How to Get Google Ads Approval for Compromised Site and Circumventing System (Case Study) 2024

How to Get Google Ads Approval for Compromised Site and Circumventing System (Case Study)
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As I am unfolding with the series of issues as to what possibly makes your Google Ads disapproved by the Google Ads team; there is another serious issue that I want to bring to your attention that hit the website due to “compromised site and circumventing system”.

Know that this successful study which I am about to share with you will include all the steps, and every strategy that I (and my team) employed to successfully approve the ads for one of our clients.

And you cannot really fix it that easily, and especially when you do not possess any prior Google Ads experience, and with the codes, and security of the website.

Thus, that is the reason majority of clients revert to us hiring our services to identify, fix, check/re-check, and send for review to get the Google Ads team to finally approve the ads, so their websites should perform optimally to grab the good chunk of visitors streaming back like no issue at all!

So, are you ready to get a good look at this complete study involving me and my team’s whole effort of how to get Google Ads approval for a compromised site and circumventing system? Well, I am! 🙂

Step by Step Process of Google Ads Approval for Compromised Site and Circumventing System in 2024

Keep a tab over how I and my team did their best to get the site approved which had previously disapproved of the Google ads due to a compromised site and circumventing system issue.

Look at the Appeal Section and the Policy Page of the Client’s Account

So, Google had disapproved of serving the ads for this website as it was penalized due to two issues; compromised site, and circumventing system.

First off, you could look at the appeal section from the client’s account to get to what actually had happened before they turned to us.

Now, let’s move to the policy page of the account that will showcase you with what had happened there as well.

There you will notice it had registered many failed attempts on the reviews in the hope of approving the ads.

You can see the many failed attempts and kept failing till August 16th, 2023.

How Long Did It Take Us to Fix the Issue?

It nearly took us around 20 days to bring the website working issue-free.

Know that we (I and my team) got the working started for the client from August 10th, 2023, and the last successful review registered on August 30th, 2023 for all campaigns.

Interesting Experience that I Encountered

At first, I tried to access the website URL through my own machine but guess what? The website URL was not opening in my browser. That was quite a surprising situation for me, and I was puzzled as to what could be the possible reason.

Then I immediately reverted to my team members asking them if they can access the website? And all of them told me they can access the website URL just fine.

So, that made me thoroughly check the website using different tools to see if the website is loading in different parts of the world.

When you face such an issue where the website is not opening on your end, but is opening fine on other end for the sake of if the site is accessible and not down due to any server issues.

Our client’s website was loading just fine on six locations out of eight but it was completely inaccessible at two locations. So, we hunched that the site would probably have issues with IP being blocked from some locations.

So, we talked that out with our client but he just said that it does not matter to him if the website is blocked from certain locations because he only wants the visits coming from the U.S.A. and Canada and even if the website is blocked from other countries, that does not bother me.

However, we listened to his query and replied stating that Google does bother the blockage and hence, that is causing this particular issue. So, we have to do a lot of work and digging in making your website to go into compliance.

Analyzing the Entire Website and Checking For the Errors

The site was performing quite well with the Google ads but you know anything can happen anytime, and you cannot do much to retrieve without acquiring professional help.

Since the nature of the issue suggests we thoroughly check into the website’s security, content, backend system, and everything; sorting out the issues will be a tiresome experience, and thus it demands extensive knowledge at hand to deal with the situation.

In some cases, it would even take you days to know what the real issues are let aside how to fix them all for good.

Keeping that in mind, we started to look in the Google Search Console (GSC) first and we also dug into any possible errors and issues because sometimes we are not aware of something but you can easily find what is happening with your website that you critically need to fix as reported by GSC.

So, my team started to sniff for 404 error pages, made the website to scan with the top-notch malware scanner, security scanner, went to carefully check the images, and what more that we thought for.

We also look into the server/web hosting specifications (bandwidth limit, storage, page loading speed, PHP/MySQL versions, and anything that we could think of) to ensure the site is not loading just okay but the speed is not compromised.

Again, when you are on the lookout tracing for the issues, you cannot really avoid even a minute detail sitting anywhere on the website.

Getting in Touch with Google’s Team

Then I moved to discuss our changes and findings with the Google team. However, anyone can make a contact with Google but the response time can be delayed but for us, the situation is otherwise.

As I own a Google partner company, me and my team provide variety of different digital marketing and SEO solutions to up your digital businesses to the up-trend, so that is why we have a dedicated manager assigned to our account.

So, we discussed with our Google manager that our client is getting issues in running their ads and we also showed them the details of the history (as shown in the screenshot) as what errors it was facing (compromised site and circumventing system), and the few reviews completed but all of them failed initially, as shown in the “Reasons” field.

Website Compliance with Google Policy

That was very annoying for us at the first place, the continuous digging in the issues were reverting back as failed, and that is generally a normal situation.

With every issue sorted out, I and my team were coming to the point of raising our confidence that the website is nearing to check-mark all the points of Google’s policy and is compliant.

While it all rests in the hands of Google’s team whether they think just like what we expect but as the matter of having years-long experience in hand, the confidence roars! 🙂

Test Running the Website Ensuring Google’s Compliance to Attain Success!

The validation to the confidence, and we ensured it by test running the website with our own ad account.

Why did we do that? Well, it is a common practice when you are sorting out the issues, you need multiple reviews to make sure which hits as “Successful” but since the client’s primary account is already having the ads disapproved due to the compromised site and circumventing systems issue, and we cannot judge how many attempts we would able to take; the fear of suspension lingers in the air.

Thus, we always practice to test-run the ads with our own account for the safety purpose of our client’s account.

Let me show you our own account as we tried running the ads for our client. BTW, you would notice “Unreliable claims” in the policy field but the client’s website that we are forming this entire case study for has the issue with “Compromised Site”, and “Circumventing systems”.

Okay, that is correct — we have this test account and already working with other clients, so we do the majority of test-runs using this same account for many of our clients, so you can safely ignore that and focus on “Appeal date” starting from Aug 22, 2023 to up to Aug 30,2023. 🙂

And you can see that we were able to hit “Partially successful” with one of the policy issues of “Circumventing systems” on Aug 30, 2023.

Then we moved to the client’s actual account and discussed with Google support, and finally Google marked the review for “Circumventing systems” issue “Successful” meaning restoring the status back to normal on August 30th, 2023.

As with the second policy issue of “Compromised Site”, it was marked “Successful” and approved on August 29th, 2023 on the client’s account.

All in all, all of the issues were sorted out with the help of my team and the client’s extreme patience because you cannot really guess where the problems lie with your website. And once Google Ads penalizes your website, 100 percent chances are your website is certainly having serious issues.

What Makes the “Compromised Site” Policy Issue Surface?

Those who do not know about the “Compromised Site”, this particularly happens when your website has vulnerable security issues where your data can be leaked, your payment information could be hacked.

So, when Google thinks your website is compromised due to any reasons, then it issues a ban with a “Compromised Site”.

How Websites Run into “Circumventing Systems” Policy Issue?

On the other hand, the conflicting policy issue of Circumventing Systems arises due to cloaking issues.

Like you are showing a different version of your website to the visitors and the totally different version to Google. Or you are deceiving, and lying on something.

As you can recall, I was not able to access the website initially but it was accessible from other locations, and then we ran tests and found it was accessible from six locations but blocked on two.

So, we sort of came up with an opinion that this would be the reason why the website was hit by the Circumventing systems where Google would have assumed the same.

What Other Changes We Suggested to the Client?

When faced with a message from Google about a policy infringement, it’s crucial to act swiftly and adhere to the guidance provided. Taking these immediate steps not only helps in resolving the issues at hand but also prevents further complications that might arise due to non-compliance. In a similar vein, when working with a client recently, we suggested ample changes on their headlines, claims wordings, and disclaimers to come into compliance with Google around the website, which they gladly followed. Additionally, we addressed the DNS issues on the domain’s end and sorted them out for them.

Immediate Steps to Take:

  1. Review the Message Thoroughly: Understand the specific concerns Google has flagged.
  2. Implement Required Changes: Adjust your site’s content or settings as directed in the message.
  3. Respond Promptly: If Google requires a response, do so through the specified channel and within the given timeframe.

These steps are integral not only for compliance but for maintaining the integrity and performance of your website. Ensuring that you follow Google’s instructions precisely can often mitigate the issue more quickly and efficiently. This proactive approach is essential in managing digital platforms and adhering to best practices in web governance.

Data is Important Before Handing Over

We did not immediately rush to the client breaking the news of approval even though the ads were running just fine.

Although, that had made our job done but we took the otherwise strategy; the best thing was to get some clicks just to make sure everything is running smoothly.

So, the data started to pour in and you can see the impressions there. And if I move to Yesterday, you would also notice the impression.

BTW, I am not showing you the clicks but the matter of fact is, I want to give a sight of the ads are approved and getting the adequate data in the form of impressions, spending stuff, and all

Frequently Asked Questions

Okay, so this is another successful case study regarding Google ads disapproved due to compromised sites and circumventing systems, and I am glad that the client had trust and patience in us throughout the project. I also have a similar case study for Google Ads Compromised Site & Misrepresentation Policy.

Is it possible that your Ads Disapproved or Account Suspended for Circumventing systems can be recovered?

Absolutely, reclaiming a suspended Google Ads account for circumventing systems is indeed possible. The key lies in conducting a detailed analysis of the suspension reason.

Start by reviewing the specific policies you violated. Then, gather all necessary documentation and evidence that your actions were unintentional or have since been corrected.

Submit a well-crafted appeal to Google, clearly explaining the steps you’ve taken to comply with their guidelines. The process may be challenging, but with persistence and a strategic approach, you can potentially restore your account.

Hire Us (Me and My Team)!

Never run with a website for long if your Google Ads account is showing even the ignorable issues.

You can contact me through this link and ask me anything/hire me for anything regarding this same issue as the case study, or facing any other issues with your website.

I am best to hire for several other common policy issues like unreliable claims, malicious software or any other errors Google pops up in your ad account.

And I do not only work to solve the Google ads issues although I am certified by Google; you can still hire my services regarding Facebook Ads management, Bing Ads management, SEO service, and designing the best optimized landing page to best focus to market your intentions to be on the internet.

Hire us Via

Get Your Google Ads Disapproved Solved for  ✅ Compromised/Malicious/Circumventing/Misleading/Unreliable Claims 👉

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About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.

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