This article is a part of my branding series which started from How to Build Your Personal Brand on Internet and today, I’m going to discuss on How to Build and Start a Brand with Facebook Page.
People are establishing businesses off of Facebook pages, not to mention Facebook advertising. But a lot of us still believe that Facebook pages are just for memes and quotes. If you haven’t seen the examples of people who established their brands through Facebook Pages then it’s not my mistake because people are doing stuff. It’s true that the organic reach and everything that used to have with ‘Facebook pages’ isn’t the same but still things are possible.
For instance, even if the Facebook ad is the best option to use on a Facebook page, if you haven’t started a page, then how you would advertise and what you would advertise on Facebook.
Similarly, Facebook is a wonderful way to grow your business brand as well, you can create further brand awareness and engage with customers, but if you are creating one because other companies have done it and you have to as well, then you might be wrong.
As being mentioned above, In this blog post, I’m going to teach you about starting a brand with a Facebook page.
Because This is really happening.
I don’t care if you’re a housewife, a 19-year old medical student, or a 40-year old dad who doesn’t know much about Facebook.
If you want to do something online and Facebook is something you’re familiar with then you should stick to the blog post because I’m going to share the tactics of building a brand with a Facebook Page.
Note: You can simply reject this guide if you think it’s not worth it. Because we all make mistakes and we all have flaws and it includes me as well. Maybe, this guide might not be relevant or useful after 2 years from now or maybe it’s not for you, anyway. But I need to push it for now because it could help someone. If you disagree, please don’t follow my advice.
Let’s get started with it!
How to Start a Brand with a Facebook Page?
Follow the trail given below and these footsteps might land you somewhere else in the next two years:
Choose the product/service you’re passionate about 
Facebook does have a wide range of categories when it comes to a Facebook page. So you don’t have to look at the Facebook page categories in order to determine the Facebook page type. If you’re doing that, this means you’re starting off on a wrong foot. In other words, it’s like you’re naming the business without having any idea of what kind of business you want to start. So begin with the proper work on your product or service.
Nothing would be better than finding your passion and using that to start a Facebook page. Because you’re starting off to grow it into a business in the first place. So why not to choose something you’re passionate about. I don’t care whether it’s homemade crafts, custom candles, or logo designs. Just be sure what you love to do.
Know and Understand Your Audience
Do you know that too many people are sharing too much information and that too, with the wrong person and audience? Don’t make your brand fall into it. Know and Understand your audience
For instance, some people use facebook as a communication tool to build and enhance links and socialise themselves with their relatives and known people, this helps them in getting more connections and probably new job opportunities too.
But if you decide to open your friend list for everyone, you will most probably see mess around and as per facebook algorithm, you may even see less engagement with your facebook content then before.
So understanding your audience and your potential customer is an important aspect of your facebook branding strategy.
Fill up the Facebook page with essentials
You don’t want to make a Facebook page that people land on and find no cover picture. Instead, when you set up your display picture, cover, and other necessary elements such as CTA, bio, URL, and other detail, you actually get to explore more what a Facebook page can do for your brand. After all, you’re starting up a small business through a Facebook page.
Let’s have a quick look on my facebook page.
This is my cover photo..
This is a quick glimpse for about me :
You can go to my about me page and look for more.
So take your time to fill all that up before inviting your friends and family to like the page. You can use Canva to create your Facebook page cover and display picture. Facebook would require you to fill up some details about the page to serve you better. It might be page type, bio, URL etc. Once you fill up the detail and finish it off, your page would seem ready to go.
You must have some content to publish beforehand. A lot of people make a mistake that they reach to the point where they finish up making the page ready and leave right away. In fact, they start inviting people over to like it. People don’t like the empty pages. So begin with publishing stuff right after making it.
Use Buffer to schedule your posts. You must be publishing twice a day or more than that. Once you start publishing content on a consistent basis, then start inviting friends on the page.
Add up the call-to-action button
It’s important to have a call-to-action button, therefore, Facebook introduced it in the recent past. It does a lot of work for the page owner to direct the traffic towards different outlets. The best part is the edit feature of this CTA button. You can define where you want to direct the traffic once they click on the button. So always consider adding a call-to-action button on your Facebook page.
If you want to learn more, checkout my examples of CTA buttons for more learning.
Develop a content strategy
At the end of this guide, if you don’t know about the content strategy then the job isn’t fairly done. You must have an idea of developing a content strategy for your Facebook page. Whether it’s a beauty related Facebook page or a cars related page, the content strategy refers to the planning that the page owner has to do to clarify that how and what type of content needs to be made. If the page owner neglects the target audience during creating the content strategy then it might not be a good idea. Once the strategy has been defined, it becomes a whole lot easier to go with it.
Consistency and don’t get de-motivated :
Do you know how brands get success? It’s because majority of the people give up when they are so close to success. If you want to achieve something, you may need to sacrifice something, you can sacrifice your time, money and everything if you really want to get something big in your life.
Most efforts will fail and Yes you can’t build a strong brand if you don’t have this habit in yourself.
Either people criticise you or love you or fool you, just keep going, just keep on climbing stairs to your ultimate goal and one day you will achieve it.
Other Best Practises to Follow :
Regularly Update Your Content :
This should come in consistency section but being consistent with business and regularly updating your content, both are differnet things.
Make Your Page Worth Their Like Or Follow
Have you ever thought this way? I mean, you should work so much on your page that they feel worthy, proud of liking you.
Make sure that your contact and business details are always updated
Business and opportunities don’t see a time.. so make sure that your business and contact details are updated and in working position.
Actively use Facebook Live as part of your marketing strategy
I have discussed about this in my Marketing Your Business on Facebook without Spending a Dollar? about the importance of regularly coming live and connecting with your audience on Facebook. This is a deep level engagement which proves to give a lot more trust, loyal readership and active followers in long run. I also suggest you to read my How to Start Vlogging guide as it may help you with editing softwares and material to buy.
Facebook Advertising :
Facebook ads have been evolved as a major part of today’s online marketing arsenal. Marketers and Social media experts brainstorm, explore, and try to figure out how to start the facebook advertising that brings great results.
Checkout my below articles for more learning :
Build your brand personality :
No one talks much about it, but it needs to be build. Let me say it again, Have you ever thought to build a personality for your brand? If you haven’t yet done, start doing it. Consider focusing on your brand image and this will help you in defining who is your real target!
Chose an Easy to Access URL :
It’s always a good idea that your facebook page url should be smaller and easier to remember for users.
The idea was to start a brand with a Facebook page.
People start Facebook pages all the time.
Most of them, however, know that it must be based on something they’re passionate about and that’s why they make Facebook pages based on their interests. The only part they miss out is having a business side of the Facebook page.
They make and run Facebook pages as just some pages on the internet instead of running as an online brand.
One of the reasons why I wrote about this is that you must try to convert that Facebook page into a business. And it could have been done if you start off the Facebook page the right way.
In fact, feel free to read out the Facebook basic guidelines on creating a Facebook page.
What difference does this blog post make in your understanding of Facebook pages?
Share your thoughts in the comments section.