Blogging vs. Vlogging: What You Should Start in 2024

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Are you confused what to start in 2024? [Blogging vs Vlogging]

If you’re stuck between blogging and vlogging and wondering what you should start doing on the internet, then this blog post is for you. The reason for writing this blog post is that it has become imminent to talk about this, especially when both blogging and vlogging are going to the next level.

Blogging vs vLogging 2024

Before getting deep into these two topics, let me briefly clarify blogging and vlogging:

What is Blogging?

Blogging is a communication medium that publishes written text content on the internet. The purpose of the blogging is to put forward thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and solutions. Bloggers write blogs on their favourite blogging niches.

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What is Vlogging?

Vlogging is a video blogging that serves pretty much the same purpose as blogging, but vlogging is emerging more of a storytelling medium, nowadays. However, there is no pre-defined rule about vlogging. You can do whatever looks suitable to you.  

Checkout my complete guide on what is vlogging as well.

Not everyone who comes across these mediums of communication starts doing it. A very few people despite the fears go and try it out.

It’s not that one medium is better than the other, but the both has it’s own criteria and way of working. Depending upon preferences of each individual, some may choose blogging, some may opt for vlogging and some may opt for both.

I’ll try to shed some light on both mediums, and you should try to study both these things, and choose whatever resonates with you. Good luck!

Blogging in 2024


Blogging is one of the easiest ways to make money online without investment. Everyone is doing it, and I’m sure that you’ve understood the basic concept of blogging. Without a doubt, you should start blogging, if you aren’t already doing it, but now I’m going to give a few points to ponder about blogging just to make sure that you find the true essence of this communication medium. I’m hopeful that these points will clear many possible doubts about blogging that you may have.

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Publishing blogs has become a norm for business owners, corporates, and professionals, as they provide a great platform for engaging with potential consumers.

Take a look:


The number one thing you must be familiar or in love with is writing. If you hate writing, then blogging isn’t for you. You might want to try out vlogging or even something else. If you’re not writing or not interested in the written content, then you can’t run a blog. Therefore, blogging might not be a great option for you.


One of the most important things about blogging is that you should be aware of what you’re talking about on your blog. If you don’t know the topic, you’ll end up writing less-compelling or low-quality content that won’t perform well. So get to know stuff and write about things you’re certain about whether it’s parenting, sports car, or gardening. Don’t mix up awareness with the niche. Niche is a different thing; read next point.


Niche is a blog type that tells what kind of content the blog publishes. The niche could be sports, American football, home & décor, photography, adobe photoshop, or pigeons. It could be anything that you want to talk about on your blog. Bloggers choose the niche they are 100% comfortable in writing content. If you’re thinking to start a blog, then figure out a niche, first of all. Think about what you are passionate about and always like to talk about it. It could be Superheroes of Hollywood or playing golf or egg frying.


If you’re wondering to get into blogging, then one of the reasons might be making money online. It’s true that you can monetize your blog. In fact, the monetization opportunities are limitless. Gone are the days when just Google Adsense was the only option, and no one knows what to do else. You can make money with your blog through various means such as affiliate marketing guide, freelancing, and working on Fiverr.

For example, I sometimes even use affiliate marketing amazon even on my blog, such as at the article of Best 4k Curved Monitors, I used the amazon affiliate program to redirect users whenever they plan to buy a 4k tv.

So now it’s up to you to decide whether or not you should start blogging. Don’t start blogging just because I’m doing or many others are doing it. In fact, ask yourself whether you want to do it or not. It will be you who has to sit down and hustle for a long time to make a steady income through blogging. If you love blogging, then this path is worth taking. Don’t quit your job or don’t stop your main business until you become successful in blogging and the income becomes consistent. If you’re just starting out as a part-time blogger in 2024, then you know the basics now.

Vlogging in 2024

what is vlogging

If you’re wondering that vlogging could be your thing, then read the rest of the blog post to find out the answer. You’ll be able to conclude it for yourself that you should start vlogging or not.

Without a doubt, today, YouTube has turned into one of many ways to make money online which is a primary source of income for vloggers and majority of Vloggers are dependant on it. You can see for yourself how the top vloggers attract huge numbers of views and subscribers on their YouTube channels

Here are four points you should know:

Camera Confidence

I’m not discouraging you or it’s not a necessary thing to have to get started. If you love to make videos, then you’ll develop confidence over time. Just to clarify more that camera confidence is something that makes you look comfortable on camera. If you want to vlog on YouTube, try to stay calm and don’t overthink your voice quality. In short, become comfortable in your skin.

Camera Gear

You might be told a lot on YouTube that you should get a good quality camera or get a mic. People on YouTube are very blunt about their views. Most of them aren’t creators, though, so they don’t understand what it takes to create a video and put it out there. So don’t ever worry about your camera quality, gear, and editing software. You can’t change someone else’s opinions, so better focus on what you love. The top YouTubers around the world started with small family cameras and what they didn’t do is quit. So start whatever you have to film your vlogs or videos, and put it out there. Do checkout my list of best budget vlogging cameras to choose one for yourself.


One of the best vlogging tips would be storytelling. Always try to portray some stories in your vlogs. Vlogs that don’t have a clear narrative or storyline don’t appeal viewers and subscribers are likely to unsubscribe if they think they aren’t interested in the creator’s standpoint. So storytelling skill has a lot of things in it, for example, what’s plot, how to share, where you shoot, and what you tell. All of these elements mix up together to create a story.

Set Ground Rules

Before you even start vlogging, don’t forget to set some ground rules that what you’re going to show in your vlogs, what you can’t, who you can feature in the vlogs, and what you can’t feature. It depends on a vlogger as well as the situation. For instance, sometimes, you’re somewhere and you feel that you should vlog, but the management tells you that you can’t record a video or take pictures here. So you may have to respect the rules and regulations at some points. Similarly, you can also set your rules that where you’d film most of the times and where you won’t. You might watch in top vloggers’ vlogs that sometimes they ask for permission if they’re filming the vlog around someone to make sure that they’re okay to be filmed with them.

So these are things a new vlogger must know if someone is looking forward to starting a career in vlogging. No doubt that vlogging is hot these days and YouTube is full of great vlogs. But you must know that it takes time to grow or you may not grow as fast as someone else grew within months. There are many factors how a video gets ranked on YouTube. We’ll discuss that in the future article on this blog.

Youtube Restrictions

Since majority of vloggers are dependant on Youtube to host their data, it always seems a good idea to learn on what kind of content is accepted on Youtube and what isn’t.

For example, YouTube doesn’t allow hateful content, threats, harassment, violent or graphic content, nudity, spam or scams, or impersonating another channel.

Additional Questions on Blogging/Vlogging

What is the difference between a vlogger, blogger and a YouTuber?

In my opinion, Youtuber is actually a Vlogger.

A Vlogger is someone who uploads videos on youtube and other platforms. So if you upload on Youtube you become a Youtuber, If you upload on Facebook, you become a Facebooker.

While a Blogger is someone who has uploaded a written (mostly) content on a platform such as WordPress, Blogspot or self hosted content.

Can I become a Blogger and Vlogger/Youtuber at Same Time?

In fact, I will recommend every one to become a Blogger and Vlogger both and inter link both of your content with each other to achieve wider audience.

I’m under 18, can i still become a blogger or vlogger?

Yes, there is no age limit in becoming a vlogger or a blogger.

How quickly can i start earning money?

You can start earning from anywhere between 30 days to few months or few years. It all depends on your consistency, marketing and the competition of your niche.

How much I can earn from doing Blogging?

Harsh Agarwal averagely earns around $30,000 per month from blogging, as per his income reports. However he is just a single blogger and there are many bloggers who earns a lot more then him.Learn how to make money from blogging to understand various ways to monetize your blogging traffic.

How much can i earn by becoming a Vlogger or Youtuber?

There is no limit. If you want to know how much does Youtubers earn, you will be surprised to know that some earn as much as millions of dollars every month. I have a complete guide on How to Make Money on Youtube where i have discussed various ways and techniques of earning online through vlogging.

Recommended Readings

Welcome to my blog, your go-to resource where I share tips, tools, and invaluable advice aimed at helping ambitious professionals elevate their influence with digital content and a robust strategy. Each guide below is meticulously crafted to not only provide you with the starting blocks of digital media but also to strategically enhance your ability to captivate and grow your audience effectively.

  • How to Start a YouTube Channel: Dive into the world of YouTube with a step-by-step approach that not only gets you started but helps you understand how to wield influence and capture interest through compelling videos.
  • What is Vlogging? How to Start Your Vlogging Career: Explore the dynamic world of vlogging. This guide doesn’t just introduce you to vlogging basics; it strategizes on turning your passion into influence.
  • Complete Guide on How to Start a Blog in 2024: Get ahead with this comprehensive guide that covers everything from setting up your blog to leveraging it as a powerful tool to influence and engage an audience.
  • How To Start Video Marketing?: Uncover the secrets of video marketing. Learn not just the ‘how-tos,’ but also the strategic planning necessary to ensure your videos make an impact.
  • Best Vlogging Camera for Vlogging: Your choice of equipment can greatly influence your content’s quality. Find the best cameras that fit your budget and style, enhancing your ability to engage with your viewers.

Each piece of content here is designed to not only educate you on the mechanics of starting and managing digital content but also to provide strategic insights to effectively grow your influence in your chosen niche.

Conclusion on Blogging vs Vlogging [Youtuber] in 2024

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I have tried to discuss key strategies on what factors you need to look before you start blogging or vlogging, obviously choice it’s your’s. Both have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Some people do either one thing and some do both. Choice is yours. If you can express yourself good in writing, then writing is a way to go and if you have good communication and presentation skills, you can try vlogging. Of course, you can do both things together too.

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What are you planning to start in 2024? blogging or maybe trying to become a vlogger?

Let’s talk in the comments section.

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About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.


  1. Jayaraj Chanku says:

    Awesome information. I think I should start vlogging soon. Although I like blogging too I think vlogging will be more attractive. Thanks for sharing this valuable article.

    1. Welcome Jayaraj! Definitely Vlogging is way to go for the future. It’s not that the blogging has no future but i also feel like Vlogging is relatively new so it’s easy to jump into it. Best wishes.

  2. Freddy G. Cabrera says:

    Hey Ali!

    I’m doing both this year. I’m getting out of my comfort zone and get in front of the camera to start vlogging this new year. It’s going to be a challenge, but I got my mind set to do it and keep at it for the whole year.

    I’m going to be doing both, blogging and vlogging. I have two blogs, one is a niche blog and the other one is a personal blog. Let’s see how this goes for me!

    Thank you for sharing this!

    Best regards! 😀

    1. Best Wishes Freddy for your vlogging journey! Your’s welcome 🙂

  3. First of all many many thanks. It’s really awesome article for vlogger and blogger. so good luck.

  4. Zeeshan Khan says:

    Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi
    wabarakatuh ﺍﻟﺴﻼﻡ ﻋﻠﻴﻜﻢ ﻭﺭﺣﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻭﺑﺮﻛﺎﺗﻪ
    May the peace, mercy, and blessings of
    Allah be with you. My Brother Ali Thanks for sharing this very helpful article keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks Zeeshan for reading it out. W.salam

      Glad you liked the comparison of both Blogging vs WordPress.

      So what’s your plan? what are you going to start with?

  5. A detailed guide to deciding what can work for you .Personally I like both but find writing easier.

  6. Rico Florin says:

    I could not refrain from commenting. Well written guide on both platforms with key mention of cons and pros.

  7. Leki Dkhar says:

    Thanks Ali for such a nice and well written article, it has inspired me a lots.

    1. Your’s welcome, glad i was of any help to you.

      So what are you going to start with? Vlogging or Blogging?

  8. Great guide, information and instruction. I was confused on either doing vlogging or blogging. But thanks for such great help. I have now planned to become a Youtuber and then eventually will start blogging too [side by side]

  9. Bilal Zaigham says:

    Isn’t blogging or vlogging became too competitive to jump in? I wonder it will be very difficult for a newbie like me to jump in and see any success…

    1. Nope,it never was and maybe never will be. All you need is a right direction and consistency to win in either of them.

  10. I always wanted to become a Youtuber and Vlogger instead of blogging as i feel it takes too much time in writing and structuring. Thanks Ali

  11. Blogging is <3. I have just started blogging after reading your guide and tutorials.

  12. A detailed guide for anyone who is either planning to become a vlog professional or a blogger.

  13. What do you think, how much time it will require for be to become a famous blogger or vlogger?

    1. That depends upon so many factors such as how much familiar you are with tools. How good you are at blogging or vlogging. I may need more data before saying anything.

      Also whats your niche, target market and how frequently you update content?

  14. Sandeep Kumar says:

    Very Good Information For a New Starter on Blog vs vLog.

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