a foreign non-understandable language.

So today, I got a similar question asking “my ads are suddenly disapproved because of a “compromised site”. Could someone help to understand the issue?

First of all, do not panic, and have a good amount of patience. No need to worry at all.

I know situations like this is always a problem specially for clients whose Ads were running fine and saw this suspension.

There is this issue that persists in the air. So, this could happen with any site, and to any one knowingly or unknowingly. Because Google may have felt that there is virus or malware present on your website, and the bots would have sniffed it in their recent crawls.

Even if you are a new advertiser, I know that you may have planned a lot of things when you start to decide to run an online campaign and then see your Google Ads Disapproved for Compromised Site.

It is essential to go through all of Google Ads Policies when you are running a Google Ads Campaign. But Because all of the people are not as professional as someone with Expertise in Google Ads. This is one of the reason you may see such error.

I can help to Sort Your Google Ads Disapproval

As a Google Partner, my team and I have been diligently helping companies to get their Ads and accounts sorted for compromised sites. At, I’m committed to offering not just solutions but a fortress against digital threats in the advertising realm. Our services start at an affordable $249, ensuring that robust security is accessible to all our clients.

Comprehensive Services to Protect Your Campaigns:

  • Creating Ads: We generate ads within our own account using your URL and information. This proactive approach allows us to identify and address the root causes of any issues affecting the ad or account directly. By pinpointing specific areas where disapprovals are occurring, we can swiftly resolve these issues.
  • Incident Response: Should your ads face disapproval, we immediately engage with Google on your behalf. Our team works closely with Google’s response team to uncover the underlying issues, ensuring quick resolution and minimal disruption to your campaigns.
  • Open Communication: We believe in keeping you fully informed throughout the resolution process. Regular updates and open lines of communication ensure that you are always aware of the status of your ad and account. This transparency builds trust and provides peace of mind during potentially stressful situations.

By integrating these detailed strategies and maintaining a focus on proactive defense and clear communication, we safeguard your digital advertising efforts against the evolving landscape of cyber threats. Our team’s vigilance and expertise are your best allies in ensuring that your campaigns run smoothly and securely.

Why Your Google Ads Disapproved for Compromised Site?

There can be many reasons that your Google Ads are disapproved for compromised site but there are few common reasons which someone may need to look on before running Google Ads campaign, otherwise your Google Ads can be disapproved for compromised site.

  • Your website has nulled theme or plugins.
  • Your website has adware or anyother popup installed.
  • Your Ads have been disapproved for Misrepresentation
  • Your website is attacked/hacked.
  • You knowingly did some recent changes on your website which caused it.
  • Google Accidentally labelled your website for Compromised Site.

What We Suggest (Our Core Strategies Indicating the Possible Tweaks to Understand the Issue)

Again, patience is valuable! I will discuss with you the set of strategies starting with the following checks;

Installed a Plugin or Theme Recently?

First thing first, recall if you had recently installed any new plugin or theme on your website?

Probably that theme or the plugin was not installed from the original source. Or the developer had abandoned it and was last updated years ago.

As the technology is fast-paced with the recent changes, an older code is harmless in any sense, be it a theme or plugin which was once popular.

If it is not updating time-to-time, that can put your website at risk of getting infected.

Is Anyone Having Access to Your Website?

Secondly, did you share your website access with someone? However, we do not stress that the person could have caused a security issue deliberately but probably his computer/laptop would be infected while he uploaded anything on your website and the virus could have transferred during the upload session.

This goes to be a common turn of event where the site gets infected with the virus.

The access info could involve;

  • cPanel/FTP access
  • AdminCP access to log-in into your website’s backend
  • SSH access

Head for Malware Scanner

If you are sure you have not done anything out of the two above scenarios, and the site has not encountered any recent changes at all, then head for the complete malware scanner to scan your website in order to detect what sort of virus/infection it is infected with.

Check on SSL

Also look for the SSL certificate whether it is expired or not configured.

Get in Touch with Your Web Hosting Company

And raise a support ticket with your web hosting company to ensure if you could help to detect and eradicate the virus from their end.

Why Changing the Email Outgoing Frequency is Necessary

Alternatively, ask them to change the frequency of email outgoing from your website because generally, when the website gets infected, the hackers mainly target to send out a bunch of emails in mere seconds.

In one scenario, I can recall one of my clients who was using an email plugin on his web hosting account and he could not get to know of the emails going out by himself but the web hosting company had informed him about the issue.

So, get with your web hosting company as soonest as possible because that may put your web hosting account in danger if not tackled timely.

Review Time

After you have done all of these specified steps, what you have to do is to proceed with the “Review” option along with the ad that is compromised to get the Google team to review your website again.

Chances are your website would return with no issue, and the error would no longer show up.

What If That Still Does Not Solve the Issue? *Hint: Hire Us!*

If the issue still persists *sad lyf*, you will then have to call Google support to be able to find out more details of the issue as to what is actually causing the actual issue on your website.

Or the better option is to hire us as we are the certified Google Ads professional and my team will take hold of all the efforts without you having to worry about anything.

Our team will deeply look at your website to see what had made the site to go compromised in the eyes of Google, fix, and work with Google to resolve the suspension issue.

Yes, don’t worry when you are with us.

So, how can we work with you to sort out this issue? Drop a message on here, here, and of course, here. 🙂

Hire Me

If you hire us to solve your Google Ads Disapproved for Compromised Site / Malicious Software / Trade mark or any other reason. We have a 166 Step checklist designed to oversee your website for any Google Ads Policy Violation.

After this, we may consult with Google dedicated manager and also look on approved site case studies to do a comparison and run some manual checks to figure out for any issues or concerns which needs to be addressed.

Once finalized, we will prepare a document with list of changes required on your website. We can also do the changes on your behalf to get your Google Ads Online.

Hire us Via my Google Partner Company ( :

Get Your Google Ads Disapproved Solved for  ✅ Compromised/Malicious/Circumventing/Misleading/Unreliable Claims 👉


I hope that this question was answered with deep knowledge where I shared my best experience.

Think of anything confusing or having any question that you can think of, reach out to me through the comment box below!

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About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.

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