How to Genuinely Dominate a Blogging Niche

How to Genuinely Dominate a Blogging Niche (2024)

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Have you ever wondered about dominating a blogging niche?

You might want to see your blog ranking on the first page of Google. You might have published some articles hoping for that first-page spot, but it didn’t happen yet. This article on dominating a blogging niche could turn things around for sure.

Why Dominate a Blogging Niche?

There could be different interpretations of dominating a blogging niche such as becoming an authority in some niche or ranking for the basic keywords in the specific niche.

The idea behind this article is to portray a simple method of becoming a dominant blogging entity in the niche of our choosing. Sure, it doesn’t guarantee that you can become an authority in any niche.

The reason is that some old websites have been holding on to some top positions against the keywords. Not only did they target the keywords right, but they also have established their authority over time. So we have to keep that in mind while making our keywords decision.

So, in this article, you’ll learn:

  • The possibility of ranking the new keywords
  • What to do once you find the keywords
  • A specific SEO-oriented strategy
  • A niche site growth hack

So without any further ado, let’s get into this.

Here are four steps of dominating a blogging niche in 2024 :

Low-competition Keyword targeting

analysing competition

If you haven’t heard about the importance of low-competition keywords, then you must do your homework on that. Low-competition keywords are the keywords that are not specifically in demand and they don’t have high bids in Google ads. So they are easy to target just because a lot of top brands are not paying Google to rank their sites against those keywords and marketers are not targeting those keywords to rank their content either.

You could use Google Keyword Planner or Keyword Tool to get started with finding the low-competition keywords. Once you come across the keywords, create content around that.

Remember that your purpose is to dominate a blogging niche. If you don’t find a profitable, low-competition keyword to target, then don’t worry at all because it could be a blessing in disguise because you could create a better niche blog around your favourite low-competition keywords. You’ll learn more about this in the next step.

Create a Niche-based Blog


The creation of a niche-based blog could open a door of opportunities for you, especially from the keywords and ranking standpoint. One of the fundamentals of dominating your blogging niche is based on creating a niche-based blog.

Let me explain: once you’ve found the low-competition keywords to target, you could create a niche site based on the niche of your keyword. Please remember that I’m not suggesting to create an “exact match domain” because there is a difference in both strategies. An exact match domain means you register your domain exactly the same as your keyword. People have been doing it for a long time, but it’s a long debate. A lot of SEO experts don’t recommend this.

Let’s focus on the niche-based blog. For example, if your keyword is “cheap DSLR cameras under 500 dollar,” then your niche-based blog’s domain could be or

The reason is that if you have a site related to your hot keywords, your chances to dominate your niche would increase because you’d be creating relevant content. The more you’d create similar content, the higher your chances to get rank in Google. Of course, you’d have to create a linkage between your popular content and fresh content so that there could be a fair relationship that search engines could notice.

A niche-based site takes you one step closer to dominating your blogging niche.

Use the Keyword in a Category

keyword research

We are not discussing any specific on-page or off-page SEO here. It is a simple SEO tactic that SEOs recommend. When you publish an article based on your selected keyword, don’t forget to select the respective category.

Category links are important in the eyes of search engines. They are likely to be unique, short, and to-the-point. When you use the keyword in the category, you’d likely to be selecting the category while publishing your keyword-related content. Therefore, all your keyword relevant content would tie together through this category. So you better use this opportunity wisely. Don’t mix it up too much, meaning, don’t create similar categories; there must be a clear difference among the categories. You don’t have to use the exact long-term keyword in the category, but it must be close.

Start an Outreach Campaign

follow referral word of mouth

An outreach campaign doesn’t necessarily mean for the SEO purpose. It’s more of a branding strategy to put your blog in front of the audience. The secret to succeeding in the outreaching campaign is to offer something valuable to the other person. A lot of people directly ask for something without offering something return. It always gets better when you’re offering more than you’re taking. So come up with something that makes you a giver.

However, there are two ways to start an outreach campaign. First is by writing in-depth articles in your niche and reach out to the bloggers, freelance writers, and major publishing sites and request to feature your relevant articles as a resource. Make sure that you’re reaching out to the relevant blogs and bloggers. For instance, you must reach out to a tech blog if you’re a niche-based blog is in the tech niche.

The second way to outreach is to repurpose your content into infographics or get fresh infographics designed and publish on your site along with embedded code. Send out the link to the bloggers, marketers, and blogs (that are relevant to your niche) and request them to feature your infographics.

When you’d try out these outreach strategies, you may not receive more than 5 replies out of 20, but still, it’s all worth it.


Dominating a blogging niche has many factors. It all begins from choosing the right section to jump in and find the market segment that is untapped yet.

Once you figure out a market segment, meaning, you find the right combination of the target keyword and the demand for it, you’ll be able to set the stage to dominate your blogging niche.

One of the reasons is that you would have found the area which people haven’t discovered yet. So it’d give you an edge over your competitors.

Lets Start Your Own Blog Today!

What else would you like to advise to someone who is willing to dominate a blogging niche? 

About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.

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