Interview with Abdul Wali

interview with abdul wali
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Internet is a technology which is full of inspiration and wisdom. How it has made the world turned into a Global Village is still admirable. It has reduced distances, connected more life’s and brought new opportunities for everyone.
One such story is from Abdul Wali, who is a famous Udemy Instructor, Blogger and a Vlogger. Also The Man Behind I usually don’t get inspired by someone, but trust me this guy is exceptional! It’s always gives me a lot of energy and motivation, whenever i get a chance to have conversation with him.
This is the first interview on this blog and i’m pleased to let everyone know that I have chosen one of the most admiral personalities for the interview who is, none other than, Abdul Wali.
How he has has groomed himself over the past couple of years is totally brilliant. What if i tell you that he has no Formal Education.. he didn’t went to a school, college or a university, he started from a biryani vendor  but still was able to made more than $100,000 in 2015 from Teaching alone! Will you believe that?.. Mostly won’t and I know this.. that’s why I have chosen him for the interview.
Bill Gates rightly said, ‘If you are born poor that is not your mistake, but if you die poor, that is your mistake’ and you are the perfect example for this transformation.
No more suspense or hype, let’s start the interview.

Interview with Abdul Wali

Udemy Instructor, Blogger & a Vlogger | Man Behind

Little About Abdul Wali

Question 1: Welcome to the Club! It’s the first interview on my blog and I’m pretty delighted to choose you as the first person. So How Are You Today?

Answer: Thank you very much, Ali Raza for giving me this respect. I’m honoured to be featured on your blog as first person to be interviewed. I’m not feeling well today, but hopefully will be better soon 🙂
Me: Hope you get well soon, nothing is more important than health and glad to have you here. =)

Personal Insights

Question 2: Well, Internet has a lot of Information About you, from stories of the Biryani Wala to a person who became the Top Seller at Udemy in no time, but I would like to request you to share something about you and what’s not yet discussed before?
Answer: I’m basically a Blogger who loves to write on topics of his interest. Teaching is another profession I love the most. And I’m simply successful in both of them since day one. What’s not yet discussed is that I came under huge depression & tension at the end of 2015 and that continues even today. I don’t know the exact reason, but whenever I try to do something like I was doing before, it seems like someone simply stops me from doing. I’m trying to overcome this thing.

Experience in Selling Courses Online

Question 3: How’s your experience working with Udemy and other sites where you were/are selling your courses? (I know that no one can gain success overnight, what looks overnight to people is actually countless sleepless nights bundled with a lot of hardwork.)
Answer: Udemy is a great e-learning platform for both students and teachers. I came across this platform in 2013 as a student, and then started teaching on Udemy in 2014 as I had made some progress in improving my English, so I thought to give it a try. Udemy has a wonderful interface and great tools for instructors to produce a unique course. They help at every stage during the process. They have an official free course for new instructors which is must to watch before starting teaching there. And after I got some success on Udemy, other similar platforms started contacted me to promote my courses such as, and etc.
Me: Thats great to know.

Other Business Ventures

Question 4: A part from Udemy and Courses, What other businesses you are currently running?

Answer: As I said before, I’m basically a Blogger, and I’m not going to quit it. Currently, I blog on traveling at and visiting new places every month. I also manage few YouTube channels where I upload my vLOGs on Traveling and tutorials for Urdu users. I use affiliate products to generate good revenue from Blogging. Payoneer had offered me a fixed CPA rate of $75 per signup which is converting very well, I also run an online tutorials website mainly for Local audience with the name of

Customer Acquisition Channel for Online Courses

Question 5: What are your top 3 customer acquisition channel for your courses? (Sorry for a marketing type question, but i’m basically a digital marketing consultant)

Answer: Well Ali, My website, AbdulWali.Net where I share free tutorials and tips with everyone is a great source of customer acquisitons from me because mostly people who are looking for more information on the topics i have written, usually go for the Paid Course for better learning.

The second acquisition channel which is working great for me is to (Time by time) offering regular promotions and discounts to the students who are interested in my courses.

The third method is also a great one and that is my Youtube channel, where I have almost 20k Subscribers.

Social Media also has given me a lot of customers so it’s a blessings too but keep in mind that I never did paid promotions for my courses.

How vLogs are helping you

Question 6: I have seen your Vlogs and Travelling Journey’s, Can you discuss how they are helping you in generating more business/money?

Answer: Traveling is just a start to refresh myself, I don’t expect much from that business at the moment. But I intend to improve it overtime and make a huge difference through my blog and my channel in the future. It’s slowly establishing and will require time and dedication to convert into a proper business. Though, travel industry has a huge potential and I’m more interested in building an asset as well as the audience for the time being.

How to Optimise Udemy and Youtube Channel

Question 7: What are the key factors in optimizing the Udemy and Youtube Channel?

Answer: For Udemy, I’d say you have to find a unique topic, or make your topic a unique one.
For example, I wanted to start a course on Udemy and I had a topic in mind which was PHP, and there were so many courses on that topic already existing, so I researched a little and then found out that if I create a project based course using PHP that would have no competition, so I created eCommerce website using PHP which became popular since day one, and Udemy also has an algorithm same like Google, you have to use all of your main keywords in the title/description of the course in order to get a better ranking in the results (Good reviews from students also helps). And for Youtube, I usually try to focus on Meta DATA such as title, description and tags. The video thumbnail is also very important these days.

Future of Internet

Question 8: How do you See Internet? and What do you see the future of it?

Answer: Well Ali, that’s a very interesting question, I feel that Internet is an amazing revolution in modern times. If there was no internet, I’d be nowhere. And I see the future of internet very bright and more advanced.
Me: Artificial Intelligence.. Maybe.. But who knows? 😀

Learning for Audience

Question 9: Any Interesting Experience from your Online Business Journey you would like to share with the audience?

Answer: Online business is all about learning and Implementation. Nothing works overnight, You have to keep on implementing and testing new stuff, basically if you understand what you are doing then there is 99% chance for success.

Suggestions for Professionals

Question 10: Any suggestions you would like to pass to the professionals, who are already earning money?

Answer: My advice to them will be that you need to be honest with yourself and people you are working with. Don’t hesitate to take bold decisions at crucial times. Never stop learning, as online business is all about new opportunities and new techniques. so nothing is permanent here.

Advice for Newbies

Question 11: Any suggestions you would like to pass to the newbies in this field?

Answer: Don’t start anything before properly understanding it first. I started Blogging in 2010, but before starting blogging, I had invested at least 3 months to learn it. and when I started teaching on Udemy, I had spent at least one month in learning and understanding it. So please learn a thing legally and properly and then start it to get experience and use that experience to master it and think big!

Suggestions for

Question: Do You Have Any suggestions for and How its going?

Answer: You are welcome Ali Raza, is going great and I like the monthly reports which you are publishing every month. I think you are the first blogger from Pakistan who shares his monthly earning. Secondly, from user experience point, I’ll suggest to move the top banner somewhere at the bottom and there should be a menu of links at the top. rest everything looks great.
Me: Thanks for such an appraisal and Yes the number is very few and I’m glad to be the first blogger who started the concept of Monthly Income Report in Pakistan, but the number is slowly increasing and i expect to see new faces this year who will be sharing there monthly reports as it’s a great way to track your performance and goals as well building a relation with your audience.
As far as the suggestions from the user experience point of view is concerned, I have noted your concerns and I will definitely be reviewing them. 🙂

Question: Thanks Abdul Wali Brother for your time and answering the questions in explanation.. Hope you have enjoyed the interview.

Answer: Your’s welcome Ali Raza. Your Questions were great, Hope it’s going to be a good learning for your audience.

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Ending on Abdul Wali’s Interview

Thanks everyone for reading out the interview. For those who want to learn, Abdul wali story is quite deep. You can learn few things from him as such I was able to :You shouldn’t need to be worried on what and how people will react to whatever you are doing, just keep on doing. Don’t lose hope, God have a better plan for you.His native language is not English, In fact he has never been to a school but he has thousand’s of students from First Tier World Countries and One of his course is being recommended by the Singapore government itself for there employees.

So What Did you Learn from this Interview? Share your Thoughts via Comments.

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About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.


  1. Thanks for sharing This article with us.i learned how Abdul Wali was earning through Udemy and thanks for inspiring us to do better.

  2. Hey Ali,

    I like your blog post about an interview with Abdul Wali. I really learned a lot from this your wonderful interview with one of the Udemy Instructor geeks Abdul Wali. I enjoyed reading it.

    I appreciate you Ali for sharing this interview with us. and thanks for giving the motivational answer, Abdul.


  3. Hi Ali
    Very inspirational interview; I have been following brother Wali since long but here he shared so many quite new things about his struggle.

    Well conducted interview with focus on his those aspects that really people want to know to grow professionally.

    Many thanks for sharing

  4. Hello, Ali bhai!

    He’s a great personality! I am honored to meet him twice in last one year.

    What I learned from him is that don’t make your limits your excuses.

    Thank you for interviewing him and that revealed many great things to learn from. 🙂

    ~ Adeel

  5. Loved this interview, I know Abdul wali from this youtube channel and I also follow him on facebook as well.

    I must say he is doing really great job by providing free education on youtube.

    Thanks for wonderful interview.

  6. Thanks for sharing Abdul Wali interview details. I inspired by his discussion, and without any suspense, he has explicitly mentioned how he is earning through his blog. His interview details will inspire lots of us. I learned a lot from this interview article. Thanks for this excellent interview.

  7. Hi Ali
    Very motivational interview, I have been following “onlineustaad” since long but here he shared new things about his struggle.

    Many thanks for sharing

  8. This is a great interview. Ali Raza you are also an inspiration and Abdul Wali too is. I am also a blogger and follows you people.
    One thing here i need to mention is that Udemy currently has no payment options other then PayPal in Pakistan. Is there a genuine solution to this? How Abdul Wali gets payments from Udemy?

  9. Hi!
    Ali bro Thanks for sharing such a great, amazing and inspiring interview of Abdul Wali.
    Also liked your blog and your act to sharing revenue reports with visitors.
    God bless you. 🙂

  10. I’m glad to read your blog its really nice interview and a really good personality is here so thanks for the nice interview.

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