2017 in Review

2017 in review aliraza
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“In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” —Walt Disney

Welcome to the Yearly 2017 Report for AliRaza.co. This is the 21st Progress Report of this Blog. So instead of having a december report, I planned to have a 2017 in review at Whole. The purpose of this yearly report is to review the amount of work I do every month, along with website, social media and subscribers statistics. In other words, I critique the performance of myself and my blog every month to see where i’m standing. Hope you people like it, but still this is an experimented reports as this is the first time, I’m writing an yearly report, so if you have any suggestions or something should i improve on, please mention it freely.

Total Visitors Received :

total visitors received in 2017

Visitors by Devices :

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Visitors by Country :

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Critique :

  • I received a total of 36,665 sessions & 28,677 visitors on this blog averaging, around 3055 sessions & 2400 unique visitors a month.
  • 70% of my visitors use desktop, computer or laptop to visit my blog while around 27% of sessions came from mobile.
  • Majority of my audience and traffic was from Pakistan, counting 13,972 sessions, 38% of total traffic, US accounted for 16.06% with India standing as third with 4781 sessions (13%). Thanks everyone for your love, means a lot to me.


Analyzing Traffic :

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  • Organic Search sent the most traffic with 14,408 sessions, followed by 11,737 sessions by social media.
  • I feel like, there is a room for improvement in bounce rate, what do you think?


Most visited pages in the year 2017 :


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Well In 2017 Year, the top 3 articles were :

However, personally my favourite article is :  How To Make Money online? Because it’s a 10,000 word guide for people who are trying to learn for different ways to make money online.

Subscribers :

Let’s have a look on the subscribers to find and analyze where I’m standing as compared to last month. If you are going to start blogging, then forget earnings and this is the place you need to target in. Forget Income, Focus Subscribers, this should be your ultimate goal with blogging.

Below are the updated stats till 31st December 2017.

Thankfully, all social channels subscribers increased and the numbers were in positive, I’m so glad for the love.

Overall, a total of 6958 people are following me over social media except the following on my personal facebook account. However the bad thing is that the number of increased people is very less and i need to focus on this to improve.


Social Media Traffic in 2017

Let’s have a look on the traffic I received from Social Media Traffic, in the year 2017.

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Major Observations Regarding Social Media Traffic

  • Facebook has always been a constant performer and generating top traffic from me, usually it was sending me 90% of total traffic but my latest tweakings at Quora is also helping me.
  • Quora came on second, thanks to some efforts of developing a profile and building links there with good answers.
  • Stumple upon took the 3rd number.


Now let’s move on to, 2016 vs 2017

Evaluating the performance of this year vs last year helps you finding in either you are going in right direction or wrong, is people do really like what you produce or eventually you are loosing visitors. Let’s evaluate this year performance vs last year :

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  • I received 36,665 sessions in 2017 vs 18,582 sessions in 2016, so 97% increase of sessions is great actually.
  • While, in 2016 the blog received, 13,534 unique visitors which went to 28,677 unique visitors showing an increase of 111%. Great Going.
  • Less page/per sessions means i need to do more inter linking for my content, however I did this alot, still I lost the page per session, this needs more evaluation. What do you think, anyone would like to comment on this?
  • Average session per duration is also reduced, however I plan to add more video content on this blog to improve it.

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Why my organic traffic increased by 290% this year?

What do you think, in your opinion, what’s your take on this? As a visitor what factors do you think played a major contribution in such an increase.

Personally on my opinion, I would like to discuss some of the factors :

  • Social media shares plays huge role in improving your ranking factor.
  • Article with references and interlinking is being considered as an authority in Google.
  • Structuring your article with bullets, headings, pictures and videos improves user experience and time spent.

If you want to learn SEO via me, you can join my training sessions [SEO (Search Engine Optimization) |PPC (Pay Per Click) Training Course]. Cheers.

Articles Published in 2017 [Month Wise]

January 2017

February 2017

March 2017

April 2017

May 2017

June 2017

July 2017

August 2017

September 2017

October 2017

November 2017

December 2017

37 Posts were published overall in 2017. To  be honest, not really good, 50 should be the minimum number i believe, but maintaining quality is another thing.

Most Commented Posts of 2017 :

The top 3 Most Commented Post of 2017 are :

Trust me, the above numbers are disappointing, why guy’s you don’t comment on my blog? if you are reading it, than I want your comment, i want you to engage with me here. 🙂

Checkout my Affiliate Marketing Guide

Question of the Month?

How did your blog improved over the year? Did you use any special strategy?

Not at all, your best teachers are your readers, learn from them, what do they like and what not, they are the best teachers, in fact thats how i improved and learned over the year.

I keep on evaluating and judging myself and my blog as a user’s perspective to keep on improving and where required, I don’t mind asking my visitors to pass me suggestions. The second strategy is, when you become consistent with any thing, you become more interested about it’s result, performance and other factors and your interest widens in it and that helps you in evaluating yourself as well.

P.S. Do you want me to answer your question in my next month report? Reach me and ask it!

Testimonials Page

I have also created a testimonial page for my blog, checkout how my blog has made an impact on some of my reader’s life by visiting the testimonials page.

If you have to left a feedback or testimonial, I definitely want to hear, what do you think of my blog? Do pass your testimonial(s)/feedback here.

Goals for 2018

2018 is on it’s way and January is already started. I do have my new year resolutions as well, hope I do pass them. You guys can keep on reminding me, in case if i forget something somewhere.

Let’s be straight and honest, I have so far set following goals for my blog and myself :

  • I want to publish, at least 50 quality blog posts this year.
  • I will be rolling out a new theme for this blog no later than april.
  • Hopefully will have more blog comments on my posts, trust me the above number is disappointing.
  • I want to roll out Question & Answer Segment on this blog, half of the work is already done.
  • Hopefully I will be doing vlogging this year, however majority of them will be in URDU/HINDI language.
  • Seeing the current progress of Search Engine traffic, I expect to raise it by 150% at least in 2018.
  • I also want to multiply 2017 traffic by 100% in 2018, help me guys in it, by sharing it my articles and link where possible.
  • I will also be launching my long delayed courses [PPC & SEO] on Udemy in English Language. Will you be buying if i launch it?
  • I also want to complete Facebook Marketing Course this year as well.
  • On a personal side, I’m expecting to loose at least 15kg this year. Keep on reminding me in a positive way, in case if i don’t share it with you guys. [Current Weight is 118Kg]

SEO Services :


Finally, SEO services are available on this blog. These services were supposed to be launched few months ago but it was postponed due to to some reasons, but in anyway it’s a good news that they are finally available now.

At the moment, there are two packages available.

SEO Small Business Package

This package is basically for starters and small business. The package is available for $125 for recurring time. You can check more details on the package by clicking below.

Click to Check SEO Small Business Package.


SEO Medium Business Package

This package is usually for Medium to Small Business’es. It may varies according to the competition of the keyword. You can check more details on the package by clicking below.

Click to Check SEO Medium Business Package.


Terms and Conditions :

  • Payments are accepted by Bank Transfer, Wire Transfer, Skrill, Payza, Payoneer, Bitcoin, Western Union and Paypal.
  • Please note that once these services are ordered there is no refund option.
  • We usually over deliver the links from what we commit, so if any links isn’t online, the extra compensation may adjust for that.


Trainings Session :

For those who don’t know, I’m doing two type of online trainings at the moment.

You can reach me, if you have any questions.


Paid Post Invitation :

As always, I welcome companies or individuals to share quality content with my readers through my blog. If you have something worthy to share with my audience, then you are welcome to reach me to discuss on it. Make sure, Your content needs to have a top notch quality. If you also want me to write on a specific topic, do let me know, i will do that on minimal charges. =)

Your Turn and conclusion

With all of the above data, I’m happy to conclude my 2017 year for my blog, it was a great year for me with so much great content, encouragement and obviously such great people and readers visiting it regularly, I owe you guys.

‘Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish’ – Steve Jobs. The success lie’s in continuous improvement, learning out new things, testing and never getting satisfied with what you have. Goals are made to be broken, I know i will break some goals tomorrow but then I will create new goals too and thats how you remain motivated.

Anyway, Thanks for reading my Yearly 2017 Blogging Report, hope it was a good read for you. Hope the 2018 turns out to be even better..  As always, I’m open to criticism, what are your thoughts on my blogging strategy? Did i miss something? What do you want me to add in my monthly or yearly reports article? Every appraisal and criticism is welcome here, please do comment on what you think.


So what are you waiting for? this isn’t a bad earning from a blog and that too, in your part time efforts, So If you are interested in starting a blog for your own or you want to have an online presence, or you as a company want’s to engage your audience with a blog, why don’t you have a look on my tutorial for a complete blogging series which will help you to start your blog in just 15 minutes for a fairly cheap price (the low price is only through my link), For your information, if you will buy 12 months of blog hosting via my Bluehost link you are going to get 1 free domain as well, and the cost is going to be dirt cheap at annual package and it’s fairly easy to earn money from blogging too if you have a self hosted blog and you know how to monetize it well, also if you have bought it from my link and still having troubles, then reach me for a FREE setup, Good luck!

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About the Author: Ali Raza

An Internet Entrepreneur who converts visitors into customers; A Google & Microsoft Advertising Professional with years of experience in Internet Marketing, Social Media and Blogging.


  1. A long article but worth reading, amazing stats and data you gathered. I would love to add my suggestions too, that is all about adding more traffic resources as major and organic other than social media.
    That would be recurring traffic and will hit numbers big in 2018.
    All the best Brother (Y)

  2. That’s Incredible Ali,

    It always makes sense to compare yourself present vs past. The statistics I can see there, shows and massive improvement considering the overall traffic sessions.

    And really appreciate the effort to compiling the hell lot of data together and motivating the fellow bloggers and Internet Marketers. Whereas the question you asked in between the post about pages per session.

    It generally gets decreased if the blog is popular and visits are more as it collects on an average. As you know some folks just visit to take a sneak of the blog popularity, if the traffic is direct. You know it better.


    1. Thank you so much Navin for reading the article, I appreciate.

      I also appreciate your suggestion for pages per session and it makes sense to me. Stay blessed! 🙂

  3. Asalam-o-alaikuM, Ali bhai!

    MashALLAH! Best of the best you’re doing!

    And, InshALLAH, you’ll do the greatest of great in 2018 and beyond!

    The best of you is you keep testing and apply. No second thoughts and just apply what you think and what you want to test.

    Thinking without application is the name of procrastination which you’re not up for! 🙂

    Keep growing as always!

    And thank you so much for having my testimony be part of your blog! 🙂

    Good luck!!

    And meet soon! 🙂

    ~ Adeel

  4. Hey Ali,

    I’m glad that you did well in 2017 and I wish you the best in 2018.

    I’m still learning about SEO. This was very inspirational.

    – John

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